Well-Known Member
@My man Mid.
Clockwork Orange?
Dope that flick...classic.
Clockwork Orange?
Dope that flick...classic.
@My man Mid.
Clockwork Orange?
Dope that flick...classic.
De ja vous!!!! Haha your my boy m1d!!!!
Welly welly welly welly welly well!!!!!
Haven't posted any pics in a bit..
I can do the Mr. Myagi also...haha.
I love shatter, but I'm starting to develop a palette that seems to add to the effect also.
My biggest” beef” with it's a bitch to get it to adhere to my
This was my first ever successful try at honey-comb, after many fails.
Hey Chef, here's a flashback for you.... Stopped into Jose Murphy's late one night, the place was rockin' to Thunderbolt the Wondercolt, when the band stepped out back for a smoke I passed a jay of very fine Colombian around and everyone went back inside except the drummer who stayed outside to finish his smoke and he got hauled away by San Diego's finest, leaving the band without a drummer for their last set. They played 'Got a Rocket in my Pocket' and brought the house down. bar had a roll up garage door on the side, with a nice bar open to the outside, just a short stroll to the boardwalk. I can almost smell the ocean, the piss and the herb...
Digging the turd.
What's the difference in your technique in making honeycomb vs shatter?
That Honey Comb is stunning. I'd almost not want to smoke it.