Liquid light foliar spray Do you use it?


Well-Known Member
If you are referring to that brand then I very much approve of it!! It's definently not a requirement but trust me IT WORKS! I sprayed my plants in veg and for the first 3 weeks of flowering, and it reallly beasted up my plants to soak up all the light they could.

If you are going with Duthcmaster Liquid Light, you can't just use Liquid Light.

All Dutchamster foilar sprays MUST all be mixed with Dutchmaster Penetrator. If you just spray Liquid light, your PH will be so out of wack it will mess all of your leaves up. I use Liquid Light, Penetrator for my plants and it gives a nice shiny coat the water beads just chill on the leaves instead of running all over the place!


Well-Known Member
Yes the Dutchmaster brand, By mixing it with the Penetrator it won't mess up the leaves and the ph? Also i am about 1 month into flowering, can i still use it that far in and how often do you spray? And what's the latest you would use into the flowering period? I assume you don't wanna spray the buds mainly the leaves, My buds don't seem to be putting any weight on, i am using a 400 watt hps, would a 600 watt hps be better? Sorry about so many questions in one post. Thanx
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Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
The PH is not the reason you mix it with Penetrator. Penetrator temporarily softens the Waxy coating on the leaves allowing the Liquid Light to be absorbed by the leaves better. I am in AWE the effect Liquid Light has had on my plants!

I have even gone as far as to spray in on a few plants every 2 days as a test project (Stopped due to lack of control group.), once I get a larger grow-room I am going to do a side by side comparison to see how much if any benefit there is to using it every two days vs. every three.
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Well-Known Member
Yes the Dutchmaster brand, By mixing it with the Penetrator it won't mess up the leaves and the ph? Also i am about 1 month into flowering, can i still use it that far in and how often do you spray? And what's the latest you would use into the flowering period? I assume you don't wanna spray the buds mainly the leaves, My buds don't seem to be putting any weight on, i am using a 400 watt hps, would a 600 watt hps be better? Sorry about so many questions in one post. Thanx
you don't want to use foilar spray that far into flowering. If I'm not mistaken they say stop using it 3 weeks into flowering.

It recommends you spray it twice a week up until the 3rd week of flowering, until run off.

I"m using a 400w HPS my self, I was growing 3 plants but only ended up with 1 Female. Take a look at my journal and you tell me what you think :joint:
All my nutrients are Dutchmaster. Its definently worth the money, they gaurantee 40% bigger yeilds, and trust me they don't lie!
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Well-Known Member
The PH is not the reason you mix it with Penetrator. Penetrator temporarily softens the Waxy coating on the leaves allowing the Liquid Light to be absorbed by the leaves better. I am in AWE the effect Liquid Light has had on my plants!
Thank you for sharing that with me Virulent. Believe it or not the guy at the hydro store told me that. But I'm glad you cleared that up for me!

Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
it says to stop at ~4 weeks flower! realistically you don't want to spray much of anything on the Buds after 3-4 weeks to prevent chances of mold etc.
usage Directions from dutchmasters site.

Our Products: Liquid Light

Thank you for sharing that with me Virulent. Believe it or not the guy at the hydro store told me that. But I'm glad you cleared that up for me!
Your welcome!


Well-Known Member
yes it does say 4 weeks, but I say 3 weeks because sometimes buds show before 3 weeks so it's better safe then sorry :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
How much of a difference would a 600 watt HPS, compared to a 400 watt HPS be, is it worth the extra electric bill?

Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
yes it does say 4 weeks, but I say 3 weeks because sometimes buds show before 3 weeks so it's better safe then sorry :mrgreen:
You are Quite right, better safe than sorry, (I agree fully) be a heck of a note to get to week 5/6 and find you have a mold problem growing out from inside your buds! :(


Well-Known Member
How much of a difference would a 600 watt HPS, compared to a 400 watt HPS be, is it worth the extra electric bill?
well of course a 600w HPS would be better, the more watts the better. According to Liquid Light they turn a 600w into a 1000w. As stated on teh back of the bottle

Spray your plants & drive them to use 60% MORE LIGHT RIGHT NOW! SUPERCHARGE a 600w light into a 1000W HIGH YIELD WEAPON! Delivers a HIGH TECH PAYLOAD of LIGHT MAGNIFYING technology deep inside the leaves of your plants.


Active Member
I wouldn't go that far, but I practically soak my plants in this shit. Just mix up a big vat and dip 'em!... I love this stuff. :)

Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
As stated on teh back of the bottle

Spray your plants & drive them to use 60% MORE LIGHT RIGHT NOW! SUPERCHARGE a 600w light into a 1000W HIGH YIELD WEAPON! Delivers a HIGH TECH PAYLOAD of LIGHT MAGNIFYING technology deep inside the leaves of your plants.

I wouldn't go that far, but I practically soak my plants in this shit. Just mix up a big vat and dip 'em!... I love this stuff. :)
I would go that far and farther. I have done a side by side with one clone not getting LL, and others getting it and it makes a BIG difference!! As for the big vat, better have deep pockets to do that one. :)


New Member
Dutchmaster says on their website and on the liquid light label: * IMPORTANT * Do NOT adjust pH.

I asked the local hydro store to order a bottle for me to try... didn't know the shit was $60...