Fist LED grow


Well-Known Member
well I did a bit of research, wanted LEDs a year ago when I had to settle for the 600W as money was tight (might be a good thing tho, LEDs come a long way in one year)

and since Im from Copenhagen Denmark, I did`t want to order them from over sea, so looked for a EU based shop and found Fero

really nice people, growers as well, and nice service with quick reply on mail`s aso.

had a talk with em, since I still had "limited" money to spend on light (700$) and wanted the most bang for my bucks, so decided to continue to use my T5HOs for veg and put all the money in to a prober flowering fixture that could grow some dank (did`t like to watch them youtube videos of people flowering with cheap Chinese UFOs) so did go for best quality available for my kind of money (used around 600$)and used it all on a Customized LED fixture for flowering alone

ended up with a spectrum like this:

120x3W epistar, Buldog fixture with a actuall watt draw of 288W (tho sticker on the fixture say 280W ?)


and the blue/whites

16x6500K CW

seems like all the Red`s is doing there job ;) and the 6500K made a different form the pure 2100K HPS Im positive

Im happy, even got some slight light bleach on 3 of my Bud top`s right under the center of the LED´s .. have moved them up to 15-18 inch`s now as 12-15" was to close :D easily read 4-6K foot candles under them, at canopy level


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are and should be happy with the led fixture. I really wanted to get a veg led to try out as to not mess up flowering, and less light is needed during veg anyways. I think I'm going with an 8 bulb t5 cause of the $ is tight at the moment. I'm already saving for a led fixture for flower though. I think being able to put up a light and not have to worry about heat and air ducting and all that besides basic air flow and cooling. I think I could get used to that. Thanks for the info, good lookin out. I'm gonna start some seeds while I have the M.H. up and when I get the new fixture I'll throw em under there and see what they like more. That's some impressive light for 288 watts! Very nice. I'm definitely getting me one when I have about $700-$800 saved up to get a nice one like yours. Would you mind posting a couple of pics next time you put some up of your little cuties(shouldn't say little, they're not!) Thanks for the time and the help bro, much appreciated. :peace: out.


Well-Known Member
I am, very, just love the "no heat" part of it, well maybe 1-2C but that not much from 288W and its just right under them

under my canopy I have ambi temp`s (Etc. 27C at the canopy level and 25C in the rest of the grow room) I say they put less heat out then if I run all my 6xT5HO tube`s on 294W ,I only run 4 (=196W) as its enough for my 2 small Veg. plant`s

how ever I would like LEDs for Veg. as well, but as its not necessary for Veg plant`s and the T5HO do a great job (got em for free) and Im not the type that just consume or wast money on things that I really don't need (I now use my own beens, low cost soil I mix myself and a cheap basic nutrients if needed, epsom salt and molasses) I´ll wait, tho I have been looking in to them small 9W or 12W LEDs bulbs


might try to make a cheap Veg fixture out of some sheet metal and 8-10 of them bulbs and maybe a few PC fan`s would be nice to safe some power ;)

and did you mean pictures of the LED fixture ?

if so there is a lot in the fist pages of this thread, but here are some more


came in a nice brown box full of form plas :D

provide almost the same Lumens as my 600W HPS and in a much better spectrum, Im sure you can get sumthing similar for 500$ or so if your in the US ? seems to be more expensive to live in the EU :(

and I would not advice you to buy directly from china (cidly might be a exception) atleast not on e-bay

did do some research and choose a EU based one, and paid the "extra" money, as I only needed one fixture I wanted quality, seems like Cree and Epistar is some of the best according to my research, but also have to do with lenses aso.

but they have to be "real" some Chinese once maybe claim they have Epistar in em, or claim they run 3W but have 1W etc

I dont trust em enough to order one fixture directly, I wanted the security of some body els making the buy (in bigger numbers) and offering the warranty (3 years) so I had a better chance to get the real thing inside, have seen many post/you tube videos of people with cheap chinese LEDs and poor plants

if you are US based look in to Area-51 there new one with only white`s and 660nM look sweet

cost 600$


sorry for the long post, just smoked a nice one and is pretty high :D


Well-Known Member
Having one small GU fixture in my house + regular USA socket screw bulbs, I would be concerned with the small GUs not able to dissipate enough heat, but it could be nothing to it

I vegged 4 clones with one 22w WW (looks more like NW) + one 7.5w NW, though the ratios should be the way around. No need to spend big bucks to veg


Well-Known Member
well I see a lot of text and nice info, but nothing about the spectrum or the kind of LEDs they use in them ? or did I miss it ?
No you didn't miss it,it isn't listed but I would be asking them a lot of questions before parting with that much cash.
You probably had the right idea overall to have a custom made,at least you know for sure what you're getting.


