Stoneslacker's new 250w micro hempy scrog Blueberry, Blackjack and Permafrost

I`m going to first appologize for reposting a big quote (which was awesome by the way...)

Mapito is a new hempy medium that consists of stonewool or rockwool cubes and polyurethane foam. It is very stable and reusable, and is supposed to get better with each reuse. It is very expensive, around $25-35 US for 1.5 cu/ft. Which is why I've stuck with perlite for now, till it becomes more popular and widely available.

As my buckets are simple drain-to-waste hempys I don't use a sock. Just str8 perlite in a bucket. I do use a small piece of vinyl screen to cover my drainhole, and prevent perlite from coming out before the roots can hold it in place. The reason the hole is in the side is to create a small reservoir in the bottom of the bucket. This allows the perlite in the upper layers to wick water up to the upper root system, and also allows the taproots to sit in the rez and drink. It also keeps water in the bottom of the bucket, letting the plant get water and nutes while still letting most of the upper root zone to dry out and get plenty of oxygen. Then when you water, you want about 20-40% runoff to "flush" out any old stuff in the rez with fresh liquid. Without a rez you would be watering daily without really ever letting the root zone dry out. Which the whole reason hydro has better growth than soil is because the root zone is always highly oxygenated. A system like eastcoastmo's is a recirculating hempy and uses a aerated rez and a drip ring to feed periodically during the day. More oxygen, more roots and growth.

You can really max out plant size with hempy buckets as they don't have the same issues with being root bound as soil buckets. As you can tell from my plants a 1 gallon bucket will support a fairly large plant all the way thru harvest. My buddy who first turned me on to hempy used 3 gallon buckets and grew monsters, some yielding up to 12 oz and 6ft high. Like me he does nothing more than flush periodically and feed with every watering.

Consider my screens are 11 x 22 in one gallon buckets, I don't forsee any problem using a 2-3 gallon bucket for screens the size you're planning to use. Hope this explains a little more about the concept of hempy buckets and why the rez is needed in the bottom couple inches of the bucket. Let me know if I can clarify anything else as you plan and get setup. Peace

What a nice post Stone, cleared some things up for me. From what I gather though, EC`s set-up I`d refer to as a Drip-to-DWC concept, whereas the emphasis for you is to still feed (feel free to chime in here EC if you do feed manually, your hempy is boss also mate). In effect, does it then benefit to have your drain hole about a half in. from the bottom or so as to keep some of that watering intact? I immediately scrapped the sock first thing when putting together the first sampler bucket ... Think I will just screen as you have Stone.

Do you aerate your feedings at all Stone or is mix-and-feed like a soil application, and let gravity do it`s thing? I`m cranked up for some hempy brother, sorry to bloat this thang on ya. Perlite is my favourite medium all-around, which was a main motivator (have like 6-8 4cu.ft bags just sitting at the Factory, haha), and between You, EC, Flowa, and others now gravitating to hempy ... only makes sense I get some in so I can add my two cents ;). Thanks for your support Stone, RIU won`t ever let me Rep you ... but I`ll try ...

KC :weed:
We'd be only too happy to have you here too bro :D hit me up if you ever do come out so we can roast a roach or ten ;)
One of these days man. Would love to see the real Oz, the Outback, you know the wild side. Bit worried about the snakes, mind you I'm not Indiana Jones worried or anything. Just those ones you guys call 2-steppers lol.

  • I will now be able to run 3 plants instead of 2 and really try to push for upwards of > 0.75g per watt.​




Thanks for dropping in. Feel free to post some comments.
I`m going to first appologize for reposting a big quote (which was awesome by the way...)

What a nice post Stone, cleared some things up for me. From what I gather though, EC`s set-up I`d refer to as a Drip-to-DWC concept, whereas the emphasis for you is to still feed (feel free to chime in here EC if you do feed manually, your hempy is boss also mate). In effect, does it then benefit to have your drain hole about a half in. from the bottom or so as to keep some of that watering intact? I immediately scrapped the sock first thing when putting together the first sampler bucket ... Think I will just screen as you have Stone.

