First ever grow - Fridge grow


Active Member
I was being a Smart Ass. I'm still subbed. Looking good homly
not so good anymore! I dont know whats happening :|

ok guys im really worried now. everything was going smoothly then all of a sudden they started drooping. One of them is dead (this is the bagseed one). I had a look at its roots because it was beyond saving (although i tried) and there was alot of that green algae stuff. am i getting root rot? is it due to the peat pellet? should i only be watering around the peat pellet and not actually on it? My humidity has been low around 25% on average....could this be causing it? Anyone that can help, it would be much appreciated as I really don't want them dying!



Well-Known Member
Are you using any nutes? I've heard that soil nutes in hydro can do that, but I haven't grown hydro. Sub'd

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
if I were you, I'd change out of those cups. Light shines through those cups, and that's probably why you saw alge.

Take them out, clean their roots put them in a plastic or a light proof pot/container what have you. Do this right when the lights come on so they have a whole day to recover. Water lightly after transplant. No nutes


Active Member
Yeah I started feeding when roots hit res. I also added a couple of drops of calmag to my last bite mix and that's when they started to go down hill.... Could the calmag be screwing my plants? The next feeding which is meant to be tomorrow I will not use any calmag and see what Happens

Fenian, I've seen people use styrofoam cups with no problems, I thought about the light thing too but I don't see how light can get through? If I decide to transplant how sensitive are the roots? Will the plant die if I rinse off the green looking perlite under water?


Active Member
hey everyone its been a while since ive checked in. the problem actually wasnt the peat pellets, i think it was the low humidity. My humidity was at around 10% at times and I have recently hung a towel on the door of my fridge and water it so its wet maybe once-twice a day. This has done wonders so far but leaves are still curling down a bit so I bought a humidifier and am waiting for it to come in the post.

Also, the two clones i received from my friend looked like dying when they were just in the rockwool cubes so i ended up putting them in makeshift hempy pots using a 2 litre coke bottle and a 2 little orange juice container. I really didnt think they would survive but after about a week and a bit they exploded and my main focus looks to be on them now.

My seedlings which I started with have grown pretty well and I dont want to throw them away so i'm thinking of making a little box to keep them in with a couple of cfl's or something...anyone have any ideas for this? I'm guessing i have a few weeks until the bigger plants start filling my scrog screen and I will have no place to put them.

My scrog screen had to be adjusted because the fridge door wouldnt close, so it looks dodgy as now but it should work fine...
the 4 odd looking plants are just experiments of mine to get used to hempy growing, just a tomato plant, raddish and couple of strawberry plants.
the middle 2 smallish weed plants are the plants i've grown from seed


Active Member
Hey everyone. Plants are all looking pretty healthy, humidifier has done wonders. Temperatures are steady at around 25 degrees usually and humidity sits between 40-60%. Plants seem to be loving it.

Anyway, because the bigger plants will soon takeover most of the space and the little ones will have no where to go, I plan to buy a grow tent and set up another space. I hope to achieve a bit of a perpetual system through doing this.
I think its well worth the investment. Think I need to transplant the little ones into a new home soon as they are getting pretty big and im guessing theyre soon to become rootbound?

Ps with scrog should I aim to fill up particular parts of the screen up first?


Well-Known Member
hey willy0405 nice grow and great come back from adversity, i would have sworn ur babies were dead.
no advise on the scrog i`m afraid, never used 1.
good luck and happy growing


Well-Known Member
Hey willy! Good recovery on those babies! For the scrog screen they say to fill approx. 70% of the screen itself before flower. This give you room still to continue training while the stretch it happening. I would train one plant in one direction and train the other in the opposite direction to even everything out. Sub'd on this bad boy. Keep up the great work!


Active Member
hey willy0405 nice grow and great come back from adversity, i would have sworn ur babies were dead.
no advise on the scrog i`m afraid, never used 1.
good luck and happy growing
thanks man, i thought i was almost gone aswell. I didnt realise that low humidity can be so damaging.

PS madrush thanks for the advice and hopefully I can do it properly, seems reasonably straight forward


Active Member
Ok why does there always seem to be something wrong with my plants haha. They seem to be twisting and curling and on one of the plants it has developed a bit of a purpley rust on a few leaves and there is also some light greening. All can be seen in the pics below. I am most concerned with the leaf curling and I think it is due to a PH problem. I flushed the hempys with plain water at around 5.8 ph then gave them some light nutes. I captured the runoff after flushing with thw water and it came out to like 6.9 :| I have one of those PH pens so im not sure how accurate they are as they seem to fluctuate alot however I am pretty confident it is within +-0.2. Any help is appreciated of course


Well-Known Member
Did you calibrate your PH pen when you got it?

It looks like nitrogen toxicity (the claw) on the first pic, but the second looks far too light green to have the same problem.

Flushing is good, check your calibration and go easy on the nutes next feeding.


Active Member
Did you calibrate your PH pen when you got it?

It looks like nitrogen toxicity (the claw) on the first pic, but the second looks far too light green to have the same problem.

Flushing is good, check your calibration and go easy on the nutes next feeding.

Yes i did calibrate it, I think the problem was a big swing in temperatures. temps went from being really high (at times 30 degrees+) to below 20 degrees.
It has started raining and stuff here where I live so I thought the only option to keep these plants alive was to move them from my uninsunlated, unheated/airconditioned garage to inside the house. Temps are alot steadier so far and I am hoping the plants recover fro this


Active Member
Hey everyone its been a while since ive checked in. I recently moved the fridge indoors because temperatures were all over the place in the garage. Leaves were purpling and curling due to the cold temperatures, I thought they were gone. The first night I moved the fridge indoors I decided to turn off the extraction fan and accidently left it off all night.....Safe to say temperatures were well over 40 degrees and the plants got absolutely roasted. I am amazed at the resilience of these plants and they seem to recover from almost anything as long as you give them the chance. I think I have finally got everything in check and its amazing what a difference stable temperatures make. My lights on temps are at around 21 degrees celsius, RH is at around 60-65% and lights off temps are usually at around 17 degrees celsius. The plants are growing extremely well now and have basically fully recovered.

As you can see in the first picture almost the whole top layer of the scrog got crisped and the leaves were brown and broke when touched. I gradually trimmed off the really bad leaves and continued feeding every 2 days monitoring the ppm, not the ph. Plants seem to be enjoying it and my next problem to work out is what to do with the 2 little ones? Think I need a grow tent, or I might just make another box since I kind of know what i'm doing now.

Anyway here are a couple of pictures:



Well-Known Member
Wow, they're hanging on great! Damn fine resilience. I'd continue to veg 'em 'till they fill that screen nicely. If growth is too slow, maybe take a clone and start fresh..


Active Member
Wow, they're hanging on great! Damn fine resilience. I'd continue to veg 'em 'till they fill that screen nicely. If growth is too slow, maybe take a clone and start fresh..
I thought about that, but the new growth is great, growing really fast I think the screen will be getting full in a weeks time and I will switch to flower. Very exciting. The little ones are a bit mangled but they are also looking green and recovering/growing again. The are still in their little cups and need to be transplanted I think so i'm not sure what to do with them. I will upload a picture of them when I get a chance