the chitown sourkush thread

a friend of a friend tried to set me up... came to my door.. noticed all kinds of law activities.... dude was acting suspect.. I served him and then I took it back and gave him back da bread... I had him drive me around a lil bit and noticed law everywere.. lots of marked cars some unmarks were following us... everyime I tol him to turn they turnt with us... thinking quick I had dude drive me to my niggas crib and I took the sack I had for him and threw it all over his back yard area and ripped the bag.. I plyed it off like I was gonna serve dude later and told him ikll get back at him. had dude drop me off 2 blocks from my tip and went home smashed my scale and broke up a qp of bud and flushed it half oz at a time!!!! sshit fucked up my day and many many days to come.. this game a bitch sometimes

i hope shit str8, id rather be robbed than set up for the pigs anyday cuz. i hope your good though, you know i can relate bruh,
im glad u think shits funny bro... btw I fucking hate disc golfing... and I suck ass at it and mainly go to get fucked up... similer to fishing except I can actually fish well... but im glad u think this is funny... im out plus bills personal ccash... them bitches watching me, u be on str8 bullshit

Disk golf=horseshoes w/a frisbee.

Sorry to hear about the rest, looks like it's time for a new marketing plan...better class of people to market to?.

you a good man Dr
Ya man for sure. Just returning the favor.. we wouldn't have these beans if it weren't for you. So ya, I'd be more than glad to make beans for the cause

is how peeps are sposed to be but are not all da time

spress i hope you closed shop for a while
i dont think my old azz nurves could handle all da repercussions of clocking and slinging
so i just smoke is why i stoped working in 97 - i realized im never going to be rich - an never going to be poor
so fritz da cat it - fuck it all man
but i wiil be high for shure

to much
da law
rats - kid gets busted dont know nutin cops let him walk if he talks
both sides lookin to do ya

just to much

get low bro
Since chitown is taking a hiatus, i'm gonna hijack this thread and claim it till He comes back. I'm sure he won't mind me keeping his thread warm for the time being.....

I know this indoor thread but it's summer in the northern hemisphere so we going outdoors now. My thread starts now....

Heres a pic of a few plants i just transplanted.. japan cucumbers and kale..yup, we self sustain here and grow and eat our own shit. Nature provides, i just prepare...more to come down the road. Stay tuned...

No i did not. Thanks for informing me.. no more fox farms for me..and fuck mansato

Hey Doc, you seem like you know a bit about growing veggies. I have a 2 ft tall chillie plant that I bought as is...Any ideas on how to look after? Should I just continue to water or do they need nutes? Also parsley...You know anything about them as I have some seeds...
Hey Doc, you seem like you know a bit about growing veggies. I have a 2 ft tall chillie plant that I bought as is...Any ideas on how to look after? Should I just continue to water or do they need nutes? Also parsley...You know anything about them as I have some seeds...

I've been giving mine peters all purpose for now, I'm on a budget lol. I usually use a bunch of worm castings in my outdoor grows, among other things.. but for now, my chilis aregetting peters all purpose plant food Whenever they look like they need it
CAM00248.jpgso we don't see too much male plants being posted so I'll start today off with a male...pre-98 bubba kush. Gonna hang on to this for a bit then move it outta here...more pics to follow later..stay tuned.. it gets better as the season progresses..if johnny law didn't pay me a visit a month ago, this grow woulda really been rocking..oh well, we don't fold. We come back stronger

One love
so we got a new sherrif in town hugh Doc
you like growin veges to
i just put up a few vids showing my back yard
hers one

Pop- befo you said you was lookin into Colorodo now packin off up around Washington
gluck - gona be postin up here still ???

I never said I was looking into colorado. I was looking into Oregon... but I'm gonna just be lookig around oregon and northern california.

I"ll still post in here when I can, but it'll be through my smart phone so I can't guarantee the same quality of posts.