Stolen identity?


New Member
Hi administrators,

I just registered on this site to see if I could get your help with investigating a user registered under my name (a very uncommon one) on your site. When I googled myself (before a job interview just to check what the company might see) a member profile with my full name here comes up on the first page. No offense to your site which general idea and purpose I have no issue with whatsoever, but that's something I'm not thrilled to see (and I guess most people here would register under an alias anyway).

So, I'm really hoping an admin could PM me to see if there's anything that can be done about this. Naturally, there is a chance that somewhere in the world there is a person with my exact name who has registered here for legitimate reasons (although in that case he has not engaged in any activity on the site) but it seems a bit unlikely.

Again, contact with an admin would be very much appreciated!



Staff member
Well you dont have pm privileges,
second this whole story sounds fishy , it wouldnt matter anyways no employers can use riu against anyone as they cannot prove its you.
In fact im going to go on a limb here and say youre the user who hadnt signed on in like 5 years except to contact me fromthe account, to complain about your user names when I told you we dont delete accounts or user names. and that employers cannot prove this is you therefore there is no logical harm
but thats just my inkling.


Well-Known Member
Uh wow...... You got some fancy riu lingo there for a new person. Navigate the site well and didn't just create a new post in the wrong forum like a noob! Good job new person :/


New Member
Apologies if I posted in the wrong section, I figured the Support section would be correct.

I was not the one registering the account in question, so it wasn't me that asked for it to be removed. If I had the password or email address under which it was registered I would have used them to log in instead of creating this new account.

But I understand your policy and then I guess there's nothing to be done then. Wouldn't have asked but my name is damn near unique so it traces easily on Google. You're right that they can't prove it. But then again, a potential employer never has to.



Staff member
Apologies if I posted in the wrong section, I figured the Support section would be correct.

I was not the one registering the account in question, so it wasn't me that asked for it to be removed. If I had the password or email address under which it was registered I would have used them to log in instead of creating this new account.

But I understand your policy and then I guess there's nothing to be done then. Wouldn't have asked but my name is damn near unique so it traces easily on Google. You're right that they can't prove it. But then again, a potential employer never has to.


but a potential employer would have to have some sort of inking its you
I have quite the unique name myself and honestly, there are things on the internet i would prefer my name isnt associated with either HOWEVER that being said, my employer cant look at those and say weather or not to hire me without the inkling that it could possibly be me. no one is that unrational that they will look at websites and be like this is all him no hire. they would look for clues regarding if it is REALLY you.
so if the member happens to post about how he lives in the exact same city as you do than i can see how it would be a problem,


New Member
It's a fair point and I hope you're right. I don't think there's any real risk of that account posting anything, since the latest activity was the exact same date as when it was created back in early 2011. Guess I might have made some enemies back then, or someone thought it was a good prank. Got an interview for a new job on Monday and hope there won't be an awkward moment there.

On the humorous side, it does look a bit funny among the other results listing me as speaker in various conferences and events :-)


Staff member
It's a fair point and I hope you're right. I don't think there's any real risk of that account posting anything, since the latest activity was the exact same date as when it was created back in early 2011. Guess I might have made some enemies back then, or someone thought it was a good prank. Got an interview for a new job on Monday and hope there won't be an awkward moment there.

On the humorous side, it does look a bit funny among the other results listing me as speaker in various conferences and events :-)
unless its a corporate job i doubt they will look. if it makes you feel better im 6 types of porn star, including a shemale, im also a singer, and a deaf girl who helps children in some random country


New Member
Unfortunately it's very a corporate job (APAC head of operations) with potentially quite high visibility in media.

I'd agree that your situation does sound a bit worse, though.


New Member

Not to labour the point, but it's just insanely frustrating to see it as the third result on a Google search (when I search with my name in brackets" where all other results are genuine information about me, my public appearances etc. Btw, the reason for not mentioning the user name (my real name) in this thread is that I guess it'll show up in even more search results.

I'm pretty sure that someone tries to fuck me over as why else would they register a username here as my Firstname Surname and then just leave it? Feels like it's only done to discredit me and now has succeeded well in that. I feel now definitely have an effect on my reputation and perhaps career.

I respect your policy but if you would anytime have second thoughts and feel like helping a guy out in get rid of this wrongful registration of I'd be very happy to hear from you.

All the best,


Staff member
it boggles my mind you would pu tyour first name in your post when youre upset your name is on here.


Staff member
Well, I am feeling a bit desperate over this actually. And I wouldn't want to you think I'm joking around.
im sorry you feel desperate , im sorry youre so paranoid you think this can actually have an impact on your job. there are over 6 billion people in the world i would say a good few are bound to have your exact name and with that im sure some of them may even use this website.
ontop of that if youre such a professional you have many things about yourself on the internet and they SOMEHow to get roll it up people are going to have enough sense to know it isnt you, unless youre a complete idiot who would use his full name on a marijuana growing website,
like come on man .
I apologize i know this is stressful but policy is policy that is all i have to say regarding this matter. youre over thinking it mate.


New Member
Well, that it's only me who turns up when you search for my name is a fact, nothing more. That's just the case when you have a unique combination of first and last name and come from a small country with unusual names to begin with. Wish I didn't, but that's how it is.

As for high-level corporate jobs with lots of media attention - well, you understand what I mean. Headhunters and directors are cautious people. So I'd feel a lot better not to have it pop up on page one of a google search.

Anyway, I understand nothing you have a strict policy and I'm sure it's rooted in good values. I'll leave now. Thanks for taking the time.

All the best,


Well-Known Member
I want to know the name! Some dude has Chewberto on instant gram! Who the fuck would create such a name? Besides me of course! Maybe I will contact Instagram about this!


Well-Known Member
unless its a corporate job i doubt they will look. if it makes you feel better im 6 types of porn star, including a shemale, im also a singer, and a deaf girl who helps children in some random country
Whoa! All in one website! Where???