Well-Known Member
First of all, your ladies are amazing Slipon, and second thanks for the info on the light in the U.S. good lookin out. I really like the light they have, looks like a pretty good deal. I was just thinking about a veg led really but if it will flower as well then that would be really nice i think. Get a head start on the 12/12 flip and get the buds set before I even throw them under the H.P.S. I'd really like to start to use H.I.D. and led combos and see what I can pull from it. I've done H.I.. and fluoros and have had small success regarding health and vigor not so much weight although there is some additional grams per plant achievable. My real interest lies with adding a flowering & veg led to a nice hps and see what the outcome would be. I'm sure it's been done, but I haven't done it. I just have to say thanks for the help and being so polite and prompt, it's a pleasure conversing with you. Take it easy friend, keep em swellin like melons. :peace: out.


Well-Known Member
I have seen some "all red" UFOs for supplement light for flowering, but if you use a HPS it might be the white/blue light your missing ?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing with the blue light being needed in veg, but I was thinking if I could improve on density or such. Maybe get to the point where I could use a 250-400W H.P.S and get the results of a 600-1000W or something. That's where my thinking was with that. Good lookin out though. I just want to get the absolute healthiest most dense meds I can create. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
When I looked at the picture that same bud caught my eye, the one in front kind of on the right. The dang thing is trying to hypnotize me or something. I know beautiful songs of syrenes can lure sailors to their deaths, but can beautiful flowers do it too? Lookin really amazing Slipon, just beautiful man! I have to +rep you on those, just no getting around it! Peace out.


Well-Known Member
lol, ty, and yes she is a beauty, just a bit annoying that its the small/young plant that turns out to be the best peon, but thats just typical, also typical that I only made one clone, and yes of the big one :D

Ooh well atleast she seem to keep gaining weight, the big one might give me +30 small Bud top´s, but no one will be as big

and since she is a bit behind and seems to be a later finisher (more sativa like) I´ll let her stay as long as it take

the big one I will harvest asap. as I need the smoke :D and that also give me room for the next in line ;)

have begun to mature so I say 2 week`s more (day 53 from 12/12) was in full "pre flower" when I flipped and I did`t flip from 18/6 to 12/12 in one go (did it in a weeks time) so had a few days with less then +13 hrs

so its more like day 55 of flowering, small one is more like 35 days in now as it did`t had any preeflowers before day 3 in to 12/12

strain normally take between 55 and 65 IME depending on how you like the smoke, as its LSD (24% THC and 1,3 CBD) I like it not to mature, or I have to smoke it in bed

lets see, I got my 100x microscope and I want to see 80% cloudy with next to no amber


Well-Known Member
Kids gave me a stomach virus, had me laid out for couple days no food except one cup yogurt and water in 48 hours. But I'm back and getting caught up on your posts then back to bed.

I like that area51 fixture you had posted earlier. Can you see using that as a replacement for my 400w hid veg and flowering in a 2' X 3' grow? Your plants are getting close and it sounds like you are happy with the change to led. Nice work!


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear, hate to be sick, not to often thankfully

and yea I believe it can match the 400W HID, atlest in intensity and Im sure it will out preform the HID in spectrum (=better quality product)

question is then if it cover the same, I would maybe think not, believe its more like 2,5x1,5 if you want +500 umol (strong light)

that is what my fixture cover, but mine run 130W more, the area-51 might have better overall spectrum ? but I don't think 155W will cover 3x3 or 3x2 like a HID

then I guess its more a question for you what you like and what your goal is

do you need more smoke ? I know you don't smoke that much, do you need to grow 4 or more plant`s at the time ?

