
Absolute shatter seems like a long drawn out fuckin process an not really much better in my opinion. I've tried different kinds of wax an different kinds of "shatter" an see no difference as far as potency. Gets you fuckin ripped but so does good wax.
I whip mine with a stainless probey thingy( tech manual page 132) after the freezer in a warm bath. repeat until it waxes..

corso? are all those runs the same strain?

mostly any more I pack it up and send it to a chef. a little coin is easier to find than time

I can personally vouch for the chef.................does good work and the packaging can't be beat.
Absolute shatter seems like a long drawn out fuckin process an not really much better in my opinion. I've tried different kinds of wax an different kinds of "shatter" an see no difference as far as potency. Gets you fuckin ripped but so does good wax.
Have you tried anything that has been winterized? Personally it's no more difficult then just blasting and it's potency is 8-9% higher for having the plant waxes removed and also I have wax free alveoli. I see a lot of backyard chemist with flawed MOP's and some just spreading dangerous misinformation. Not all shatter has been winterized and not everything that has been winterized is shatter. Just saying.
"Butane Honey Oil, or BHO, is the essential oil from the cannabis plant, extracted using n-Butane as a solvent. If it is extracted from fresh material, it is a Concrete, and if from cured material, it is an Oleoresin. A concrete or an oleoresin that has been winterized to remove the waxes, lipids, and fats, is known as an Absolute."-FadeDawg
Nope. Never tried something "winterized" explain this process to me lol

When using non polar solvents like butane and hexane, some non-polar waxes, fats, and lipids are extracted as well. An easy way to get rid of them is to simply re-dissolve the non-polar extraction in 190 proof (~95.5% azeotropic) polar ethanol and stick it in the freezer for about 48 hours at -18C/0F, for the waxes to coagulate.
The waxes will precipitate out of solution as the temperature drops and clump together so that they are easily filtered out with a standard coffee filter, or a Whatman #1 lab filter.
Here is what a winterizing filter cake looks like, while still wet.

After filtering, the alcohol is evaporated or vacuumed off, to leave a pristine Absolute.

Winterizing ISO, Methanol, and Denatured alcohol extractions:
Even though Ethanol is polar itself, it can still be used to remove some of the undesirables they pick up, because it is not as aggressive a solvent as Isopropyl and Methanol. By re-dissolving their extracts in hot ethanol and then placing that in the freezer overnight, some of the undesirables will precipitate out and may be filtered out.
You guys messing with this bho should try QWISO and you'll never look back at BHO...

I use to swear by BHO until I actually tried and succesfully made some extremely potent QWISO oil. It's way more efficient and inexpensive to produce...expand your minds people.
You guys messing with this bho should try QWISO and you'll never look back at BHO...

I use to swear by BHO until I actually tried and succesfully made some extremely potent QWISO oil. It's way more efficient and inexpensive to produce...expand your minds people.
Mind sharing your method? I'd be more inclined to fool around with it, if I knew I wouldn't pick up any chlorophyll.
I have made qwiso a few tines not bad but too much chloraphyl IMO.

I used 91% ISO in a jar 30 second soak then 30 second shake..2 coffee filters.
Whatever happened to good ol' bubble hash? I've tried shatter/wax and quick wash plenty of times and have tried my hand at making them but i always seem to return to grade A hash. Can't keep it around when i make it and others request my services from time to time.

Edited to add, half the people making thks stuff is not purges and generally leaves one desiring better products
Agreed Nnth, basic chemistry suggests That chemical means, crude chemical means mostly from what I've seen, retain unevaporated solvent remains from using crude starting chemicals.
Don't make bho. The science behind it says...........................this should not be ingested.

