What is the crime for ordering hash in the mail?


Well-Known Member
I was simply wondering what is the possible crime if I were to order say a gram of bubble hash in the mail? Do officers conduct stings on people who order small amounts of hash and other "mild" substances off the internet? Say if I ordered 100 clonazepam or something (Which no, I didn't do), would this warrant anything further than confiscation??

I know it won't be a huge concern for U.S. customs, I'm sure they would just confiscate it?? Does anybody know if they would go out of their way to charge you with a crime for ordering hash or benzos through the mail?? If so, what would the charge be??

P.S. - Sorry this is posted in the wrong place, it didn't fit in a category, and I figured I would get the most opinions this way.

Thanks for any help, and +rep for any personal experiences!!!


Well-Known Member
Usually the seller has tracking info and knows if the package encounters customs issues - and so the buyer knows ahead of time and has plausible deniability ("Anyone could've sent me that!")

Domestic, you're much safer off.


Well-Known Member
i do see posted that small amounts of hash/weed are seldom followed up on, such as the 1 gram you mentioned
but that's just posts


Well-Known Member
Well i'm not really sure about the possible punishment for you since there is no proof you actually ordered it, but I do know that customs would only get involved if you had it imported from another country.


Well-Known Member
Well i'm not really sure about the possible punishment for you since there is no proof you actually ordered it, but I do know that customs would only get involved if you had it imported from another country.
Yeh, I actually did order a little bit of clonazepam from India. I'm honestly not too worried about it, if it gets seized it gets seized. It was very affordable and I'll take it as a lesson learned, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it shows up without a hitch. I also ordered some things domestically.

From now on, almost all of my orders will be domestic.

Also, I already thought about the plausible deniability thing. Anybody can send a package to anybody, containing anything.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about federally, but some states have ridiculously harsh sentences for hash/oil and other concentrates.


Well-Known Member
How bout do it in person ?
Do what in person, buy hash? I live in bum-fuck Mississippi. The weed I can find is fucking terrible. Everybody in California and Colorado sends their bullshit stale weed that's been denied by the dispensaries down here, so they can still get top dollar for their fucking trash that they tried to pass as medicine. No thank you to that, I'd rather order a couple of grams of hash at a time, it will take me much further.

The clonazepam I plan on using to complete my alcohol withdrawals, and I would have been able to buy 2 doses on the streets here, if I could even find it, for the same price I got 40 doses for.

That's the reasoning behind it.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about federally, but some states have ridiculously harsh sentences for hash/oil and other concentrates.
Yeh, MS is decriminalized for under 7 grams possession. I don't think they even have hash written into the laws.

The clonopin, I'm fairly sure is a schedule 4 substance, so I don't plan on having my doors kicked down over them. Stolen by customs? That's a probability for sure. But I doubt they would view 40 mild benzos as a serious threat worth kicking a door down over, especially if they can't prove I purchased it or even wanted it delivered to my house.