Early signs of flowering or just showing sex?

This poor forum must just get hammered with the same Questions over and over at the same time of year, every year! 1 Out of every 8 Threads is basically the same Question. just in different form lol.

Thats why I take it people dont even respond or reply with the right answer to "theses threads" anymore, Becasue it was already previously answered els where here on the forum.

Then again this is just a classic scenerio of Read and Search before you post
What kind of smart ass response is that. So instead of having any knowledge about the subject you troll other peoples forums just to get your little green bar from ( learning how to roll a joint) to (Marijuana Toker). The rating system is for people to be confident that the person responding has at least grown before. It's not to be used like a facebook social media popularity tool. Why don't you pause that homo COD game and stick to trolling on youtube or something.

Google is your friend, as I'm sure you don't have many others with an attitude like this.
What kind of smart ass response is that. So instead of having any knowledge about the subject you troll other peoples forums just to get your little green bar from ( learning how to roll a joint) to (Marijuana Toker). The rating system is for people to be confident that the person responding has at least grown before. It's not to be used like a facebook social media popularity tool. Why don't you pause that homo COD game and stick to trolling on youtube or something.

Lots of research my friend, I'm sure you'll stumble upon something.. Just remember, a lot of people on here are really stoned when skimming through these forums (their mind wanders), so don't get discouraged. Where's the pics?!?!!
Sorry for even trying.:|

Aww poor baby.. Quit your fucking whining kid...

All you had to do is simple type your question into google. Or even Skim the Outdoor growing section/ Newbie Section and you will find atleast 3/4 other threads asking the exact same question.

Within the last 3 weeks this EXACT QUESTION gets asked and answered. atleast Twice out of every 2 days.

Quit being lazy Lots of research like that one Fella said.