Here are a some snip-its from an article of The Hemp Connoisseur.
Some folks are convinced that there is a provision in the law where one can posses an edibles license(including myself, as my doc said, I need more like 18 plants for my condition.
However Amendment 20 clearly states: Colorado law only allows mmj patients to grow 6 plants...3 flowering/3 in veg...but nothing is mentioned about immature plants...where to draw the line?
In practice, your doc can recommend that a patient have an increased plant count for more painful/serious ailments.
This does not mean that the doctors recommendation some way supersedes the state law. And you are not necessarily exempt from prosecution.
It does however allow the patient who IS prosecuted for violation of the provisions, may raise an affirmative defense against said charges.
It could simply come down to whether, a prosecutor may think you are a distributor or just actually using all the medication yourself.
All these provisions are different from one county to the next, Colorado is by no means under one uniform law outlining what we may grow.
This means, where you live specifically in Colorado could determine prosecution or not.
If you are arrested for growing more than the allotted 6, a doctors recommendation will Not save you from jail-time...
Personally, I think it will depends on individual cases, ie... Are there young children in the house?, are the plants accessible to the minors in question? Is there lots of traffic coming in and out of the residence?
Your neighbors can be your best friend or worst enemy, my advice is to aim for the former, and make friend with neighbors, and be courteous to them.
If prosecuted, are you confident your doctor paid the 150$ increased plant count fee?
(I know my doc didn't pay it, not did I)
Are you confident that doctor will help defend you in the courtroom?
HB 1284 states: ... The patient's physician shall certify the specific amounts in excess of the two ounces that are necessary to address the patients debilitating medical condition, and why such amounts are necessary
You world also probably have to pay a expert witness to testify on your behalf...and you STILL have a chance of being prosecuted....unless your illness is extremely severe, or terminal.
Even with my condition; Ankylosing Spondylitis (more severe than R.A.)..could eventually attack my organs also, turning my heart, lungs and or kidneys into bone matter. My doc wrote me for 18 plants total...
At the time, I was fist-pumping and very excited that I'd be growing 18 plants just for me and my hash
Then I came across articles like this above article...and decided to wait it out, til the laws are more defined.
In summary... always remember this, A drug conviction is most certainly going to ruin your day, it will follow you for the entirety of your whole existence.
Think about that long, and hard before you decide to go beyond the provisions of the law.