Lowryder#2 Journal


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is my first attempt @ doing a grow journal, and my second grow

here was my first and recently harvested grow:

it started out like this

but only turned out a little more then this.

very airy and fluffy and it even suffered some root rot (thank you aerogarden) at least it was only bagseed and good learning

. So now i have designed my own cab using a sterilte 4-shelf cabinet. duct fans, mini fans, 150w HPS , and still the aerogarden. ( as a seed starter light for soil seedlings)

I have also decided to go completely soil this time, as i heard it was a sure-fire method for producing the herb.

well it took 2 days for the 2 seeds to germinate and show their rootling.

right now i have them in a seed starter tray with seed startin soil under a AG light. the temp is at 80 degrees . I will post more pics when they sprout and show themselves .

Here is the setup and what i intend to use when i transfer them to their next pots.

Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated , i'm just looking to have to best grow possible (aren't we all :mrgreen:)



Well-Known Member
I awoke this morning to a glorious sight indeed.
My two LR2 babies had finally penetrated the soil.

The pics aren't that great , becuz they are so small ,but oh well soon enough they will be bigger.

here's both of them side by side

here's lefty still hasn't shown his leaves but he's working on it

and it looks like righty is in the lead

temp is stayin at 85 maybe a little more right now .
I intend to change that on friday(payday ) with and active exhaust using a inline duct fan.

Right now it's just using active intake (duct fan) and passive exhaust (duct-hole @ top and behind plants).

After their roots are established they will be moving below in their bigger pots under the HPS . what lighting schedule does everyone suggest on the seedlings right now ? using the AG lights i believe are 60 watts CFLs

more to come


Well-Known Member
Day 3

Well not *much progress, so i didn't really get around to posting day2 pics . I was about to skip day 3 as well on the update, but since you guyz just keep bugging me for updates , here they are.

single pic of lefty

i got 3 pics of righty ( she's my favorite)

Now i've noticed they all have beautiful purple stems, but i think i may have read somewhere , these are bad, any info on these ? cuz they pretty much look healthy. :hump:

The temps are stayin around 85 during the day with the light schedule set on 18/6 (all the way through since its auto-flowering LR2). at night when i jack the A/C up in the house the temp tends to drop a bit , but nothing below 75

i intend to move them down when they get bigger under the HPS , right now under the AG - CFLs

probaly wont update for a few days just to keep the content good, dont wanna just upload every day. i'll do that more when they get bigger

60 days till harvest:joint:

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Well-Known Member
so far so good,ill be watching since i plan on using some lowryder strains for my grow,best of luck,and the stems being purple/redish that young is ok,when older and still like that is when there's a prob


Well-Known Member
thanx for watching , i know this grow is gonna b great, i've put ALOT of time and more money into this one. (just setting up the duct fans 2 hours)


Well-Known Member
You only got 2 plants going? I would germinate more If I were you for 2 good reasons. 1- LR have a lower rate of females compared to other strains 50/50 chance. I had only 1 out of 5 my last grow. 2- they are small and you can probably grow 3-4 or more under 150watt HPS. Go ahead and germinate some more now in a paper towel in a paper towel in a baggy and place it on the top of your computer tower for warmth and they will germinate in 24 hours. They will not suffer from the delay I'm sure. I grow with a 150watt HPS (with four T5's for side lighting) and next time I am going to try to grow 10 seeds in one 10 gallon pot. Hopefully I will get 5 females. You are going to be pretty bummed if you get no females with only 2 plants.


Well-Known Member
yeah to tell you the truth i was gonna do more , but i couldnt afford more pots, and i reaaly wanna grow them all in the same-style pots (for looks only and i'm kinda anal like that) but i made money today so i will pick some up thanx for the info.

isn't it great i can throw more under the light @ anytime, since it's auto-flowering and the light schedule is 18/6 no matter the stage of growth

i love LR2 :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Best if you get them going soon so they don;t have to compete for light as some get taller. You should also consider pollinating the lower buds on one plant for some free seeds. I did this and got 200 seeds. Good luck. We have alot in common - failed AG groe then move on to the cabinet grow with HPS. Just ask if you have any ventilation questions when you fire up the hps.


Well-Known Member
Why not 2in each pot if money is as issue. I'm going for 10 in one pot! I think the 150watt can handle it if you have some sidelighting. I use daylight T5's and my buds were nice and tight at harvest. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Well we all know how this is going to go. Really slow till we get some fat fan leaves ,but anyway i'm not one to slack, so here is a pic update

Day 8

both of the babies



i was going to germinate some more , but i got lazy and i feel lady luck is on my side

I got these guys still under an AG CFL setup 18/6 , any suggestions when to switch to the HPS

I know i switch to bigger pots after the root ball is established, right ? (first soil grow)

and also what do other soil growers do about watering, seems like i'm constantly watering - good thing i dont travel



Well-Known Member
You will have to water frequently until you get them in bigger pots. Then only every 3 days or so. I plan on putting the jiffy pots in a big pot(all in the same pot) at about 1-2 weeks.I am going to use a small 5 gallon rubbermaid box for a pot for like 10 plants. I would keep them under the CFL until they show sex which is about 3 weeks. I still think it is not too late to germinate some more for this grow. If you had my luck they will both be males.


Well-Known Member
Day 11

Ok so it's been a couple of days since last update, and it doesn't look like much progress but here are the pics




just checked the temps they are like right under 90 but i dont th8ink that is right , it's a 99cent thermometer and might

anyone else's LR@ growing this slow ???

well ima move them to their bigger pots later on today

52 day countdown



Well-Known Member
Looking good consider me subscribed im thinking about getting some LR2 you said you

love them :)

have you smoked LR2 before...how was it??;)

also your plants look great I have that same soil but how do you know how much

perlite you are supposed to add


Active Member
Looking good consider me subscribed im thinking about getting some LR2 you said you

love them :)

have you smoked LR2 before...how was it??;)

also your plants look great I have that same soil but how do you know how much

perlite you are supposed to add
Easy - 10 - 20% perlite
For example if you use ten cups of growing medium then 8 cups of it should be soil and 2 cups perlite


Well-Known Member
yeah i haven't uploaded updates nor pictures becuz of the lack of growth progress , i think it was because of poor ventilation (active intake 4in duct fan/ passive outtake 4 inch hole on top ) which contributed to 85-95 temps. so i got impateint and switch to bigger pots ( b4 root system was established in small seedling setups) and even moved to HPS (b4 sexing)

I fixed te problem and set up active outtake with a 6 inch duct fan on top where the 4in was . and i switched the guys back to the CFL , they r still tiny tiny . I went ahead and even added nute GH MaxiGrow mixed 1/2 strenght in a gallon of ozrka spring water

anyway when there r pics worth posting then they will get posted

poopskillets !