If only that were the case for things we ingested. Unfortunately science doesn't stop people from eating fast food and many will continue to neglect eating fruits and veggies. Just saying..
Lastly, selecting a suitable butane source is a key step, in that all butane sources aren’t created equal. n-Butane (normal butane) is a simple alkane, with four carbon atoms linked together in a row, with the remaining possible carbon bonding sites taken up by hydrogen atoms.
The simple alkanes all are gaseous at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. They are removed from crude oil before it is further processed, by simple heating. The simplest is Methane, which is only on carbon and four hydrogen atoms, followed by Ethane with two carbons, Propane with three, and Butane with the four.
Pentane is the next simple alkane, the first to be liquid at room temperature and the first to have zero water solubility. From Pentane on, the simple alkanes are named from the Greek alphabet, and are Hexane, Heptane, Octane, etc, on through the light naphthas, oils, waxes, and asphalts.
The formula for all simple alkanes, is the number of carbon atoms times two, plus two, because each carbon atom has four possible bonding sites. A mnemonic device for remembering the first four alkanes, which were named before the Greek system was applied, is Mary Eats PeanutButter.
After removal from the crude oil, the gases are typically de-sulfurized using steam and a catalytic reactive bed, and fractionally distilled into the four basic gases. As fractional distilling separates the gasses by specific gravity, the principal contaminants in n-Butane at that point, will be Iso-Butane, a branched molecule isomer of n-Butane, as well as n-Propane, and Cyclo-Propane, plus low levels of heavier, longer oleaginous alkane wax chains.
Neither of the butanes or propanes are particularly toxic at any sort of reasonable levels. The following for instance is taken from a typical MSDS sheet for n-Butane. The Rat LD-50 (50% dead) is 658000 mg/m3 4 hours. That is breathing a 65.8% pure butane atmosphere and asphixiating.
MSDS info:
Section 11. Toxicological information for n-Butane; Diethyl; Freon 600; Liquefied petroleum gas; LPG; n-C4H10; Butanen; Butani; Methylethylmethane; UN 1011; UN 1075; A-17; Bu-Gas.
Specific effects
Carcinogenic effects No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Mutagenic effects No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Reproduction toxicity No known significant effects or critical hazards.
No specific information is available in our database regarding the other toxic effects of this material to humans.
Chronic effects on humans May cause damage to the following organs: central nervous system (CNS).
Other toxic effects onhumans
Toxicity data
Butane LC50 Inhalation Vapor
Rat 658000 mg/m3 4 hours
Product/ingredient name Result Species Dose Exposure
Products of degradation: carbon oxides (CO, CO2) and water.
QWISO is far from complicated to make and my personal opinion is the taste is hardly affected by the presence of chlorophyll in the final product. I dunno what peoples' obsession is with having PERFECT amber honey oil but jonny is a simple person and QWISO is SUPER cheap, SUPER effective, and SUPER quick. One only needs to search youtube for all the many different processes that people go through to refine their QWISO.

If you like spending $100 in butane and scraping back and forth with a pick for hours in a pyrex dish trying to get bubbles of butane out of your shit, and then spending another couple hours properly purging your shit...then by all means, roll on.

I'm done with my QWISO extraction in less than 10 minutes. If you're one of those impatient little fucks that can't wait for shit to evaporate with 99% ISO for a single fucking day...keep using your shitty overpriced butane. The hippies knew what they were doing 30 years ago with ISO and butane has NOT made the process any better. More expensive and dangerous, but not better.

For all the naysayers that will dispute my claims, TRY IT FIRST before you judge and then you are welcome to come back and grobble for forgiveness for the error of your ways :)

There's a reason dispensaries in Colorado and California medical dispensaries use ISO or Denatured's better than butane.
Clearly there will be differences in personal preference. Would you please explain how QWISO is superior in quality? Are Colorado and California mandated by law not to use Butane?
Agreed Nnth, basic chemistry suggests That chemical means, crude chemical means mostly from what I've seen, retain unevaporated solvent remains from using crude starting chemicals.
Pure bs...had my bho tested and there were no foreign substances, ie chemicals contained in it....this is hype

Also i use food grade n-butane for my extractions