Texas Growers Unite!

I grow in a shop not I'm the house. But still. Who wants visitors anyways. I'd say steer clear from the "entertaining" for a few months

yep I keep mine n my bedroom .. so there is no need for anyone outside of me that needs to go in there. just stay quiet and walaaa no noseys

I dont let anybody come in my house .... if u can hide it shouldnt be a problem..

haha. we hate visitors for the most part (and people, really...) but we're close with our families n shit so sometimes it's inevitable. luckily they're all pretty cool and know our house usually smells like weed regardless, LOL.
however, we recently visited our local Hydro store and bought $400 worth of filtering equipment. idk the details, my boo does hehe. but it doesn't smell like weed in here anymore! and we just ordered a tent :) awoooooooooo

ps i just totally creeped you on IG, Goodro ;)
Miz if you do it right no body will know. I was really suprised to find out a person i knew grew. There were no signs at all. Just goes to show you never know. I have a buddy who lives in another state that would never guess either. He grows in a shed in his backyard. To see this shed from the outside you would think it would fall at any minute. You walk into it and not only is it not going to fall but all i can say is what a set up. He did this on purpose. So if you set it up right then noone will know unless you tell them. I have no issues with people coming over, well unless i am harvesting or trimming. That i have to do in the diningroom. Once i am done and they are put up to hang backing in my bathroom. Clean up and air out, then noone is the wiser again. The one thing though it seems more and more people are growing. This might be my own experience though. I have noticed that at Lowes and Home Depot are starting to carry products they didnt normally carry.
holy shit a texas grower thread!!
time to work on some pics

anybody from Houston/Spring/Woodlands area on here?

also shoutout to everyone doing it in the great city of Austin
anybody from Houston/Spring/Woodlands area on here?
also shoutout to everyone doing it in the great city of Austin

waddup! familiar with your area, as well as Cypress.

Miz if you do it right no body will know.

that's basically what we're counting on :) lol we have some friends who grow, who don't know we know-- bc they told some mutual friends of ours like... <24 hours after they found out. lol assholes. anyway, nobody knows and we'd def like to keep it that way. i'm in school and will need quite a bit of licensing, etc when i get done and my boo has a job requiring no criminal history (shocking, right) so... yeah hehe. as i sit around and gab about it in writing. haha
Awesome small world here on roll it up
Much respect to those in Tx risking their freedom

I wanna throw a roll it up Tx party and meet everyone lol
haha. we hate visitors for the most part (and people, really...) but we're close with our families n shit so sometimes it's inevitable. luckily they're all pretty cool and know our house usually smells like weed regardless, LOL.
however, we recently visited our local Hydro store and bought $400 worth of filtering equipment. idk the details, my boo does hehe. but it doesn't smell like weed in here anymore! and we just ordered a tent :) awoooooooooo

ps i just totally creeped you on IG, Goodro ;)

There was a thread about building a carbon scrubber out of Walmart. I just looked for it and no luck, may have lost it in the worm attack.It was a great little design using two pencil cups and a pair of Women's stockings and activated charcoal.Maybe someone else can have better luck searching for it.
Hey guys just want you cats to know that if you live close to the Austin Area there is a place for supplies that is not a Hydro shop. It is an actual Nursery in Georgetown off Leander road. Their website is : www.mcintiresgarden.com . McIntires Garden Center has some really cool plants to check out. They do have some stuff in stock like FoxFarm Ocean forest and Ladybug Vortex. The FF is really exspensive almost 40 a bag. No you say why would I go there? No cops. No fear of cops LOL. It is a nusery. They also have some ballest, hoods and bulbs. They seem to really be into organics and that sort of thing. Oh dont try to look up prices on line as the online side is Amazon. I went and check it out yesterday. Really cool place if you like plants and that sort of thing. I got three bags of the LB Vortex and a few other things including a Texas Hibiscus and...and ...shit i forget the name but is a plant humming birds like. I spent less than a hundred. If i would have gone to a hydro store man lot more. ANy way just wanted to let you cats know.
i go there all the time, they have a real nice selection. theres another one by that newish heb plus in leander i really like...unless thats the place your tlking about,i dont pay enough attention
I was at backbone valley nursery today and saw a texas star hibiscus for the first time it looks like a Mj plant...I was trippin on that
The one thing though it seems more and more people are growing. This might be my own experience though. I have noticed that at Lowes and Home Depot are starting to carry products they didnt normally carry.

