Club 600

Point taken, sns217 makes the potential list...I'll bet I spend $100 at the damn dro shop tomorrow. I'm ready to go world war III on these bitches!

It's like 75 bucks for the concentrate and 25 for the mixed quart .......when I had a infestation on a mom I took in and any infestation I encounter at buddys etc....spray sns the next day spray water heavily the next day sns the next water until u have done it 4 or 5 times then treat every week once .....and clean ur room with each time u spray u just have to be dedicated to doing it and dnt slack drop ur humidity and raise ur temps .....and spray the sns lightly it spreads on the leaf.
And if u wnt and does help use snake skin once a week its like a condom for ur plant........this has worked for me
It's like 75 bucks for the concentrate and 25 for the mixed quart .......when I had a infestation on a mom I took in and any infestation I encounter at buddys etc....spray sns the next day spray water heavily the next day sns the next water until u have done it 4 or 5 times then treat every week once .....and clean ur room with each time u spray u just have to be dedicated to doing it and dnt slack drop ur humidity and raise ur temps .....and spray the sns lightly it spreads on the leaf.
And if u wnt and does help use snake skin once a week its like a condom for ur plant........this has worked for me

Im remember reading mites thrive in hot dry climates... reproducing rapidly.

Whats up peeps?? So here's some pics of day 30 of 12/12. 1st would be them all & last 2 are my Louie the 13th.View attachment 2687603View attachment 2687602View attachment 2687604

Looking nice there.

?p x SB#2

Gotta keep these unruly ladies in check. Training time, long twist ties are as great as sliced bread.

Looking good whodat and you are right spider mites do reproduce in hot and dry climates.

If you're having problems johnny remember all those recipes I gave you, I might suggest recipe number 2 plus. I know it may sound dumb as it's the cheapest and seems like it wouldn't do shit but all you have to do is upset them and have something to kill them. As long as they aren't reproducing and your constantly upsetting them they will leave.

Good luck and hope you get shit figured out.
Im remember reading mites thrive in hot dry climates... reproducing rapidly.

Looking nice there.

?p x SB#2

Loaded spoon pR0n!

I was told could be wrong but by raising ur temps and lowering ur humidity creates a hot dry climate and they dnt like it since there a soft bodied pest ...but like I said that's what I was told and taught
Alright guys it's time to go pass out and smoke a bowl but my girl can't decide what movie to watch tonight and she said put it on facebook but I said fuck facebook lol. So I'm going to let you guys decide what we should watch, it's either Identify Thief or Mama.

Hope everyone has a good night.
Guess ur right whodat glad u brang that to my attention cause I was told hot and dry they dnt like....shit makes me stand behind sns even more with creating a better environment for them and there still gone
And, for those who keep asking:


Seen it, and love it! need to watch again :-) thanks.

I was told could be wrong but by raising ur temps and lowering ur humidity creates a hot dry climate and they dnt like it since there a soft bodied pest ...but like I said that's what I was told and taught

whomever told you that may have a motive... lol,,, JUST KIDDING.
Alright guys it's time to go pass out and smoke a bowl but my girl can't decide what movie to watch tonight and she said put it on facebook but I said fuck facebook lol. So I'm going to let you guys decide what we should watch, it's either Identify Thief or Mama.

Hope everyone has a good night.

G-night giggle,,, I can help you with the pic but I can tell you I'll be watching the back of my eyelids in a bit here.

Guess ur right whodat glad u brang that to my attention cause I was told hot and dry they dnt like....shit makes me stand behind sns even more with creating a better environment for them and there still gone

Sounds good bro :-) I guess there is a method to your madness.


edit: just seen this,,, "astronomers estimate 100 billion earth like planets in the milky way"

Mind blown.
Any machinist in here ......has anyone ever seen any device to cut clones I know I have cut my finger more than once I was thinking of making a device u can cut the branch from the plant stick it in a tube sort of thing and have a slit cut out at a angle u can stick a razor blade in and slide it thru while holding the cut firm so u get a nice clean consistant cut .
Been thinking about that every once in a while (well, every time I take clippings for clones), and still haven't come up with any good ideas.
Been thinking about that every once in a while (well, every time I take clippings for clones), and still haven't come up with any good ideas.

My idea was a stainless steel egg shaped piece with the larger part being bottom drill hole straight thru for u can put stem thru larger part of egg have a 45 degree cut thru the drilled hole for a razor blade to slide thru maybe even put a pressure button on it also that holds the stem in place just a thought