The Irish Growers Thread!

So lads. A long awaited update. Sorry for the lack of enthusiasm over the last few months but being busy with the little one has only been compounded by the fact that every time I get on rollitup and check out the new posts, there's a load of stuff that just bums me out. I won't go into details because I'm sure you know what I mean.

Anyways. This run is looking good so far. I started some seeds about 3 weeks ago and they are all doing well. It's actually a hell of a line-up and I'm looking forward to some of the results. Our contenders are as follow:

2 x Strawberry Blue from World of Seeds
2 x Flash Babylon (automatic) from Samsara Seeds
2 x White Widow from Seedsman
1 x Northern Lights (automatic) from Royal Queen Seeds
1 x Royal Moby from Royal Queen Seeds
1 x Critical Jack (automatic) from Dinafem Seeds
1 x Jack from CH9 seeds

I know that's a hell of a set but read on for the details.
Last night I went and put a few of the plants outside. Hopefully they do well where I put them but if they don't then I'll still be set as far as my personal smoke goes which by the way I only grow for my own smoking pleasure.

Anyway so I'm keeping the auto's inside which means that I've got 2 x Flash Babylon, 1 x Critical Jack, and 1 x Northern Lights inside. I'm running those under an 18/6 lighting schedule next to 1 Strawberry Blue.

I thought about keeping a WW or maybe the Jack instead of the SB but as I've already got a good amount of experience with the SB and know what to expect out of both it's growth and it's high, I figured I'd just stick with that this time.

All of the auto's should be finished within a month and a week or two so by then the SB will have had a nice veg time and at which point I'll put her into flower mode.

The plants that I put outside last night are all in a pretty damn ideal spot so HOPEFULLY they all do well. I'll be topping them in a month or so because where they are they need to be bushy and not tall. If in the end they need to be pulled a little early because of the crappy Irish season change than so be it. Either way, if even ONE plant does good outside then I'll be set for smoke for the fall season while I work on the next batch.

I think that's it in a nutshell. A large nutshell but a nutshell all the same. Good luck to the rest of you and let me toss out a stark reminder that you should keep your shit both low key and small scale. We all love to smoke but I know we'd all rather be sober and free than sober and locked up. Grow for yourself and keep your shit to yourself too.

Keep it green. Peace.
iam, pad.. amazeing stuff fellas...

got the brothers girls a little greener and there starting to stand up a little so few days and they should be good, by the way the stink i have a feeling they`ll be males, ....ever notice that.. your tallest greenest smelliest plant will be male...hahahaha sods law...

been hunting through youtube for ant killer remedy`s... or traps.. any takers????
iam, pad.. amazeing stuff fellas... got the brothers girls a little greener and there starting to stand up a little so few days and they should be good, by the way the stink i have a feeling they`ll be males, ....ever notice that.. your tallest greenest smelliest plant will be male...hahahaha sods law... been hunting through youtube for ant killer remedy`s... or traps.. any takers????
They're right little feckers in a house. I spent half the day killing them,they have overrun one of the grow bags,there is thousands of them in with the plant. Anyway from the little I know about them they are apparently attracted to moisture so is it possible you have a damp spot indoors?
don`t think so dg, could have under a floor downstairs, haven`t had them up yet, the ants are everywhere, and not that i really mind them, just can`t have them in the house, there in the kitchen and sitting room, which makes watching tv with the light off kinda itchy.. hahahaha every now and then one runs across your foot or something and that sets her off and sure you know how it goes from there..
Haha it's been awhile but I still remember how the ladies react to ants etc.Still though they're not exactly what I'd call welcome guests either. Cornmeal apparently cannot be digested by them so they die when they eat it and also they feed the queen with it and she dies so no queen no nest.
have the bakeing soda and iceing sugar method rocking now...

2 thirds soda to 1 sugar and leave it out, seems they have a natural occuring chemical that reacts with the soda and they go pop...
Update of the zilla at day 31, the tent is really crammed now as the pics show, I'm going to have to start a bit of supercropping on the tops to keep them out the danger heat zone of the 600 hps. They are getting dangerously close now and are still reaching skyward daily lol. There's far too many budsites on this thing, I've got 100+ 12 inch colas lol, the biggest danger will be rot in the middle of the dense canopy once she reaches the end of flower. Fuck these big sativas and my small tent lol. Need to upgrade but broke as......

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fill a sock or something with salt and hang into affected area, should help keep off the damp /humid spots...

if any of you haven`t seen it, or even if you don`t have kids, i suggest you give it a look.. before they take it down..
@AE: I didn't put a like because i liked it but because the information was put out to the public makes me want to smack around the abusers. I had a friend that took her two little boys to a daycare here in the states and the owners husband showed up drunk and beat one of her boys who ended up with a black eye! her kids father came and stomped that guy and he got arrested but so did the drunk guy who received a 5 year prison sentence for assault on a child, the mother my friend was struck with guilt and took years for her to get over it.
Morning all, I'm not a parent either but like everyone else was horrified by what went on in those creches.Those women have no training and are paid peanuts so they have no interest in the kids,those creche owners are pulling hundreds of thousands of taxpayers money and are fiddling attendance records but I bet even less will happen to them.I wouldn't stop at the staff I'd go straight to the operators as well and pull them out of their Merc's by the head:) Just heard now on the news those girls in Louth are in a serious way after smoking that weed,I'd love to know what it's sprayed with as well. God knows what the crims are spraying it with.
Those girls smoked hash and the Guards are working on the theory that it was mixed with a synthetic drug. That folks is a good enough reason to grow your own.
So im thinking of upgrading my lights. Mi CFLs are 3 years old now and past their sell by date. What are the reliable electronic ballasts out there. was also thinking 600w but maybe too much for cabinet, but i might go larger cab sometime. I had 450w of CFL inthere and didnt use any extraction this year due to cold weather.
So im thinking of upgrading my lights. Mi CFLs are 3 years old now and past their sell by date. What are the reliable electronic ballasts out there. was also thinking 600w but maybe too much for cabinet, but i might go larger cab sometime. I had 450w of CFL inthere and didnt use any extraction this year due to cold weather.
This is what I'm using and it does everything it says on the tin,even after the end of an 18 hour day it is cold to the touch and is completely silent. It can run from 250w upto 600w with a 10% overdrive. It wasn't cheap at 160E delivered but I reckon it will last.
Good point fr3d!!!!
A lot of the weed that is sold here is sprayed with glass,fibreglass and sand amongst others to give it a frosty appearance and add weight,apparently they sprinkle the crushed glass on the plant during flowering so it sticks to the resin and then becomes incorporated into the buds,it's hard to tell what you've got until you fire up a joint and then you have a horrible taste and a joint that is close to exploding.
ae86 grower:9143117 said:

if any of you haven`t seen it, or even if you don`t have kids, i suggest you give it a look.. before they take it down..

Couldn't watch that program was disgusting can't stand that, and cruelty to animals they should never work in childcare again