The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
@ Sambo "yeah i spose ya right don, but deffo think there will be a shitload more grade about if it did go back to class C"
I think it mite go yhe other way, more peeps feel confident to start growing....more badly grown immature shit from noobs?


Well-Known Member
depends on previous really and also ya judge on the day but, i often think getting the knock chop day and the wankers weighing it all soaking wet lol

feb 27th i think it was the sentance guidelines said up to 27plants could still be classed as non comercial, but they only guidelines.

them poor fuckers i do feel abit sorry for them 1s they literally take there passports and make em live in the bath cause plants everywhere else.[/QUOTE]
fuck aye, get em livin out in the garden mate, no need for wastin precious space, bathtub = another 12 oz grown in there at least!
and aye, ffs gettin busted with an oz, but its like 8 wet, hahaha yeah man what if u got busted choppin those blueberries, its be jail for 70 oz os weed that wouls seriously fuck them, dunno how you would explain from ur word that it was nly gonna dry out to 10 oz or so, cuz they wil obv listen to a 'criminal'


Well-Known Member
007 - Copy.jpg006 - Copy (2).jpg009 - Copy.jpg008 - Copy.jpglookin better after raising the light and givin them a drink, every 2 days now i have to water, ill be repottin into 5L's on saturday with the allmix, cuz they been droopy as fuck, lookin alot better than last night though this hot weather is makin the heat fgo 30+, but am keepin the door open to keep it around 28

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Don't pull yer bollocks out to get em here mate, when they're ready they're ready.
I'm not fussed about waiting as long as you remember, lol.
TBH it's my own fault they've probably got 8 inch roots hanging in the dwc prop. i'm away to pot them up so i'll shout with the results in an hour or so.
yeah i spose ya right don, but deffo think there will be a shitload more grade about if it did go back to class C
thats very true they dangled this carrot a few times over the years and then backed off.
very funny donald im a good boy really just keep me away from the devil juice lol oh yeah ment to say that strain of yours that pukka just done recently very nice lovely flavour and uppy buzz, qauzytrain or sumfing like that? it was called not your remember lol
i'm on the fence i think there'll be a lot more numpties being too blatant and getting nicked and there'll be more grade about cos the sensible guys will up the ante. either way grade will always cost more.
She takes 11 weeks to finish.
She can do 10oz+ in 10L of soil after about 3-4 weeks veg under a good light if you look after her, I vegged mine for 6 weeks but I'd taken a cloner full off her mid way through.
All sativa in effect with absolutely no body to her at all, it's a marmite kind of thing but she's certainly no slouch.
The bud goes deep purple and has pink trichomes if flowered colder, she smells like cherry cream soda.

I think she's taken a permanent stall in Don's stable, he loves it.

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10 week popcorn.
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bang on fella i do love the sativa buzz. rocks me. i'm currently underfeeding her in dwc as i've no idea what i'm doing with it tbh. just upped the feeds and the deficiencies are backing off and she's shooting like a goodun so hopefully i'll pull her round.

get this though, even in the warm temps shes gone purple in the dwc!? mmmm cherry cream soda, i've about a half henry left i'm going to have a bubble while i pot on bongsmilie
@ Sambo "yeah i spose ya right don, but deffo think there will be a shitload more grade about if it did go back to class C"
I think it mite go yhe other way, more peeps feel confident to start growing....more badly grown immature shit from noobs?
bit of column a and b if you ask me. it yoyo'd last time and they upped it again as folks were blatantly toking dobs left right n centre. i reckon plod couldn't give a fuck about low level and i def think there's been a lot of political news lately trying to keep the useless fuckwits in charge at the moment in for a second bat. either way i'm growing and you lot are, nowts going to change that.


Well-Known Member
this Bunket geeza mus like a bit o puff always looks a bit wasted ta me, they really cant make ther minds up wivout the yanks tellin em so now its bak to class c cos all the research is makin them look like cunts...if u look at the research alcohol wud b class A an mj up there wiv basil, wat makes me laff is the contention by the filth an their media mouthpieces is that cannabis is a harmful drug...links to research papers will not find a proper independent one only bs

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
this Bunket geeza mus like a bit o puff always looks a bit wasted ta me, they really cant make ther minds up wivout the yanks tellin em so now its bak to class c cos all the research is makin them look like cunts...if u look at the research alcohol wud b class A an mj up there wiv basil, wat makes me laff is the contention by the filth an their media mouthpieces is that cannabis is a harmful drug...links to research papers will not find a proper independent one only bs
lmfbo he's fuckin blind you plonker, nee wonder his eyes always look fucked hahahahaaaaa


Well-Known Member
think you've spelled FILTH wrong...:razz:

dunno bout you lot but i know what goes over my house by the sound of the propeller. i know whats plod and local news n weather by sight and sound the rescue one's fucking bright yellow. healthy paranoia is good for you.
aye, i know the departure times of the helis goin over mine, i know oil rig choppers from the news, then thers the scotland polis chopper they use for farms and bikers/gta fools around here.

suppose they could use the other choppers with flir idk, but they certainly dont use the oil righgers,they are massive like 12 seater things i think, massive difference to the 2man ones.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I'll try to take decent shots as long as it's safe for me and the plants to do so, it's getting bloody awkward.

'Two Toke Killer' @ lights on, day 22 of 12/12.....

Smaller one.


Bigger one.



Well-Known Member
@ Sambo "yeah i spose ya right don, but deffo think there will be a shitload more grade about if it did go back to class C"
I think it mite go yhe other way, more peeps feel confident to start growing....more badly grown immature shit from noobs?
could be right there indi, i no ill be growing a shitload more anyway and it was be qaulity as per lol and no doubt ill have to lower me prices a tad to get rid of all in 1 go that was me chain of thoughts lol

fucking hate having weed about, want it gone as soon as the fucker is dry or else i smoke it all lol


Well-Known Member
am quite suprised at this season of game of thrones, book 3 was in 2 parts and looks like this season will be 2parts aswel i thought they would have tried to cram it all in the 1 season but no way they can get it all on the next 2 episodes so season 4 will be book 3 part 2.


Well-Known Member
yorky aht hings a beast mate, i wuz thinkin my last een wis massive, but whooaa watch out that fucker will smoke u if ur nea carfull

roll you up in poly plastic, and blow smoke signals for the filthaa ahahaha


Well-Known Member
shall i talk to me fucking self then! lolol 3x7.5mg zops, half a bot and now finishing me dragon soop lol i think i qualify for some talking to 1s self!

why carnt i get a bt free wifi signal at the missus? its literally 5-6 doors away from where i am now at me own gaff and i get the free wifi signal here but of course just use the main signal, why carnt i get the fucker 30secs down the road???