Well-Known Member
just keep coming on here pops..... cuzz once I see all the origenals don't log on here no more im gone as well.. I only stick around here for a few of yall and give yall insight to my illicit life..
^^ you are good at dat bro
so I"m gonna be traveling this year instead of growing, if I'm doing any growing it'll probably be helping people to try to work out a better spot for next year. going to have my buddy run my plants for me this year and I'll get 60% of it. don't got much other choice at this point, gotta make something happen.
gluck Popo
good morning huh??? shit some of us never went to sleep... tell me good morning around 4pm when I wake upG'morning to you too
nope.............yo spress still no word from or about da wak
I'll keep coming in here, I got internet on my smart phone and I can tether it to my laptop so no worries...
I'm kinda up on some hippie shit, not up on the western bullshit that's for sure. I feel like the only way my gf and I can get something truly worthwhile going is by traveling and meeting people. call us crazy but it works for a lot of people. not the type to settle down before I even started, neither is my gf.
I'll keep you guys posted, today my gf has to get a tooth pulled so its a pretty stressful day to say the least, just hoping everything goes well today so we can get started on this trip ASAP.....
"The 56-year-old didn’t appear to be the target, according to police and witnesses."
Fuckin idiots need to go to the firing range more often... learn how to aim n shit.
I mean if the gangsters wanna kill each other so be it. But leave the innocents out of it.