i need help with my first indoor grow


hey guys, i have been growing some bag seed seedlings for 2-3 weeks now, one is turning yellow and the others have one or two leaves starting to turn. i have 6 33 watt daylight cfl's and I'm not sure if I'm using the right stuff, i just changed my soil to black gold organic potting soil. The seedlings are small only 2 smooth leaves and about 4 fan leaves, some have little ones growing in the middle. few questions.

should i start feeding nutrients, i have miracle grow all purpose?
should i use warm white bulbs instead of daylight?
should i have more light?
where to buy the best bulbs but at a affordable price? ( small home grow)
should i use better soil?.... i had a cheap 99c store brand just changed to the black gold, i hear fox farm is the best
what will i need to really do this right, no fuss, quick and affordable?

I would love some help from anyone willing, i just started after years of smoking, time to grow my own at least i will know what's in it. :weed:
thank you in advance for all the help, my name is Kelly contact me anytime with advice


Well-Known Member
1. how many seeds you sprouted.
2. what are your watering habits. how often, how much you water, how big are pots.
3. pictures would help a lot
4. temps
5. you have any air circulation?

if you want some nutes that will get you from start to finish, get dyna-gro folliage pro and mag-pro. since they are so cheap from the money you save while not buying "snake oils" you can get dyna-gro protekt, if however you do not save any, these two bottles will do just fine.

if you use any other nmake sure you get npk ratio close to 3-1-2/3-1-4 (low P high N and K) and some Ca Mg supplement. Also some micros additives like seaweed or something else.

to answer other questions we need more info..


Well-Known Member
I love Dyna Gro as well. Becareful with MG. And with all nutes, start with about 1/4 the rec dose. See how plants reacts and slowly up it.

Post some pics. There are so many variables not listed.

For soil, I mix cheapi potting soil with no added nutes, peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite and add 2T of lime (dolomite) per gallon of mix.

You want bright daylight bulbs for veg. They will say 6500k on the box. For flower it is 2700k aka soft white. Almost all brand say the K on the box. I use a 3:1 ratio on lights. So for veg 75% 6500k, 25% 2700k and the opposite for flower. As an example, I have four plants in my tent and use 14 23w CFLs. Plenty of light for veg but I could improve my yield significantly if I had more for flowering.


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First sorry for the blurry pics i used an old camera, so you might not see the true color, the biggest one in the grey pot is turning light green, it has a purple stem, the first 6 pics, then i have about 8 seedlings in cups. the rest are greener than the big one and they only have maybe one leaf yellow, their leaves are droopy but they look good color wise. since i got the new soil yesterday it looks better but cant tell for sure yet.

Ok temp 79 - 84, went to 88 once then i got a fan. today was 80 almost all day

I water when i see the soil dry or when i lift the cups and they're light, i don't do much only to wet the soil but no run off, should i do it on schedule and make water run out the bottom?

I heard botanicare has a good line should i get that...Kit includes pure blend pro grow, liquid karma, pure blend pro soil and I was gonna buy pure blend pro bloom with it.

Or do i get General Hydroponics Go Box Starter Kit it Includes: (1) 16oz BioThrive Grow / (1) 16oz BioThrive Bloom (1) 8oz CaMg+ / (1) 8oz BioRoot / (1) 8oz BioWeed, (1) 8oz BioBud / (1) 8oz BioMarine / (1) 8oz Diamond Black?

What is it i will need exactly? i was going to purchase, the botanicare kit or GH go box, superthrive, general hydroponics ph control kit, and fox farm soil. i use an air stone for my tap water right now

And i don't think my bulbs are 6500k more like 2700 each or something, i'll check for sure when the lights get back on.
thanks so much guys anything else you need to know?


Well-Known Member
They don't look happy. I am no expert but am wondering if you are too stingy on water, combined with heat and possibly lack of humidity. Water till you get some runoff, Make sure you get the perimeter of the cup saturated so roots eventually seek the water out there. If that is the issue, they should perk up quickly.


will do thanks, i was scared of over watering them, i know now it was bad soil mixed with bad watering habits, any more info on what to use or when and if to feed nutes

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
Make sure you're checking lumens as well a kelvin... A couple of those pics showed some stretch in the plant, how high up are your cfls?