I must agree I went to wal mart the other night on a mission for extra perlite and I was just looking at the garden supplies. They had a couple of different types of organic soil which shocked me. They had cloners, and hydro net pots. The big business corporations know that a lot of people are growing these days and are trying to discreetly cater to out minor needs. I think its cool because its jus a sing of the times. and by the way another state decriminalized possession today. Glad to see we as a society have made a step forward.
I was at backbone valley nursery today and saw a texas star hibiscus for the first time it looks like a Mj plant...I was trippin on that

wow I so the same thing I live in small town and I go to a nursery to get most of my supplies I need, the closest hydro shop is about 3 hours away and no way am I traveling with it in my car for that long. Ive been harassed my the cops so much I don't dare take the chance. ITs funny because when I go to this place the young dude with the long hair and beard always talk to me about growing organic. I think he knows what I do and vice versa because around here only house wives and older people go to places like this. I totally fit into the underground culture o cannabis just by my apperence so I still try to be cool about it when I pull out of this place. Better paranoid than get arrested
No i havent check out that one in Leander yet. I went to the one in Gtown because they carried FF. When i saw it was 40 a bag well you can guess what I said about that. Funny thing is the one in Leander is only a few miles from my house, say about 10. Gtown a lot further. I understand that Ladybug is here in Austin. In the next week I plan on going on a visit to check it out. I am told you can get bulk soil from them.
LOL yeah you have no idea. I put my H on the front poarch. I am hanging on the back poarch smoking when my ex comes out on the back poarch asking why i am stupid enough to grow on the front poarch. LOL I told her what it was. The really funny thing about this is her brother, who used to be a cop, planyed one of these in his front yard. Someone in the middle of the night came to his house and dug the whole thing up. People I swear.
Hey guys just want you cats to know that if you live close to the Austin Area

we go to texas hydro off Burnet. there's one down south too and one is Htown. think there's one in Dallas too. we like them a lot; they more or less price matched and built a lighting package my boo saw on another website for cheaper. i've never seen cops there and it's in a weird corner lot so kinda not obvious (aside from the Hydroponics sign lol).

anyone in ATX should check out The Great Outdoors on South Congress, across from St Eds. IT IS SO FUCKIN SWEET.
Thanks for the info MIZ. Yeah I have been off burnet. The thing is you most likely wouldnt see the cops watching you. The people are cool there as you said.Really helpful LOL we might have passed each other and not have known it. . I havent been down south as I live NW of Austin. I plan to go check out LadyBugs. The make a whole bunch of different soils and nutes and stuff. The are here in Austin somewhere. I will look them up and take a feild trip next week. They have good products. I use some of them and a know of a few other people who use them as well.
Thanks for the info MIZ. Yeah I have been off burnet. The thing is you most likely wouldnt see the cops watching you. The people are cool there as you said.Really helpful LOL we might have passed each other and not have known it. . I havent been down south as I live NW of Austin. I plan to go check out LadyBugs. The make a whole bunch of different soils and nutes and stuff. The are here in Austin somewhere. I will look them up and take a feild trip next week. They have good products. I use some of them and a know of a few other people who use them as well.

spooky!! lol
we will have to check out LadyBugs! that sounds awesome.
On Walmart.com they even sale aircooled hoods.. Home Depot sales whole grow lights I think just 250watts and t5s
Maybe that would be helpful for people that don't have hydro stores around them
I've been to brite ideas on congress a few times.. Arm and a leg for foxfarms....
Sucks in my hometown I'd get like ten bags at a time for 20 bucks a piece and the lady there was an old hippy wouldn't ring up about half of my supplies everytime I went...then help me load it all...in a jaguar haha
Yeah FF is good stuff but most resalers just way over price that shit. 20 a bag would be cool. Thats why i have been using ladybug products. Well I am just now trying the soil. I have used their ferts. Good stuff. I would go into Austin to get a truck load of good quality potting soil, but not pay 30 or 40 bucks a bag. Miz if you make it out to ladybug before i do pleae report back here and let us know what you think. Well got to go have some pests to deal with. Thankfully nothing to do with my plants. It is the little black blood suckers that are driving me and the dogs crazy right now. I hate fleas almost as much as i hate mites or thrips.