the chitown sourkush thread

Woo Hoo, i wonder if the beans you make would grow diff than the ones pop made? Thx for keeping his thread going. This thread is like the hood to me, and all the other ones are suburban type, i love to come back to the hood n chill.
No problem trouble....when i harvest those beans, I'll remember all the good guys lol

But ya, you're one of em bro..along with pops and others
And ya man, this my favorite thread as well. Feel right at home here in the hood. This the meanest streets Of RIU right here haha... for real though
what it do.... took a lil vacation... left Chicago for close to a week and went south to work on my gorilla... down to less then 100 plants so if any law dickheads see this it aint even worth ur time.... my dude lets call him country for security sake is like partially crippled..y well his leg jacked up... plus the fact this nigga was dope sick all the time all we could dig holes for and plant was 25 plants soo far.. like I even bought this nigga a bag of dope so he can shoot up {nigga keepin it 100 I snorted some too} and he sts all loveill claimed to hurt his ankle has we were in the dark ass woods with shovles.. its all love doe the rest of the plants will be in the ground by this weekend... thems small still.. some of them are on there 4th sets of 5 fingesured leaves.e . 70% have been topped... all will be topped before they hit the ground.. the sks are tiny.... they reeeeeeeeeeeeeek hard!!!!! HARD NIGGA!!!!! these shits smling like dank!!!!! I have about a dozen that have sexy dark purple stems... everything got mixed up strain wise thanx to my junkie hommie transplantin. but I could spot my sks right da fuck away... im no longer servin niggas... shop still closed.. grow gos on..
extra special thanx to my man truble and pops... yall know what yall did for me!!!! much love yall made this possible this year
I did one better, i hijacked and claimed your thread as my own :clap:
thanx for keeping her warm and moist bro... im changing my celly again and being extra carefull who gets it.. plus im done hookin up bags bro... I think the worst of that is over.. my neighbor she they aint seen no police shit around this way so that's a plus.. still flushed a q/p doe on sum bulshit... btw those polymer crystals are the shit.. I activated only 2 pounds of the 5 pounds I bought and those 2 pounds filled up 5 5 gallon buckets fully... non of the plants that went into the ground show any signsof shock... got like another 70 need holes... lets pray for a good yeaar
View attachment 2689670so we don't see too much male plants being posted so I'll start today off with a male...pre-98 bubba kush. Gonna hang on to this for a bit then move it outta here...more pics to follow later..stay tuned.. it gets better as the season progresses..if johnny law didn't pay me a visit a month ago, this grow woulda really been rocking..oh well, we don't fold. We come back stronger

One love

hay that looks just like the pre 98 bubba I grew I cali :] keep that pollin and sk pollin... chuck it on something real good
Sending positive vibes your way..

To bad you dumped the merch real quick, you shoulda at least put it somewhere where you could have grabbed it later...i got holes on the property for just that purpose lol ever watch cocaine cowboys?