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
For 2-3 weeks a couple of those pics look like my plant that was a just seed with a root coming out of it on monday...


yes it is, i went on and learned alot. things are looking up i think, today they look great, getting greener and leaves are perky. still a few yellow leaves but it looks good overall, still need advice on what to get, thanks for the replies all

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
You already answered the $1000 question...
Miracle grow TABLETS are NOT for cannabis!
They WILL overfeed, burn and kill your plant.
Get them OUT of the soil if they haven't dissolved yet--
then slowly pour a couple of gallons of room temperature water thru the soil to leach it out (called flushing)
In a couple days- replant her into a larger pot with some organic soil....even Miracle-grow All Organic is decent.
Then you need to find something from the list below to feed her properly-- I am assuming you used what you did due to limited availability-- so I've limited the list to things you can get at Lowes/Home Depot/walmart/ Garden Centers etc... ;) Good Luck Hun!

these are the charts I have available... and after- is help for those of you who- due to resourses- must use Miracle grow (or schultz/Peters) Or Fish Ferts.

REMEMBER! These Are GUIDELINES! You need to use a meter (ph and ec/ppm) so that whatever the effect YOUR water has on the nutes is apparent, and you can adjust the amounts you use to Your system & water!!!

This Lists the BASICS needed to use most readily available Brands (and a few of the extras-- but there ARE more!) and both a weekly schedual (dirt & hydro IF you change the water weekly) and Phasic feeding for bubblers.
Phasic shedules can be followed for soil-- but do not work as well!

Hope this helps!!!

If growing in Soil, you usually Start flushing (running clear water thru the soil to rince out the un-used nutes) 2 weeks prior to harvest. This is nessisary to force the plant to use it's stored nutes & protiens, that otherwise result in harsh or grassy product.
But flushing also OFTEN results in losing yield; since you will reduce the available nutrients to the plant during the last 2 weeks of growth when the plants usually put on the most weight.
Simply STOP Nuting at whatever week you are at when time to flush.
IF you use the Ememrgency flush method, follow the entire schedule until the plants are ready to harvest.

Fish Fertilizer
This is for the use of Alaska brand Fish Fertilizer, and Alaska Kelp Fertilizer-- But other brands of Fish Emulsion and Organic nutrient that is JUST P & K with NO "N" value will work also.

Start The FIsh Ferts at 1/2 recomended rate when the plants have 3 sets of true leaves... after week 2 of veg, go to 3/4 stregnth...
When ready for 12/12-- you need to get some Alaska Kelp fert* (-- it is just P-K... add this to your 3/4 stregnth Fish Ferts at 1/4 stregnth... and use this blend thru the bloom period...
IF she seems to need more-- feed more often instead of increasing the amounts... with this fert , that seems to work better.

You will probably need additional micronutes-- so I would call around, or go online for EarthJuice Microblast... use at 1/3 stregnth every week.. as the Fish ferts arent complete with all the micro's needed.

*or another No Nitrogen Organic


Espoma is a brand of dry, granual organics used mostly in outdoor in-ground growing, but CAN be used at a lesser rate to enrich the soil of container plants.

It is marketed as Plant-tone, Veg-Tone, Holly-Tone, Rose-tone and Flower-tone.

You will want to get Veg-tone and Flower-tone... If flower-tone is not available, use Just the veg-tone.

For in-ground,prep your planting site, adding 1/4 cup of the Veg-tone to the hole you dig for the plants (at least 18 inches wide and 12 inches deep- the soil fluffed and back In the hole when you add the Espoma)
... or in containers, use 2 tablespoons in 5 galons of soil.
When the Plants Begin to bloom, use the Flower-tone as a top dressing according tot he bags directions, and gently rub into the soil around the plants so i doesn't wash away in the rain.

You MAY use the Fish-Fert Schedule along with the Espoma, but reduce the feedings to every other week.


If you really MUST use Miracle Grow Nutes or Soil cuz there isn't anything else available (cost can't be a reason, MG is about the same price as some organics !)