Do you aerate your feedings at all Stone or is mix-and-feed like a soil application, and let gravity do it`s thing? I`m cranked up for some hempy brother, sorry to bloat this thang on ya. Perlite is my favourite medium all-around, which was a main motivator (have like 6-8 4cu.ft bags just sitting at the Factory, haha), and between You, EC, Flowa, and others now gravitating to hempy ... only makes sense I get some in so I can add my two cents ;). Thanks for your support Stone, RIU won`t ever let me Rep you ... but I`ll try ...

KC :weed:
No worries about posting questions here KC. That goes for anyone, I was lucky and had some local help when I was planning hempys and it helped immensely. There really is no reason to struggle when there is so much info on this site. I am more than happy to answer any questions regarding the grow or system.

Yes I feed exactly the same as you would a soil. I just let my water set out overnight or a couple days, mostly to have it at room temp. I've found the small amount of chlorine in my tap is no problem. Then I just mix a drain-to-waste strength nute mix and pour a 1/2 gallon on each. This gives me just about 25% runoff which is perfect. I just water in a small catch basin to make it easier.

You would need the rez to be at least the bottom 1 1/2 inches of the bucket IMO. Any less than that and you would have to water too frequently to let the perlite dry out enough. With no or a small rez the upper and lower sections tend to dry out at the same time and rather quick. Once the tap roots which sit in the rez have no water, they start to react like an NFT tube set up when a spray head is plugged. Plants sag and wilt very quickly. So setting your rez at 1 1/2 to 2 inches allows a balance between drying out the medium and keeping enough to hold the plant over. Hope this makes sense, ask for clarification if not.

The only thing I do differently that I don't think I mentioned yet is my flush method. When I flush I plug my drain hole, usually just duct tape over it. Then flood the bucket with my clearing solution, a 1/2 gallon is about perfect for me. Just fill till you see a small bit of water pooling on the surface of the perlite. Let them sit for around 5 min. then pull the tape and let them drain. Tip the bucket over sideways to fully drain as much out of the rez as possible. Then follow with plain water or 1/4 str nutes at twice the amount of your flush solution. Pour this str8 water in the bucket at as fast a pace as it will take, letting it flush down thru the entire medium. IME this creates a type of vacuum as the water passes down thru the bucket and out the drain, drawing even more air down into the root zone.

As always glad to help in anyway. Peace
Sorted everything out for me there Stone. the rest I got on lock (I also use GH nutrients for hydro whether passive or active). The hole distance was my major stuff as the system is supremely reliant on not drying too quickly like you said. Will go side holes as well and will likley start seedlings with a drip until vegging starts for ease.

Whay`s your opinion on starting my seeds in rockwool, transfering to a 2-4in netpot filled with perlite, then going into the hempy? You seem to cut the fuss and plant directly into the perllite which is why I ask mate. I have an aero box I built with humidity/temps maintained pefectly for starts, so that method would work for me ... unless you say otherwise :). I`ll be sure to post up a shot or two of the set-up once it`s done mate, it`ll be half your doing in a way ... :mrgreen:. Finally let me Rep you again too!! As always, keep it green mate, thanks again,

KC :weed:
You could start the seeds in rockwool and use the netpot, but in truth once they start showing roots out of the rockwool cube they are ready to go in your full size bucket. You could go to smaller buckets 1st (I have mine in empty Parkay containers) and transfer to your final buckets, but I really only did that to establish some roots and keep my height down for my makeshift veg chamber. I usually start with fairly well rooted clones so the seedling start is something new for me. I have noticed very little transplant shock with hempy's though, just a bit maybe till the roots hit the rez but very little IME. I will say that starting out with a smaller container will allow you to control feedings more and allow faster growth as the medium will dry out faster and more evenly with a larger root mass to container ratio.
I`m going to first appologize for reposting a big quote (which was awesome by the way...)

What a nice post Stone, cleared some things up for me. From what I gather though, EC`s set-up I`d refer to as a Drip-to-DWC concept, whereas the emphasis for you is to still feed (feel free to chime in here EC if you do feed manually, your hempy is boss also mate). In effect, does it then benefit to have your drain hole about a half in. from the bottom or so as to keep some of that watering intact? I immediately scrapped the sock first thing when putting together the first sampler bucket ... Think I will just screen as you have Stone.

