Yields People!? I want to know YIELDS - per plant, size of plant, final age, strain -


Well-Known Member
Yeah seriously, can't you understand simple directions? This guy neeeeeeeds this information, and no, using the search function for this sort of information is just a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
Damn you guys are mean...Have a JOINT or something .....It is so simple just to type 2 oz.-purple power-20 days vegging-DWC- genesis formula NUTES...600 w HPS....(IM still on my first grow so this is just an example....)I doubt i get 2 oz off my plants.....


Well-Known Member
ill tell you you smell like a monkey and eat ketchup if i want to the first amendment is a bitch
This is not the USA there was no bill of rights or constitution signed by the staff of this sight. They choose when how and where to delete post so they are in total control. Think of it like a dictatorship and they are the dicks:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ill tell you you smell like a monkey and eat ketchup if i want to the first amendment is a bitch
I can see right off your a man to be reconed with so i'll bow to your authority :hump:

Seriously dude what the fuck is wrong with you,the question you asked was stupid as hell to start with then you insult everybody in sight,you'll find that people needing help should act more thankfull & kind.

I'll answer all your questions but i have a few questions for you 1st,do you even have any grow equipment,im talking the real gear not wallmart cfl's & tin foil stuffed inside a speaker box in your bedroom.

Secondly have you any growing ability about yourself, or are you just riding high on visions of being a lil scarface weed baron dancing through your head.