My grow area


New Member
So basically the question I had with this set up it because it is so large (the green area is about 8'x 8') do I need to constantly vent the air?
Today was about 84* and with a 1000watt light running for 2 hours the temp remained at 70*(WITH NO AIR VENTING) maybe climbing only 1* during the entire 2 hours.
I figure if I run the fan vent system I will essentially be pumping the hot outside air into the basement. My plan was to run the light at night say from 8pm-12noon, along with the vent system. Pumping in cooler night time air. Then stopping the light and all intake of air during the hotter hours of noon to 8pm. During this time I would have 2 fans rotating air around the basement.

Will this work or do I need to be pumping fresh air the entire time, even when the lights are off?
I would at most be growing 6 plants at once in this area. So I figure there is enough air to last a while because the entire basement is probably 35'x20'

Also the humidity is staying at 15%. I don't wanna spend huge amounts on humidifiers to fill this large area because I am only using a small amount.

Can I buy vapor ones and have a couple small ones near the plants? I assume 15* is to low for any grow period. Also There is bare pink insulation about 10' away from the green grow area do I need to cover this or will I be good if the air flow from the side of the insulation doesn't run through the grow area?



New Member
Thinking I may even stop the air pumping around 9am and leave no air pumping from 9am-12noon. because the outside air will probably get warmer and raise the temp faster than the light would heat it up.


Well-Known Member
With an open room that big, I would put your exhaust on a timer to save on energy. You have more than enough air in that basement to last a day or 2. I'll bet your humidity should also climb up once you start your watering.


New Member
With an open room that big, I would put your exhaust on a timer to save on energy. You have more than enough air in that basement to last a day or 2. I'll bet your humidity should also climb up once you start your watering.
I was thinking about laying the intake duct into a kiddy pool filled with water. as the air blows past it it should pick some humidity up and raise the basements %


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't add a pool to a room running a bunch of power. Look on craig's list, or a local yardsale for a small humidifier. I think you'll be surprised how much moisture the plants will throw off as you start growing.
do mind if I sit in and listen I just started a post my self in the area new set up maybe you can help my thread is soldier needs help I am just getting started my self


New Member
do mind if I sit in and listen I just started a post my self in the area new set up maybe you can help my thread is soldier needs help I am just getting started my self

Over all its a good place to grow. I plan on making white tarp section that surrounds the plants. that way where the plants are will get slightly higher humidity and be protected from dust that might be kicked up. I still need to figure out power situation. The outlet in the basement is the only one and it shares a breaker in the garage. Tripped yesterday