Are vape pens the future?

I'll probably never make the switch to wax. As far as variable temps (or more so variable voltage) it already exists for e-cigarettes so im sure it's already there for vape pens. I prefer smoking bud. I feel like concentrates exist at the level they do because people smoke incredibly too much. If it takes more then a bowl to get you need to take a tolerance break.
I disagree with your amount. One bowl isn't much. And it depends on what I am doing and what I am smoking. Right now, at 10:30 at night after dealing with the wife and kid all day, I am about to down a good 4 or 5 bowls of GSC through my 24" straight tube. :)
I think it's going to take a lot of advancement for pens to take over oil rigs. there's simply no comparison to smoking bho out of a pen versus a good nail/dome. pens ftl
Anybody have a recycler? Are those any good to hit or is it all just for show. Looks like it takes good amount of lung power to keep it going.

For those who don't know...
That's a fucking awesome piece linked above, anyways back to the vape issue i gotta say that once again I'm an e cig smoker and i don't know shit about these "vape pens" but it seems to me that they are pretty much the same thing as an e cig accept the price is insanely fucking higher and they have a ceramic heating element... So just to let you guys know you should really invest in an ego twist battery with a charger and an atomizer that is built for extracts instead of spending an insane amount of money for some bull shit that one of these sites are selling... Here is a link to the ego twist and here is a link to the extract atomizer it can all be purchased for under $50 and replacement carto's only cost $10 instead of $50 piece...
Yeah they are pretty great, i use them with kangers t3s and mt3s to feed my nicotine demon, but i am very interested in using my ego twist to vape some bud, I'm so glad i found this thread because after just a little bit of searching i found an extract atomizer that isn't an insane rip off, and prior to finding this thread i had no idea that they made atomizers specifically for extracts, now i just gotta wait for my harvest to come in and ill be ready to go...
Yeah i love the kanger bcc's i've tried a lot of different cartomizers/clearomizers since i got into this a few months ago and these seem to be the best and most hassle free of them all, although i hate that when they get down to half full they start gurgling and shit, either way the only thing i've found comparable to them is the bottom coil phoenix from got vapes.
Yeah man the only thing I hate is I pretty much have to order anything I need. Riverside county is way behind on the whole e-cig revolution. And the few places that do have them are price-gouging like a mother fucker because they have no competition. If anyone out there has 20-30K and wants to start a business....yodel at me.
What is a cartomizer? im new to all this vaporizer stuff ive used one few times before but ive never gone out to purchase one knowing what to get..
What is a good vaporizer like an e-cig to get but for concentrates/oils/wax? The budget is $40-50$.. is there a decent vape pen i can pick up for that ? what are some good brands?
and do you think i can find them in local smoke shops here in San Diego?
Yes they are everywhere. I kinda feel this is all marketing and overrated. I never did invest in a solid pen. Had a couple g pens the larger and mini. I was sold after the first hit. But after that I swear it never effected me the same again. Like some of the other stated it is not the same as taking a dab off the nail. The pens are nice because of stealth factor I never a big fan of the taste either. For some reason the pens don't get me that ripped for what i am used to with wax. I keep one in the car and it is great when I am out. Would never be my primary way to smoke. It's funny a lot of my friends were all over the vape pens and wax early on. None of them really use the pens anymore unless its purely for stealth reasons. Dabs or mix with buds is more effective than those pens that don't even vaporize correctly. Maybe the pens will start getting better. Don't get me wrong they should be part of everyone's arsenal just saying the cool factor wears off at least it did for me.
I bought an Atmos pen for my daughter a little over a month ago that's supposed to burn both wax and bud. I bought it based on a High Times recommendation...only the best for my baby girl! She wanted one, because she doesn't smoke and would rather take her meds without smoke. She likes the pen, except for the fact that she can't always tell when she's gotten a good enough dose of meds, because she has to inhale often more to achieve the "side effects" aka "high" (which, when smoking, signals she's gotten enough). I've put giant dabs of wax in it for her (she can't load a bong or vaporizer due to her disability), and the result it always the same. It makes us both wonder if she's even getting any medication out of the pen.

So for her, bud in a bong is still the way to go. I don't get it with these pen vaporizers, because the e-cigs I use deliver enough nicotine per drag that I only need 3-5 drags every couple of hours...and I was a 2-pack-a-day smoker when I started using e-cigs and it's been that way since Day 1.

But do I think pens and vaping will take over bud n' smoke? Not in a million years. Mithrandir makes a great point, comparing the amazing cannabis flowers to wine. I'll compare it to BBQ. The Best Damn BBQ will ALWAYS involve smoke and particles of the burned material. A vaporizer to cannabis is like a gas grill without wood chips to a rack of ribs. There ain't no comparison!!!