Do you aerate your feedings at all Stone or is mix-and-feed like a soil application, and let gravity do it`s thing? I`m cranked up for some hempy brother, sorry to bloat this thang on ya. Perlite is my favourite medium all-around, which was a main motivator (have like 6-8 4cu.ft bags just sitting at the Factory, haha), and between You, EC, Flowa, and others now gravitating to hempy ... only makes sense I get some in so I can add my two cents ;). Thanks for your support Stone, RIU won`t ever let me Rep you ... but I`ll try ...

KC :weed:

Yep that's right KC, mine and Flowas are more recirculating hempys if that makes sense, with oxygenation in the res rather than the bottom of the pots :D
You could start the seeds in rockwool and use the netpot, but in truth once they start showing roots out of the rockwool cube they are ready to go in your full size bucket. You could go to smaller buckets 1st (I have mine in empty Parkay containers) and transfer to your final buckets, but I really only did that to establish some roots and keep my height down for my makeshift veg chamber. I usually start with fairly well rooted clones so the seedling start is something new for me. I have noticed very little transplant shock with hempy's though, just a bit maybe till the roots hit the rez but very little IME. I will say that starting out with a smaller container will allow you to control feedings more and allow faster growth as the medium will dry out faster and more evenly with a larger root mass to container ratio.

I agree with you man, I've started seeds straight in the rockwool before and it's worked well. When cloning I use small cubes of rockwool, then once I see roots, I put into a larger rockwool cube and straight into the perlite. somehow it gives the roots a little more of a push to breakthrough the rockwool. Dunno man, that's how I do it anyway :lol:

Have you guys ever had any drama's popping G13 Labs beans? I've been trying to crack 3 C99 freebies that I got and can not for the life of me get them to pop :( I just hope the Blue og's that I paiid for pop, won't be happy if they dont!
Stone, great advice about smaller container size to start with, your plant will grow ALOT faster and go through less shock IMO from container to container if marginal differences. :bigjoint:
I agree with you man, I've started seeds straight in the rockwool before and it's worked well. When cloning I use small cubes of rockwool, then once I see roots, I put into a larger rockwool cube and straight into the perlite. somehow it gives the roots a little more of a push to breakthrough the rockwool. Dunno man, that's how I do it anyway :lol:

Have you guys ever had any drama's popping G13 Labs beans? I've been trying to crack 3 C99 freebies that I got and can not for the life of me get them to pop :( I just hope the Blue og's that I paiid for pop, won't be happy if they dont!
Never had a problem with G-13 or ANY others for that matter until now... Greenhouse Lemon skunk, it's been 5 days and nothing yet :( all my other seeds have popped in 3-4 days.. Hope this works out as I really like the lemon skunk and I thought greenhouse were a reliable company. I did notice that this seed was a lot smaller then any other I've tried.? Good luck easty.

Lemon skunk was gonna be my first attempt at hempy...
Beans may just be slow Downit. Had a run of Jacks take me 8 days to pop and usually takes my method within 48 hours. Some like a little different things, be patient, the LS is very nice, done a few runs of them. Journal that and I`ll pop in mate :)

KC :weed:
I agree with you man, I've started seeds straight in the rockwool before and it's worked well. When cloning I use small cubes of rockwool, then once I see roots, I put into a larger rockwool cube and straight into the perlite. somehow it gives the roots a little more of a push to breakthrough the rockwool. Dunno man, that's how I do it anyway :lol:

Have you guys ever had any drama's popping G13 Labs beans? I've been trying to crack 3 C99 freebies that I got and can not for the life of me get them to pop :( I just hope the Blue og's that I paiid for pop, won't be happy if they dont!
My buddy had no problems with the PE beans he popped, all 5 popped. I never presoak my beans, I take a paper towel and fold it in half 2 times then wet it but don't wring it completely. Leave it a bit damp and put the folded towel in a ziploc bag. Don't close the ziploc and keep it in a dark place, I put mine in an old computer game cd case and keep it wet but not soaking. I just use a spray bottle to wet the towel. Usually after 24 hrs they've cracked and 48 hrs they're ready to plant. Hope your c99 are just being stubborn.

