Nigeria (Nairaland)

So I googled "inevitable cognate", because I am trying to figure out what it is, this thread was the second result, and it was the only one that had the two words next to each other.

Can anyone explain what this means?

Probably a Freudian slip over the inevitable bottle of cognac he downs daily.

Also a possible Colgate reference.
I voted for Gary Johnson.

Romney always gave me that Creepy Uncle vibe.

in 2008 i voted McCain, but i wasnt that happy with him.

in 2000 and 2004 i voted BOOOSH but i wasnt that happy with him either.

in 1996 I voted for Dole, who I actually liked a lot.

in 1992 i voted for Clinton, and in just a few months i regretted voting

in 1988 i voted Bush version 1.0, and was sorely disappointed.

Definitely understand Gary Johnson, but Clinton? Even as a neo-liberal...
remember the austrailan superhero Josef Fritzl?

nuff said.

Austria / Australia - Different countries, separate continents. Don't know how may times I have to tell you that... You should know as your fighting to keep the white European cultures untouched from the "race mixers" Dr. Klan
no. your interpretation of my definition of multiculturalism is white supremacy, you havent explained what you think multiculturalism is, so your use of the word is pointless.

words have meanings, ya know. we don't get to invent our own and claim them to reign above all else.

for example, you can't describe what white supremacists are trying to achieve and then assign "multiculturalism" to it, although that is what you try to do.

it is not pointless for me to reference what society accepts as "multiculturalism", which is a far cry from your retarded definition.

there's a decent start for you.

further, insisting that i have claimed the government is trying to force me to mate with anyone is a deliberate deception created to cover your inability to defend the REALITY of liberal leftist fake "multiculturalism" which is really just post-modern deconstruction of western culture and replacing it with a confused jumble of random cultural tropes from around the world.

there you go again, beating on the "they're genociding white culture!" drum.

you were the one who claimed the existence of heavy handed government sponsored forced elimination of cultural diversity,*or some such nonsense which can only be achieved by the type of compulsory interracial/interethnic breeding that you seem to have nightmares about on the daily (even though it doesn't exist and never will).

it's about as good a bircher theory as commies poisoning our water supply with fluoride so that we end up living longer and having better dental health than before they started their evil plot.

laughable, man.

your false narrative places me in opposition to cultural diversity, when in fact the real destroyer of diversity is the "multicultural" maafiosos like yourself who judge other people's "cultural sensitivity" by your own and thus find everyone wanting.

the classic kynes table turn.

he prefers "european style societies" (coolest euphemism ever) and describes all the aryan type of women he doesn't want to see lost to the multicultural cesspool of singular mindset!, but it's buck who wants to eliminate cultural diversity through compulsory government interbreeding!

no basis in reality, all nonsense. it's the "baffle with bullshit" tactic that we see so often from mademoiselle kynes when he is unable to dazzle with brilliance. the problem here is that white supremacy can dazzle no one, which is probably why he tries to dress up multiculturalism as such.

you try so hard to be more liberal than thou, and so desperately want to be the sole arbiter of what is and is not acceptable, that YOU are the source of more cultural oppression than even the most vitriolic of white supremacists.

everybody has to pass the bucky cultural sensitivity test, or they are racists.

fuck you.

well, at least you were smarter than shitgun420 and didn't just come out and say "anti-racist is code for anti-white!".

verbose, but it's all hot air. not even worth composing a decent rebuttal like this, although i'll do just that once in a while.

remember, kynes. it's not just me. with no context as to who you were, my wife's eyes wandered over my computer last night and she was compelled to wonder aloud if you were a white supremacist, and she is not one to judge at all.

Kills bugs dead.
He fuckin followed me for months from thread to thread insisting I was a communist. Then he gets exposed as a racist, even though everyone already knew he was and what does he do? Ignores me.

He is a coward.
Probably a Freudian slip over the inevitable bottle of cognac he downs daily.

im a whiskey drinker.

ill explain. a Cognate is two things which are closely related, and intertwined.

in the context i used the closest parallel would be the Multiculturalism as a baby, and the complete destruction of cultural and ethnic diversity as the afterbirth. and unintended consequence which the far left would adore, bur which i abhor.

equality should not require the elimination of all differences, but the acceptance of differences.

the left has taken the campaign to eliminate racism (which was not born of the progressive movement, in fact in the 60's they hated it) to the illogical extreme where it become discriminatory and racist itself.


see the PC cultural dance as they desperately try to avoid being perceived as racist for just TALKING about a word, much less throwing it at somebody?

compare to:
no soft shoe around easily bruised feelings there,
or there
or there.

only certain groups are allowed to get offended. and i dont qualify for Ethnic Outrage Status, no matter how many racial slurs bucky and the PC crew throw around on a daily basis. im just not allowed to complain, because my people deserve it.

