Is there a gender pay gap?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
No, not really.

"Women earn far less than men.On an aggregate basis this is true, but Payscale controlled for a variety of factors and found that the pay gap is far narrower among men and women who have similar levels of experience, work in the same fields and locations, have the same skills and certifications and are otherwise workplace clones. Among non-managerial workers, Payscale found no pay gap at all, on an apples-to-apples basis. At more senior levels, women do earn slightly less than men, but the biggest gap was only 8.5% -- far lower than the frequently mentioned 23%. And that gap may exist because top male executives put in more hours, travel more and spend more time with clients than their female counterparts, which is hard to measure among salaried employees."


Well-Known Member
yes ,but just because they make money doesnt mean she can spend all hers and come after the dudes money when shes done.


New Member
amen. men tend to work more labor-some jobs and are put in positions of greater safety risk. I knew a black bitch that I'd talk to occasionally on facebook who was INCESSANT with her cries of gender & racial inequality...blocked that ho for sho!


Well-Known Member
Many want equal rights, equal pay, etc but funny when push comes to shove they don't want equal share in the work to be done, and I have to hold the fucking door on top of it all.


Well-Known Member
No, not really.
OMFG what a great platform for misogyny, as can clearly be seen in the first batch of replies.

i guess you were getting tired of the holocaust deniers and white supremacists flocking to your threads, eh? had to go for a new demographic of bigots, i suppose.

first of all, the answer is YES, even according to your own fucking blog. i guess you trust your silly little blog more than you do mountains of actual empirical data, doesn't surprise me that you are a horrible consumer of information.*

let's take a little look at the conclusions your blog reached:

point #1: "that gap may exist because top male executives put in more hours, travel more and spend more time with clients than their female counterparts, which is hard to measure among salaried employees."

it may also exist because women are stupid and have small brains. this blog is just taking shots in the dark with ZERO basis in research or reality. and you eat it up like the douche you are.

be proud.

point #2: "So the real message for ambitious women might be, lean in further and further the more you get ahead."

women just need to try harder, even though this same blog points out how women are just as likely to push for a raise as men are.

how. fucking,. retarded. can. you. be.

point #3: "Women still face the fact of being the only sex able to bear children, which can clearly disrupt a career, no matter what the data say. "

fuck what the data says, those ladies make babies!

goddamn, what a retarded thing to say. the gender pay gap persists despite this, with these things taken into account, not because of the fact that women make babies. this wouldn't be a controversial thing at all if the gender pay gap existed because women carry the babies.

what kind of a blithering fucktard reads this and decides it would be a good idea to not only post it, but to go even further than the retarded and false conclusions this goddamn blog article makes?

hold on, let me check to see who the OP is....*checks OP*...oh, that makes perfect sense. OP is a spammy McRatfink. no surprises then.


Ursus marijanus
I'm wondering if Desert Dude is more aggressively pursuing his stated goal of getting banned. Thing is, "bans by entrainment" don't happen. Garbage thread; nothing to see here. cn


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if Desert Dude is more aggressively pursuing his stated goal of getting banned. Thing is, "bans by entrainment" don't happen. Garbage thread; nothing to see here. cn
what would you say if anyone else on the site posted 60+ threads in the last two weeks?

it's fucking spam, promotion of an agenda, advertising of a viewpoint, spam.


Ursus marijanus
what would you say if anyone else on the site posted 60+ threads in the last two weeks?

it's fucking spam, promotion of an agenda, advertising of a viewpoint, spam.
I turn a blind eye to prolific thread starting. Some of our most seasoned members do this, including at least a coupla mods.
But I have noticed some of the threads like this are (as far as I can tell) transparent troll threads, and the first responses echo that evaluation. Stick, meet paper nest. For now, I'll assess each on its own. Your attention is a service. cn

Oh, and this.



Well-Known Member
what would you say if anyone else on the site posted 60+ threads in the last two weeks?

it's fucking spam, promotion of an agenda, advertising of a viewpoint, spam.
Buck its a saturation attack. Deny the air superiority. Laugh at the enemy fire. Stand to, like a solider. Are you not the Bastion, the waves do but, crash upon?

Buck UP, troop.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I turn a blind eye to prolific thread starting. Some of our most seasoned members do this, including at least a coupla mods.
But I have noticed some of the threads like this are (as far as I can tell) transparent troll threads, and the first responses echo that evaluation. Stick, meet paper nest. For now, I'll assess each on its own. Your attention is a service. cn

Oh, and this.

CN, There is nothing about this thread that is a troll attempt. I would be very interested in somebody explaining how this topic is either spam or trolling?

I presented a legitimate news story from Yahoo that linked to a study that shows that the pay gap for women is a myth, despite being a cherished belief by the "there is a war on women" side, witness UB's rant. The results of the study cited correspond to my own real-world experience. Women are paid as well as men for the same work.

Buck was sputtering about the "lean in" comment, which cracks me up. "Lean in" is a term popularized by the CEO of Yahoo, a woman. She was advising women to be more aggressive if they want to become CEOs.