(enough for 2-3 plants .. just use more jugs for more plants!)
Get regular miracle grow (Not tomato or Rose food or azalea formula!)
AND Blossom Booster (or Schultz Professional Bloom food)
get 2- 1 gallon jugs of spring water from the store (about $1 each)
and an empty jug. Mark them (A) (B) & (C) --- (B) is the empty jug!

in the 1st jug (A) mix the MG at 1/4 the recomended rate for indoor plants.

In the 2nd jug (C), mix at 1/2 stregnth for indoor plants.

pour 1/2 of both into the empty jug (B)

Now-- when your plants get their 3rd set of leaves, feed once every 10 days. Start with (A) for the 1st 2 feed... then (B).. and end-up with (C) the week before you go 12/12.


MG builds up-- and will lock-up as you add the stronger bloom nutes!
as the final part of the flush-- pour in a couple pints of your new bloom nutes (see below)

Do the same with your bloom nutes, Mix ahead in larger amounts... BUT--mix Jug (A) at 1/2 rate, Jug (C) at full stregnth-- and (B) the 2 mixed.

Start with (A) the 1st day of 12/12, then again in 10 days,
then switch to (B). Do not switch to (C) until the week before you flush for harvest!
when the trichomes just start turning cloudy, give em their last dose. In 10 days, check the trichs again.. if not all cloudy, you can feed again-- But go back to (B)


You need to flush all the Nitrogen and magnesium out of the plants-- so Flush them well, put back in the bloom room the full 2 weeks till harvest, water as needed .. but absolutely no nutes or foliar sprays!

IF you foliar fed during the grow-- be sure to use a sprayer of water to gently shower it off the plants! (also gets rid of dead bugs & dust stuck to the buds!)

it has TIME RELEASED nutes-- so flushing is impossible... and you do not know how much nutes are being released or used by the plants.
If yYou Used MG soil, do NOT nute at all during veg... and use only additional P-K and suppliments without "N" during bloom...
And pre-harvest flushing can NOT be done on the normal 2 week schedule because of the time released nutes-- you must emergency flush when the trichs are how ya want em...

Cut the plant off at soil level. Place plant in a bucket with enough PLAIN tapwater to cover the base, but not touch lower limbs or vegetation....

Add a bubbler to the bucket to help "fool" the plant into thinking it is still alive (this only works up to 4 days before they wilt!)
Tthe plant will now use the nutrients stored in it's system . Leave under the lights at least 2 days-- up to 4 (3 is the usual amount)
IF you are one who puts their plants in the dark the last 3 days, give em at least 24 hours under lights before ya do... the photosynthesis will help the plant flush out unused nitrogen.

When using MG Fertilizer (as well as Schultz or Peter's ) Watch for:
brown dry spots
crinckling leaves
pale new growth

http://www.marijuanagrowing.eu/nutes-what-use-and-how-use-t14033.html Top
be very careful with that MG its not the best to grow weed in, but glad your doing ok, above is some info you might find helpfull!!


thanks so much king, great info. everyone else also thank you, big difference in the plants, i'm so excited to see the leaves turning green again:hug:
will do thanks, i was scared of over watering them, i know now it was bad soil mixed with bad watering habits, any more info on what to use or when and if to feed nutes
ok rule of thumb for not over watering (For me). and ive never had it be a problem. 1st things first. the reason you get "over watered" is that, the roots need to be exposed to oxygen throughout(id say 75% at least.) this process needs to happen to do tons of stuff, like photosynthesis, building blocks for life, using stored energy(or storing) and processing new nutes. ect. what I do is a simple test in the pot or cup. BE CAREFUL, stick your finger about an inch into the soil(make sure to pass what the light would dry quickly on the surface.) don't force it, if theres roots, wiggle through em and be gentil to ur baby. pull ur finger out and if it has any(even the slightest bit)of moist soil on it. they arnt ready. u will start to nitice patterns with how fast it uses/drys the moisturein the soil. water off that schedule. calendar, grow agenda whatever just get you and them on an internal/external clock and TEST. hope this helps, good luck.