I also know you enjoy growing, why not grow two nice plants all the time and save money on power and heat then ?

600$ is`t bad, specially when you think about the 250W saved and the fact that you have no bulb replacements for +5 years and no heat to struggle with is also nice, maybe a more enjoyable grow and a better product ? (if possible ;))

just a thought and it is possible to supplement it with some CFLs at the end/side or get one more later on if necessary and if you like the product ?

is`t fathers day coming up ? :D

edit: or do as I did, chop your room in 1/3 and use the small space for Veg with CFLs and up high with head room make a flowering room with the LEDs and harvest twice as often

edited agin, sorry In stoned and off to bed, I meant it CAN match the 400W, just not cover the same ground


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear, hate to be sick, not to often thankfully

and yea I believe it cant match the 400W HID, atlest in intensity and Im sure it will out preform the HID in spectrum (=better quality product)

question is then if it cover the same, I would maybe think not, believe its more like 2,5x1,5 if you want +500 umol (strong light)

that is what my fixture cover, but mine run 130W more, the area-51 might have better overall spectrum ? but I don't think 155W will cover 3x3 or 3x2 like a HID

then I guess its more a question for you what you like and what your goal is

do you need more smoke ? I know you don't smoke that much, do you need to grow 4 or more plant`s at the time ?

I also know you enjoy growing, why not grow two nice plants all the time and save money on power and heat then ?

600$ is`t bad, specially when you think about the 250W saved and the fact that you have no bulb replacements for +5 years and no heat to struggle with is also nice, maybe a more enjoyable grow and a better product ? (if possible ;))

just a thought and it is possible to supplement it with some CFLs at the end/side or get one more later on if necessary and if you like the product ?

is`t fathers day coming up ? :D

edit: or do as I did, chop your room in 1/3 and use the small space for Veg with CFLs and up high with head room make a flowering room with the LEDs and harvest twice as often
A lot of good info. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. Don't think the LED is in the budget this year but I will start saving my nickels.

Hey let's pick your brain...

I wonder how much cool air from my house is getting sucked up to the attic with the exhaust running 24-7? I guess I could have the exhaust switch off with the light and that would save me six hours a day during peak outside temps. My concern is that my first ventilation system isn't as efficient as it could be.

Thinking about having the 400W HID completely sealed and bringing air in from the attic and back out to the attic. Basically I have enough hardware to accomplish that right now. I would use my inline fan and existing ducting.

I can move the carbon filter from the attic space into the grow closet and exhaust the air back into another room in the house. Basically I would recapture the cool air coming in to the grow closet after it's been scrubbed. I would need another exhaust fan and some ducts. Does this make sense or is they way I have it setup the best?

Is it possible to get better temps with this configuration or is it just going to save me on my a/c bill? I have switched the light schedule to nights but fan is running all the time.

Here are some pics to refresh your memory of what I have...The cabinet next to the closet would be a great veg area too.

Thanks for your feedback!


Well-Known Member
hmmm... maybe use the ventilation you got now, sealed on the 400W cool tube so it turns on/off with the light and only thing it do is cool the bulb/light

and then for fresh air/co2 circulation buy a cheap 4" axial fan to run 24/7


if your ventilation you got now is strong enough to cool the 400W completely , you could have close to ambi temp`s in there so all your plant`s need is to get the room air exchanged every 5 minutes or so, not every 1-3 and you do have a small room so a small 4" of a few big PC fan`s could proberbly work (have`t done the math/CMFs, there is some calculators out there, google it)

I dont know about power savings but maybe help temperatures with little cost, if you make your big ventilation/AC focus on the 400W


Well-Known Member
I don't know how your house is set up, but could you put a hole in the floor to bring exhaust in from the lower floor. This would give you a closed system to your grow room concerning your light exhaust. I'm not sure what your attic temps are, but if they're hot enough it wouldn't do you much good to run it through your light. Also having your hood sucking in air as low as it is, it's sucking the cooler air in the room and having your ballast at the top is making more heat and filling the room. I don't know if that makes sense or not? I think you might have to experiment some with what you got and see what you can do. I hope this helps some. Peace out.