Rants and Raves.. a place to bitch and wine.


im listening go on....don't be shy, ... so who pissed in your cheerios today? hmm? was it bush...Obama...ebay....the mail lady.....those nosey kids or those loud ass dogs? tell me all about itmean-face.jpg


Staff member
we have tons of bitching and whining threads, random jib jabber, the thread called fuck ect


Well-Known Member
I failed to obey the rules of the road when I first arrived here and started with the question....Do you wake and bake?
So to the OP, I understand your position and your need to communicate with others here, my only suggestion would be to read more and if you have a topic to discuss make sure to search it first, then decide if you want to bring it up again in your own words or just resurrect an older thread.

Welcome to RIU


Well-Known Member
nearly 15 fucking miles hauling ass in my wheelchair for a fake leg to find out the knee isnt working. meaning go home and wait for another day.


Active Member
Im pissed cos I aint got no fuckin job and im broke as fuuuuck...My girl works though so we do have an income but me not being able to find a job(im lookin, trust me) is starting to fuck me off bigtime. I need to find some sort of source of income, even if it is only a small amount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
fucking sucks i didnt ask for the clear socket 2 months ago and say screw the knee i'll build whats needed, im not using it for walking.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
fucking sucks i didnt ask for the clear socket 2 months ago and say screw the knee i'll build whats needed, im not using it for walking.
My best friend in highschool only had one arm. He had the prosthetic but never used it... go figure.

Me and dude used to play b-ball and he could shoot like bird lol. people always underestimated him We used to kill guys on the court. good shit

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
i hate it when you sit down too fast, and accidentally sit on one of your nuttz, shit hurts~

rant over :-|

I usually go commando and always end up smashing my balls getting in and out of my ride, lol. It's lifted so i gotta raise my leg up high to get in and hoist myself up. Perfect position for getting your Nuts crushed when going to sit