thats the OPPOSITE of the stated aim of "multiculturalism".

in fact as bucky does so love to point out, "anti-racism" has in fact become "anti-white", thus the reason for the oft repeated (mostly by bucky) slogan, which i had never heard until i looked up what the fuck bucky was gabbling about with such glee.

even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut, and the assholes and fuckwads on stormfront and such have stumbled across a fact, though it happened entirely by chance.

just think back, how many black comics have you seen reference white people by adopting a nasal voice and whining about something?

imagine if zack galifninakis started strutting and clutching at his junk and shouting about how his "bitches dont be gittin his money" as a reference to blacks. the outcry would be immediate, and the punishment would be severe.

multiculturalism has become nothing but a buzzword used to describe "good racism"
He fuckin followed me for months from thread to thread insisting I was a communist. Then he gets exposed as a racist, even though everyone already knew he was and what does he do? Ignores me.

He is a coward.

What do you expect AC? The rampant islamophobes are the same as the people they hate. You and I saw the humanity in the people we encountered over there...
...the complete destruction of cultural and ethnic diversity...the elimination of all differences...

that's your paranoid theory, not the accepted definition of multiculturalism.

in fact, i doubt that's even your paranoid theory, i'd be more inclined to think that you purposely took white supremacy and tried to slap the label of multiculturalism onto it. it could be both though.

only certain groups are allowed to get offended. and i dont qualify for Ethnic Outrage Status, no matter how many racial slurs bucky and the PC crew throw around on a daily basis. im just not allowed to complain, because my people deserve it.

your people?

you mean birchers?

of course you nutty fucks deserve it. you guys are a blight on our political landscape.

in fact as bucky does so love to point out, "anti-racism" has in fact become "anti-white", thus the reason for the oft repeated (mostly by bucky) slogan, which i had never heard until i looked up what the fuck bucky was gabbling about with such glee.

even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut, and the assholes and fuckwads on stormfront and such have stumbled across a fact, though it happened entirely by chance.

lol, praise for stormfront. awesome.

multiculturalism has become nothing but a buzzword used to describe "good racism"

again, that's white supremacy.
why would it bother you if i wasn't perfect . . . .

to chicken shit to respond with a response so instead i get insulted . . .par for the course in a fin shaggy thread

i mean i cannot make head or tails of what the fuck you were saying.

but if you wanna be a cock, you just go ahead
heres the response you wanted, in the vernacular you used.

proximity andersen screwbean tundra fresnel hackle columbus salesmen jewell alterate candle decorate psychotherapy subtlety coagulable tallyho checksum aurora chair forte gunpowder tabernacle panicked apprise dateline suck cathode federate osseous redound hyannis.
i mean i cannot make head or tails of what the fuck you were saying.

but if you wanna be a cock, you just go ahead
res the response you wanted, in the vernacular you used.

proximity andersen screwbean tundra fresnel hackle columbus salesmen jewell alterate candle decorate psychotherapy subtlety coagulable tallyho checksum aurora chair forte gunpowder tabernacle panicked apprise dateline suck cathode federate osseous redound hyannis.

What the fuck is an inevitable cognate?
What do you expect AC? The rampant islamophobes are the same as the people they hate. You and I saw the humanity in the people we encountered over there...


dont cotton to the crazy of islam, i must hate and fear all moslems.

think it's a wacky cult, that the world would be better off without? i therefore must want to kill all moslems

dont feel the need to bend over backwards to avoid offending their delicate sensibilities,? i am a very hateful person who should be stuffed into a sack and beaten with sticks.

yep. makes perfect sense.

i guess im also a liberal-phobe, a Scientolog-ophobe, a seventh day advet-ophobe, a mormon-ophobe, a cathlic-ophobe, a baptist-ophobe, a new-age-ophobe, and a bullshit-ophobe

it must be very gratifying to shove everyone who doiesnt agree into the "hateful and terrified" box and pretend they are just irrational.

dont cotton to the crazy of islam, i must hate and fear all moslems.

think it's a wacky cult, that the world would be better off without? i therefore must want to kill all moslems

dont feel the need to bend over backwards to avoid offending their delicate sensibilities,? i am a very hateful person who should be stuffed into a sack and beaten with sticks.

yep. makes perfect sense.

i guess im also a liberal-phobe, a Scientolog-ophobe, a seventh day advet-ophobe, a mormon-ophobe, a cathlic-ophobe, a baptist-ophobe, a new-age-ophobe, and a bullshit-ophobe

it must be very gratifying to shove everyone who doiesnt agree into the "hateful and terrified" box and pretend they are just irrational.


"I spew nothing but hatred for every group of humans on earth who is not Caucasian, but don't call me a white supremacist."