One step closer to the next american revolution. taxation out the ass without representation (who the F*ck voted to bail out big businesses with tax payer money?) (or to give relief aid to any country other than our own?), invasion of privacy. nothing we do is private anymore. how is it that gas is half the price I pay at the pump only a few states away. how is it that cigarettes/dutchies are less than half the price only a couple states away. cigs have went from $5 a pack to $11 in only ten years. gas has doubled as well. and the worst part about it.. is its ALL taxes. go to a sales-tax-free state and prices are damn near the same they were 10 years ago. I guess my gripe is more on a state level, but as far as anti-privacy.. that's some F'ed up federal shit. Now I love weed as much as everyone on this site, but how can it be an illegal substance federally, but be legal on a state level under the federal gov. That means the gov is picking and choosing which laws to enforce.