the chitown sourkush thread

real quick question for other seasoned growers like myself... ive noticed that organic grown bud though much smoother then chemical ferts is more of a creeper high regaurdless of the strain.. be it indica/sativa wtf ever.. I don't wanna say its weaker... just takes a lil more time to hit ya... anybody else notice this? chime in.... also indoor organics aren't has dense has chems... is it just me?
real quick question for other seasoned growers like myself... ive noticed that organic grown bud though much smoother then chemical ferts is more of a creeper high regaurdless of the strain.. be it indica/sativa wtf ever.. I don't wanna say its weaker... just takes a lil more time to hit ya... anybody else notice this? chime in.... also indoor organics aren't has dense has chems... is it just me?
I'd say this is somewhat true, but only if you're used to smoking chemmy weed as there's something in the chemmy weed that causes that initial shock to the high.
@chitown so what's up my nigg? It's been a minute... still punching your clown on moms couch?? Go out and do something!! stop staying motionless!!

Also hows that guerilla growing in the backyard working out for ya? lmao :clap:
u think mother fuckers would learn from there mistakes... this is way different then that contra shit.. they were allowing drugs to come threw to fund a democracy... in this case it seems like there gonna get rid of the smaller or less powerfull cartels first... then either go after sinolah or let that cartel carry out bizzness as usual but way more controlled.. tis has nothing to do with funding a democracy..
Chitown, wassup! So how ya been man? How's the grow going along?
its coming along.. lost only a few seedlings due to nasty ass Midwest storms.... something happened a few days ago that coud have jepordized the grow.. im not gonna go into it... bbut its been amended... pants going into the ground as soon as the storms let up... once I see no rain in forecast for a week or so ill transplant them and let there roots and stems get stronger then the solo cups there in can provide.. running about 10 strains this year... got everything I need for the grow down to the veg nutes... wish me luck... I don't need it since im such a A SEASONED GROWER... as long as no rippers get me its gonna be wonderfull
I got some molokai frost going... the fans are funky on those. I got 11 fingered leaves. 9 Leaves and then 2 more stacked on top of that. Like how you see them weird buds in the fan leafs.. it got that going on. And them shits get huge here!!! You should see the size of the fans
I started getting fat over the winter.. being lazy/... now I been loosing weight like I got aids or some shit doggie... down to 220!!! don't got man titties no more nigga,, they str8 pecks chally.. I can make them shits bounce... ur sister gotta see this!!!! thinking about getting back to the gym.. get my swollen on.. I got good genetics like my seeds... I get swollen/lse weight quick