Can i use This Light?


Well-Known Member
You can it'll give it.some of.the light.frequency it needs. Is stick with plain cfls if you want any kinda harvest.


Well-Known Member
You could use it to pretend you are growing under LED. Seriously though, low wattage, even if it was the regular whites, so really not worthwhile.


Well-Known Member
agree, even on a cloudy day my light meter show +5K foot candles when I point it out the balcony door, you wont get much more then 1-2K out of a regular CFL and that is at 2-4 inch distance


Well-Known Member
cfl's.jpgI know these are daylight, but I can get the same bulbs in 2700K for $6 all day long for a two pack. I think the 2700K are 1650 lumens too. I've found 4 packs for $10 at dollar stores before and they were just as good quality as these and these are from G.E. I just like to use these if I happen to have a small hole in my light coverage somehow. Peace out.


The tube might be better because you can lay them sideways in the cab and there is more light area. If you're using the spiral ones, you'll just need more of them and try to get them on the side as the sides shed more light than the end. With the spirals, you'll need more of them, but you can mix lights too - I currently have 2 x 2700 and one 6500 in my pc box.
A lot of it is based on room that you have, along with preference of the set up.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2687951I know these are daylight, but I can get the same bulbs in 2700K for $6 all day long for a two pack. I think the 2700K are 1650 lumens too. I've found 4 packs for $10 at dollar stores before and they were just as good quality as these and these are from G.E. I just like to use these if I happen to have a small hole in my light coverage somehow. Peace out.

that's also a good one.


Well-Known Member
I love you guys.

As long as growers like you are around, my competition, well isn't even competition.

I did get a good laugh out of this thread though.


Well-Known Member
agree, even on a cloudy day my light meter show +5K foot candles when I point it out the balcony door, you wont get much more then 1-2K out of a regular CFL and that is at 2-4 inch distance
Dude would be better if he used 5 actual candles lol