Stone, great advice about smaller container size to start with, your plant will grow ALOT faster and go through less shock IMO from container to container if marginal differences. :bigjoint:
I usually start out with well rooted clones so they just go in their final bucket when I first get them. This will be first seed run with hempys so Im trying to figure things out as I go. My auto I am worried about, she is going outside soon and I hear auto's struggle with transplanting sometimes.

Never had a problem with G-13 or ANY others for that matter until now... Greenhouse Lemon skunk, it's been 5 days and nothing yet :( all my other seeds have popped in 3-4 days.. Hope this works out as I really like the lemon skunk and I thought greenhouse were a reliable company. I did notice that this seed was a lot smaller then any other I've tried.? Good luck easty.

Lemon skunk was gonna be my first attempt at hempy...
Hope those LS beans pop for you, the lemon skunk is a very nice smoke. Be careful tho, she will stretch a bunch. My buddy has the GHS LS and the GHS Trainwreck. He put both in flower at about 18 inches tall. The TW ended up a nice bush at around 5-6 feet. The LS reached his 9ft ceilings, even after he moved it off his table to the floor and snapped over the top 12 inches. She is a very tall and lanky girl.

Beans may just be slow Downit. Had a run of Jacks take me 8 days to pop and usually takes my method within 48 hours. Some like a little different things, be patient, the LS is very nice, done a few runs of them. Journal that and I`ll pop in mate :)

KC :weed:
Ya using the method I use, beans usually crack and are ready to plant in 48 hrs. The only ones I can remember my buddy had problems with are the Exodus Cheese from GHS and the Dutch Passion Blueberry(I did not like this BB, go with Flo or Sagamartha).

Shut the light down this morning and they'll get darkness till Friday night. I also cut the strings and removed the screens, give them some freedom till the end. I'll harvest the BC and BJ Friday night and if I'm not completely worn out I'll take the BB down too. If not then Saturday the BB will come down. I'll throw some pics up pre-chop.
Nice job stone! Ill tell you what though,you guys are patient;) If after 8 days a bean wouldnt pop, Id tell myself it was gonna be a male anyways, throw it in the bin, and have planted 2 others as a fail safe:) ADD is a bitch sometimes... :-P

Im interested to see how those rooters take to the transplant stone, I think it might work out a bit more seamlessly than the rockwool but perhaps water a bit more often??
The new girls have adapted to their hempys nicely. All three are starting some good growth and I gave them their first bit of nutes last night. The poor auto in the dirt pot is not doing so good. She looks fine but has nowhere near the growth of the 3 hempys. Another 10 days or so and I'll transplant these to their final hempys and hope to start mainline training a week after that. Going to shoot for 4 heads on the B. Russian and Maz x GWS and 2 on the NL x Skunk.

B. Russian

Maz x GWS

NL x Skunk

Auto NL x Big Bud


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Their looking good SS! starting to shoot up quick in those mini hempys bro. Im excited for your harvest too!...soon after harvest youll be popping open your jars of freshly trimmed bud (as im doing now) and enjoying that sweet sweet aroma!
Coming along nice stone! I use the same starter plugs as u and I'm so hoping the lemon skunk popps!!! I've smoked it before and loved it so I ordered it. Lol I'm a fan of the old school skunk. It brings my back to when I was 19, damn that was along time ago... What size are those pots or r they cups?
Nice job stone! Ill tell you what though,you guys are patient;) If after 8 days a bean wouldnt pop, Id tell myself it was gonna be a male anyways, throw it in the bin, and have planted 2 others as a fail safe:) ADD is a bitch sometimes... :-P

Im interested to see how those rooters take to the transplant stone, I think it might work out a bit more seamlessly than the rockwool but perhaps water a bit more often??
I have been watering just enough to moisten the plug. Last night was their first full watering with nutes and I soaked all the perlite thru for the 1st time since putting them in hempys. I was only going to run 2 plants this run but the Maz x GWS had problems when I popped her so I hatched the NL x Skunk as a backup lol.

