Well-Known Member
Point taken, sns217 makes the potential list...I'll bet I spend $100 at the damn dro shop tomorrow. I'm ready to go world war III on these bitches!
It's like 75 bucks for the concentrate and 25 for the mixed quart .......when I had a infestation on a mom I took in and any infestation I encounter at buddys etc....spray sns the next day spray water heavily the next day sns the next water until u have done it 4 or 5 times then treat every week once .....and clean ur room with each time u spray u just have to be dedicated to doing it and dnt slack drop ur humidity and raise ur temps .....and spray the sns lightly it spreads on the leaf.
And if u wnt and does help use snake skin once a week its like a condom for ur plant........this has worked for me