Leaked: NSA Collecting Phone Records Of Millions Of Americans


New Member
one of two things could happen here:

the united states government will soon start blackmailing every verizon customer in the nation and holder will resign in disgrace as the yapping halfwit of an OP so desperately wishes.

or information about possible suspects related to a foreign terror cell will be gained.

let's see, do ya suppose the government is looking for nontheist's late night phone calls to 1-800-GREESE-SLUT, or the location of suspects who are ringing the number of a phone in pakistan somewhere?

i know which bet is the safer bet.
You don't know what you're talking about. Sigint hits haven't prevent an attack on US soil EVER...


Well-Known Member
Exactly the point, you cannot read and you keep showing you have no idea what you're talking about.
are you saying that apparently me reading compensation has failed i?

are you really that worried that the big scary government is gonna bust you for making naughty late night calls to 1-900-GREESE-HO?


Well-Known Member
gee, ya think?
I just called the sushi place in town and tried to sing the intro from shimmy shimmy yah
It was fun as hell
Got to live life and enjoy it while we're here
Do you think they were listening to my call? If so I bet they laughed

OOooohhh Baby I Like It Raw


Well-Known Member
i just called the sushi place in town and tried to sing the intro from shimmy shimmy yah
it was fun as hell
got to live life and enjoy it while we're here
do you think they were listening to my call? If so i bet they laughed

ooooohhh baby i like it raw

busted. To guantanamo with you.



New Member
i bet the secret order had more to do with them wanting their surveillance to be kept secret.

someone should probably invent some sort of a machine into which much data can be input, filtered, and the relevant results be given as output.

oh, wait. that exists. it's called a computer.

let's put that on the list of things you were unaware existed, right along with bath tubs, soap, and dogs who don't enjoy licking peanut butter off your crotch after your horse of a wife goes to bed.
Honestly you should just STFU, you are dumb. And making calls about peoples spouses? Please bucky we all saw self hating man hands she looks like a bush pig and that's just her hands...


Well-Known Member
Very original there dog... I was waiting to see how long it took you to pick up bucks whiff and jump in his arsehole... Your always quick to the mark, kinda like a pining male dog trying to pick up the scent of a bitch in heat... Doesn't take you whackjob socialists too long...
you need to get laid. bad.


Well-Known Member
time: 7:59 PM

time: 11:09 PM

you're just about as good at telling time as echelon is at getting laid, which is to say hopeless.
WTF this is the best you can come up with as we watch your beloved administration that swore transparency get exposed as opaque fascists? This is the quietest I have ever seen the democrats as they scurry around trying to remove the media's dick from their ass.


New Member
My Position On FISA - Barack Obama, Huff Post, July '08

But I also believe that the compromise bill is far better than the Protect America Act that I voted against last year. The exclusivity provision makes it clear to any president or telecommunications company that no law supersedes the authority of the FISA court. In a dangerous world, government must have the authority to collect the intelligence we need to protect the American people. But in a free society, that authority cannot be unlimited. As I've said many times, an independent monitor must watch the watchers to prevent abuses and to protect the civil liberties of the American people. This compromise law assures that the FISA court has that responsibility.
FBI to monitor online chats in real-time by 2014