Their looking good SS! starting to shoot up quick in those mini hempys bro. Im excited for your harvest too!...soon after harvest youll be popping open your jars of freshly trimmed bud (as im doing now) and enjoying that sweet sweet aroma!
Yessir! Can't wait to chop em and get started!

Looking forward to hearing how the Mazar x GWS turns out. I'm on board!
I was a bit worried about the Maz, her and the NL x Skunk were freebies from World of Seeds and both had problems shedding their seed shells and membranes. Had to cut both out of their shells but they both have seemed to recover nicely. This will be a bit of a fun and experimental grow for me as I'll be battling 90 degree cab temps and won't let myself get stressed out too much about it. Just gonna try to get some mainline experience and practice for the fall run, so no expectations this grow. I'll still put forth the full effort but it will be a battle with Mother Nature indeed. I really liked the GWS, very tasty and hard dense nugs so I am excited to get to try this cross out too.

Coming along nice stone! I use the same starter plugs as u and I'm so hoping the lemon skunk popps!!! I've smoked it before and loved it so I ordered it. Lol I'm a fan of the old school skunk. It brings my back to when I was 19, damn that was along time ago... What size are those pots or r they cups?
Hope the LS pops for you to man. I really like the LS myself, my buddy grows it but is going to let it go because it is so lanky and doesn't produce. But he has patients to worry about keeping supplied. I definitely think she is a keeper.
The girls are in 16oz parkay margarine containers. Needed something low profile to fit in my makeshift veg tote until the big girls are done and I can move them under the MH.
Some good activity in here today, wxcellent Stone, nice post earlier mate. Love this journal man, visit here even before my own thread!! Keep that `community` feel coming Stone, great work as always lad,

KC :weed:
Never had a problem with G-13 or ANY others for that matter until now... Greenhouse Lemon skunk, it's been 5 days and nothing yet :( all my other seeds have popped in 3-4 days.. Hope this works out as I really like the lemon skunk and I thought greenhouse were a reliable company. I did notice that this seed was a lot smaller then any other I've tried.? Good luck easty.

Lemon skunk was gonna be my first attempt at hempy...

Yeah I'm the same dude, I've popped more beans than I've had hot dinners and this strain is the only one I've had troubles with. I finally got one to crack using the paper towel method, we'll see if it sprouts hey! Hope your lemon skunk pops up for you mate :D

Beans may just be slow Downit. Had a run of Jacks take me 8 days to pop and usually takes my method within 48 hours. Some like a little different things, be patient, the LS is very nice, done a few runs of them. Journal that and I`ll pop in mate :)

KC :weed:

I've been pretty patient with these ones, been 14 days since I put the first two in soil and nothing. Hoping the one ive managed to pop in paper towel will work. I guess we'll wait and see. I've had some old white lightening pop after 3 weeks so there is still hope :)

My buddy had no problems with the PE beans he popped, all 5 popped. I never presoak my beans, I take a paper towel and fold it in half 2 times then wet it but don't wring it completely. Leave it a bit damp and put the folded towel in a ziploc bag. Don't close the ziploc and keep it in a dark place, I put mine in an old computer game cd case and keep it wet but not soaking. I just use a spray bottle to wet the towel. Usually after 24 hrs they've cracked and 48 hrs they're ready to plant. Hope your c99 are just being stubborn.

That's good to know man. I dont presoak either, usually just go straight into the medium or use paper towel and leave it in between two plates on my fish tank light. Never failed me before but there's a first for everything hey lol

Your new girls are looking great too Stoney! Will be watching very keenly :)
stoneslacker said:
The girls are in 16oz parkay margarine containers. Needed something low profile to fit in my makeshift veg tote until the big girls are done and I can move them under the MH.

Brilliant. Have you ever tried to plant a popped seed or root a clone in a parkay hempy? I know they say say it would take to long for the roots to reach the res in a full hempy but in this case would it work you think?