Over 10% is pretty good if the quality is high. So what about sharing some pics?????Hi vacpurge,
last batch : 235g of ( not really nice, had problems during the grow) trim : 26g of amazing stuff![]()
Over 10% is pretty good if the quality is high. So what about sharing some pics?????
Hey Snap,
Speaking of Willamette Valley, my lady who also runs the company and took the cup with me this year is also from your neck of the woods. We have lots of love and friends that way, perhaps we should connect next time I'm up there. I've got a sort of love affair with the Eugene area, you cannot beat the vibe it's the closest it gets to the Emerald Triangle vibe outside of cali. Cheers!
That would be awesome, I live about 40 minutes outside of Eugene, and i'm sure there are some other RIU nerds in the area who would be interested in a meet and greet as well. Thanks for all that you do CA, and more importantly thanks for doing it right! This thread contains so much knowledge now it's insane!
No cannot!!!Hi Frenchy,
because since a couple of month a can no longer see any of my pics
let's make a test :
View attachment 2684034
do you see it above ?
To be frank, NO CLUE!!! It does sound promising but I cannot say. Would be interesting to test because I am looking to age my Hashish and that could have potential at that level.Hi frenchy cannoli, Thanks for all information shared.
I use to cure flowers in a cedar box ( made for cigars) , what do you thing use cedar box to cure the hash too?
Hey I appreciate the effort and I understand your position so don't push if you do not feel it.ok, will open an account on a photo sharing site ! ( don't like to do this ! but however )
back soon !
looking good. I am giving up ohm my 25 bag and got me a 45. The stiff that came out of my 25 was like tiny daggers in my lungs..... don't think I will ever use that againSo, my first activated hash
110 bag, not enough pressed ( yet ) !
View attachment 2684416
75 bag
View attachment 2684417
25 bag ( don't have a 45 )
View attachment 2684418
Comments from the people who have tested range from amazing to "ça tabasse"
Thanks again, Mister Cannoli !
What can I say that those pics would not in Spade
The 2 darker mini cannoli are the Agent Orange the other 3 are the Timewreck 70m first wash, 70 m second wash and the 45m with the 3 wash
timewreck looks FIIIIIRE!!! I CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH IT! RIDICULOUS. CRAZY. EPIC. Never ever ever ever ever ever seen see-through pressed hash EVER, and living where I live I see a TON of hash on a daily basis. Outright flabber-ma-gasted (queue picture of overexcited hyperventilating kid gasping for his inhaler)
you should see matt rizes latest stuff then....
The Timewreck is amazing and for those who had experienced making Charas (hand rubbed hashish from India) that strains was created for it.I havent even touched the tip of the growing iceberg that some of you have grown or produced the amounts of hash but i have to say Timewreck is my favorite hash producing plant. The bubble is top notch def my favorite to work with.