Thought i needed to bring this to everyones attention.... FAIL with the FEDS???


Well-Known Member
Sooooooo i found this awesome site. they have the like every trademark that is attempted and the status of it on file. its pretty amazing for a stoner nerd like me. i found it cause a band i keep tabs on just trademarked some new persona they are bringing out. when i realized what a gold mine this place was i started snooping around and found this little gem....... i searched marijuana..... and then i searched marijuana seed.... maybe too see if anyone is trademarking strains or whatever....

well check this out

Its a place called TBG companies. now this Companie is a medical marijuana farm. attempting to get trademarked by the feds.... anyone see any issue with this? well i about shit a brick when i saw this. so i read on.

On january 25th 2010 they filed their application. now i read several of these before i found this one and this was the first one that along the status updates had "ASSIGNED TO EXAMINER" as some of the steps on 7/14/2010 and 10/13/2010

so i started thinking.... sounds like someone raised some red flags.

On 11/10/2010 it says "ASSIGNED TO LIE" no idea what that is but it wasn't on the other posts i read either.

THE NEXT STEP same day 11/10/2010 "CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED IN LAW OFFICE" again didn't notice this one before

Fast forward a bit... skip a few other odd steps and it comes to how all the other ones finish up "NON FINAL ACTION MAILED" I'm not totally sure on this one but I'm guessing they sent out some information about the decision? maybe that its still up for debate? idk but the non final action was written and mailed on 12/15/2010

Guess wut...... apparently no one was home to receive the letter on 7/13/2011 "ABANDONMENT - FAILURE TO RESPOND OR LATE RESPONSE" again on 7/13/2011

On 7/28/2011 "UNDELIVERABLE MAIL - CORRESP. REMAILED" hmmmmm wonder why no one is home at the marijuana farm?

then finally on 9/01/2011 "UNDELIVERABLE MAIL - NO ACTION TAKEN" seems they gave up trying to reach the marijuana farm....

Im literly speechless, I'm trying to channel ole Hunter S. Thompson and give you some witty closer that gets the rep and likes poring in but i literally don't know what to say. this is beyond me. this to me is even worse then the cop who called 911 on himself cause he died. at least he was high as shit :dunce:

*TOTALLY RANDOM P.S.* yo check out this weird ass picture.... i can't figure out where its from to save my life. i screen capped it in a movie earlier lol check it out

Screen Shot 2013-05-31 at 3.37.10 PM.jpg

are these ppl sitting next to bigfoot? lol or am i just wayyyyyyy to high for old photography :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
The US government already has patented most everything you can think of when it comes to cannabis.

Rather than posting that huge list here..just GOOGLE US PATENTS - CANNABIS..


Well-Known Member
He did say
"a band I like to keep tabs on"
That is pretty cool that he has a band to carry his tabs around for him
Lol Ya they got a whole truck in their tour caravan just for my hits of acid! I wish acid still existed anymore....

the site has a lot of info besides patent holdings. like that they tried to send them a letter and no one was home at the marijuana farm that sent a letter to the government attempting to trademark their marijuana farm...

"Hey honey. Can you write a letter to hitler registering our jew hiding farm, i wouldn't want abraham to get his trademarked before me!"


New Member
Lol Ya they got a whole truck in their tour caravan just for my hits of acid! I wish acid still existed anymore....

the site has a lot of info besides patent holdings. like that they tried to send them a letter and no one was home at the marijuana farm that sent a letter to the government attempting to trademark their marijuana farm...

"Hey honey. Can you write a letter to hitler registering our jew hiding farm, i wouldn't want abraham to get his trademarked before me!"

minus rep for stupid anology of the day:wall:


Well-Known Member
ok ok ok... "hey honey write a letter of trademark too the assholes that don't want us to do what we are doing, i wouldn't want jeff to get his trademarked first" Genius!