Leaked: NSA Collecting Phone Records Of Millions Of Americans


Well-Known Member
Smile bitches if you're using Verizon your shit is being bugged. Damn our government is finding it increasingly difficult to keep a secret of how Obama is Bush2.0.

The order, a copy of which has been obtained by the Guardian, requires Verizon on an "ongoing, daily basis" to give the NSA information on all telephone calls in its systems, both within the US and between the US and other countries

The document shows for the first time that under the Obama administration the communication records of millions of US citizens are being collected indiscriminately and in bulk – regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing.

The secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (Fisa) granted the order to the FBI on April 25, giving the government unlimited authority to obtain the data for a specified three-month period ending on July 19.
Under the terms of the blanket order, the numbers of both parties on a call are handed over, as is location data, call duration, unique identifiers, and the time and duration of all calls. The contents of the conversation itself are not covered.



Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Is this really the best way to get information about terrorism? I'm assuming of course, this falls into the patriot act/homeland security blanket. 99.9 percent of (pulling that number out of my ass) what they get has to be useless "honey do lists" and things of that nature. Someone with something to hide, I imagine is a little smarter than to just air dirty laundry over their cell phone. What are the looking for?


Well-Known Member
Is this really the best way to get information about terrorism? I'm assuming of course, this falls into the patriot act/homeland security blanket. 99.9 percent of (pulling that number out of my ass) what they get has to be useless "honey do lists" and things of that nature. Someone with something to hide, I imagine is a little smarter than to just air dirty laundry over their cell phone. What are the looking for?
No one knows it's suppose to be a secret but someone leaked the order. This is the first time that an entire phone company has had all their records seized for an ongoing time and it sounds like from the report a suspicion that all phone companies may have had this secret court order. I have a feeling this will be Eric Holders last stand.

The court order expressly bars Verizon from disclosing to the public either the existence of the FBI's request for its customers' records, or the court order itself.


Well-Known Member
Are you fucking retarded?
Have you been living under a rock?
This is old news
that is what they do, anyone who cares even a little already knew this, even most people who aren't interested in this suff knew, unless they are real dumb and ignorant
They record and read and listen to every phone call, text, email, riu post etc, they even listen to your conversations held in public places in person, the street lights listen to your conversations
this stuff has been public knowledge for a long time.


Well-Known Member
You mean verision lets them get a copy of your phone bill? or call history?
They also just listen to and record all your phone conversations, im not sure if they need verision in on that one or not, maybe verision doesn't have anything to do with that but does it really matter?


Well-Known Member
You mean verision lets them get a copy of your phone bill? or call history?
They also just listen to and record all your phone conversations, im not sure if they need verision in on that one or not, maybe verision doesn't have anything to do with that but does it really matter?
i would be pissed if the government found out i called a sushi place to make a take out order.

probably angry enough to start a thread about it.


Well-Known Member
one of two things could happen here:

the united states government will soon start blackmailing every verizon customer in the nation and holder will resign in disgrace as the yapping halfwit of an OP so desperately wishes.

or information about possible suspects related to a foreign terror cell will be gained.

let's see, do ya suppose the government is looking for nontheist's late night phone calls to 1-800-GREESE-SLUT, or the location of suspects who are ringing the number of a phone in pakistan somewhere?

i know which bet is the safer bet.


Well-Known Member
i would be pissed if the government found out i called a sushi place to make a take out order.

probably angry enough to start a thread about it.
Officer Doofy every number you call or text being tracked and the location of you and them is being bugged, this information is not freely available. If this information isn't relevant than why do they need a secret court order? As for Holder the story is only 2 hours old and all over the internet. You still angry about being called out on your bullshit lies on illegal immigration?


Well-Known Member
Officer Doofy every number you call or text being tracked and the location of you and them is being bugged. If this information isn't relevant than why do they need a secret court order? As for Holder the story is only 2 hours old and all over the internet.
you keep using that word. :lol:

you're aware how easy it would be to get all of this data anyway if they wanted it, right?

like i said, they're not worried about your late night calls to 1-800-DOG-FUCK. they gain intelligence all the time about things like phone numbers of overseas terrorists, and they probably just want the locations of the people calling those terrorists.

i guess the last batch of scandals didn't work, time to try some new ones, eh barky?

well good luck. and make sure to start calling your dog fuck hotlines from a payphone while in disguise.


Well-Known Member
you keep using that word. :lol:

you're aware how easy it would be to get all of this data anyway if they wanted it, right?
So they file a secret court orders because it's so easy for them? You're talking in circles here dumbfucky it doesn't make any sense.

like i said, they're not worried about your late night calls to 1-800-DOG-FUCK. they gain intelligence all the time about things like phone numbers of overseas terrorists, and they probably just want the locations of the people calling those terrorists.
So ask for everyone call log to catch a few terrorist? Hmm that sounds as efficient as using C4 to kill mosquitoes.


Well-Known Member
So they file a secret court orders because it's so easy for them? You're talking in circles here dumbfucky it doesn't make any sense.
i bet the secret order had more to do with them wanting their surveillance to be kept secret.

So ask for everyone call log to catch a few terrorist? Hmm that sounds as efficient as using C4 to kill mosquitoes.
someone should probably invent some sort of a machine into which much data can be input, filtered, and the relevant results be given as output.

oh, wait. that exists. it's called a computer.

let's put that on the list of things you were unaware existed, right along with bath tubs, soap, and dogs who don't enjoy licking peanut butter off your crotch after your horse of a wife goes to bed.


Well-Known Member
the story is hype
a non issue talking point, it is irrelevant, sure maybe you could argue that verision sucks for going along with it
but the story is pure propaganda
they are getting geared up to kill or completely enslave just about everyone, there is your story, this one is BS
What do you think that data center in utah is all about
Georgia guide stones- there is a glimpse of where things are going, this is a small foot note, not a major story.


Well-Known Member
i bet it's not just verizon, either.

unless, of course, they like to miss out on access to info relevant to foiling terror networks.