I fully expected UB to pop a vein in his forehead at this topic as it is right at the heart of the progressive victimhood claims.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
OMFG what a great platform for misogyny, as can clearly be seen in the first batch of replies.

i guess you were getting tired of the holocaust deniers and white supremacists flocking to your threads, eh? had to go for a new demographic of bigots, i suppose.

first of all, the answer is YES, even according to your own fucking blog. i guess you trust your silly little blog more than you do mountains of actual empirical data, doesn't surprise me that you are a horrible consumer of information.*

let's take a little look at the conclusions your blog reached:

point #1: "that gap may exist because top male executives put in more hours, travel more and spend more time with clients than their female counterparts, which is hard to measure among salaried employees."

it may also exist because women are stupid and have small brains. this blog is just taking shots in the dark with ZERO basis in research or reality. and you eat it up like the douche you are.

be proud.

point #2: "So the real message for ambitious women might be, lean in further and further the more you get ahead."

women just need to try harder, even though this same blog points out how women are just as likely to push for a raise as men are.

how. fucking,. retarded. can. you. be.

point #3: "Women still face the fact of being the only sex able to bear children, which can clearly disrupt a career, no matter what the data say. "

fuck what the data says, those ladies make babies!

goddamn, what a retarded thing to say. the gender pay gap persists despite this, with these things taken into account, not because of the fact that women make babies. this wouldn't be a controversial thing at all if the gender pay gap existed because women carry the babies.

what kind of a blithering fucktard reads this and decides it would be a good idea to not only post it, but to go even further than the retarded and false conclusions this goddamn blog article makes?

hold on, let me check to see who the OP is....*checks OP*...oh, that makes perfect sense. OP is a spammy McRatfink. no surprises then.
I think you reading comprehension has failed you.


Well-Known Member
I presented a legitimate news story from Yahoo
yahoo blogs are legitimate news to you?

no wonder you're such an unremitting failure.

that linked to a study that shows that the pay gap for women is a myth
your own worthless blog even said there is a pay gap, learn to fucking read.

despite being a cherished belief by the "there is a war on women" side
there's a big difference between cherished belief and unfortunate fact, you fucking blight.

The results of the study cited correspond to my own real-world experience.
what results? what study?

they concluded that women don't work as hard based on zero empirical data whatsoever, stated women just need to ask for raises more after stating that they already did, and pointed out that women make babies.

fucking groundbreaking shit there, rat.

Women are paid as well as men for the same work.
not even your own worthless blog post stated that, rat.

I think you reading comprehension has failed you.

you should read your own worthless, unscientific, unfounded blog before posting it, rat.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
"On an aggregate basis this is true, but Payscale controlled for a variety of factors and found that the pay gap is far narrower among men and women who have similar levels of experience, work in the same fields and locations, have the same skills and certifications and are otherwise workplace clones. Among non-managerial workers, Payscale found no pay gap at all, on an apples-to-apples basis."

No pay gap at all.

I think you reading comprehension has failed you.


Well-Known Member
"On an aggregate basis this is true, but Payscale controlled for a variety of factors and found that the pay gap is far narrower among men and women who have similar levels of experience, work in the same fields and locations, have the same skills and certifications and are otherwise workplace clones. Among non-managerial workers, Payscale found no pay gap at all, on an apples-to-apples basis."

No pay gap at all.

I think you reading comprehension has failed you.
yes, when you reduce the subset to employees just hired by mcdonald's yesterday, they all earn minimum wage, thus the pay gap is gone!


it's not surprising that you are too much of a blight to read actual studies with actual data and depend on retarded, data-free yahoo blog posts to reach your conclusions.

maybe you should review the studies where identical resumes from men with children and women with children result in more men's resumes being reviewed.

woops, i forgot. that data is not restricted to a subset so ridiculously small as to fit your preconceived conclusion. how stupid.

maybe you should stick to wishing federal prison time on people you disagree with politically rather than attempting to raise an unscientific, data free yahoo blog post to exalted status, you rat.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
yes, when you reduce the subset to employees just hired by mcdonald's yesterday, they all earn minimum wage, thus the pay gap is gone!


it's not surprising that you are too much of a blight to read actual studies with actual data and depend on retarded, data-free yahoo blog posts to reach your conclusions.

maybe you should review the studies where identical resumes from men with children and women with children result in more men's resumes being reviewed.

woops, i forgot. that data is not restricted to a subset so ridiculously small as to fit your preconceived conclusion. how stupid.

maybe you should stick to wishing federal prison time on people you disagree with politically rather than attempting to raise an unscientific, data free yahoo blog post to exalted status, you rat.
Which, of course, is not about pay. It's about getting an interview.

War on wiminz!!! It worked for Obama.


Well-Known Member
Which, of course, is not about pay. It's about getting an interview.

War on wiminz!!! It worked for Obama.
yeah, getting a job interview has nothing to do with getting paid in any way.

thus spake desert rat.

that study is but the tip of the iceberg, my racist little amiga.

keep on believing in your yahoo blog posts and they'll come true, you just have to believe hard enough.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
yes, when you reduce the subset to employees just hired by mcdonald's yesterday, they all earn minimum wage, thus the pay gap is gone!


it's not surprising that you are too much of a blight to read actual studies with actual data and depend on retarded, data-free yahoo blog posts to reach your conclusions.

maybe you should review the studies where identical resumes from men with children and women with children result in more men's resumes being reviewed.

woops, i forgot. that data is not restricted to a subset so ridiculously small as to fit your preconceived conclusion. how stupid.

maybe you should stick to wishing federal prison time on people you disagree with politically rather than attempting to raise an unscientific, data free yahoo blog post to exalted status, you rat.
"New research by compensation analysts at Payscale might hearten working women while lowering the temperature on the whole issue."

War on wiminz!!!