Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

Seriously hate RIU right now. It's been a while since I have typed up something real nice and really long and had it crushed by RIU. FUUUUUUCCCCKKK!!!! I'm channel all the literary glory of shakespere and the like for a brief 15 minutes and the cosmos can't handle it. So it evaporates. :(

Going to help a fellow RIU'r with some greenhouse action today. Wish us luck.
Sorry RIU took a shit on you :-( Its happened to me,,, you could have cooked an egg on my forehead I was so mad. lol not that you would want to.


Also, I havnt smoked since talking to you :-) Im fukin done with it bro! Its crazy though, its like I took some kind of anti cig drug in my sleep one night, even the thought of smoking one repulses me. Cray cray, its a new fukin day!
I wiah my wife would wake up with that thought! She quit the whole time she was pregnant with my daughter and then started smoking again like 2 months after she was born I was SOOOOOO PISSSED!
Have a great day.

FWIW, why is it always the Shakespeare quality sonnets that get wiped?

I usually re-type some thug quality replacement too.


You would be surprised at how many posts I delete on purpose, can't be totally destroying my lurker status.... real bad when it's not on purpose though!
mornin' fellas!
is it still morning ;)
Hey family got my beans today so happy it took long enough.anyway I'm popping vanilla kush super sour white widow and og#18. I plan on starting my first grow jurnal
lol it is always the important few paragraph posts that don't get 'auto saved' boils my piss too.

great news on the cigs whodat! i literally passed the 6 month without one just this week. now i can smell a smoker 10 meters away and think jesus did i really smell like that :spew:
lol it is always the important few paragraph posts that don't get 'auto saved' boils my piss too.

great news on the cigs whodat! i literally passed the 6 month without one just this week. now i can smell a smoker 10 meters away and think jesus did i really smell like that :spew:

Hell yea don, i can smell em as soon as people spark em. I don't crave though, been off the cigs since feb 9th of this year and it feels like an accomplishment after trying actively for the past few years.
That's the cement right there eh don?! When you get that feeling of repulsion at having been that smell it's hard to picture going back there..... been 5 years for me now and it only gets easier ;)
Congrats T, that is one of the best decisions you have ever made even if it doesn't feel that epic yet. I'm proud of you guys, it's hard to do! I was pack a day camel wides for 20+ years pleck....
Damn that sucks about the post jig.

Everyone that's quit smoking...that's great. I need to hop on that bandwagon next. I enjoying smoking but as of the past year I have literally felt the damage it's doing. I'm gonna give it another try after I burn through this pack. Plus it'll give me extra money for my trip next month.
Are we back to growing, or still on building? Or still on HH(G)B?

Jig you need to get in touch with the, Badmasonman and come over to NL and you 2 can build be me an extension, lol. I'll pay you in bongs and cups of tea and cake and such like, you'll find me very hospitable (but then you know the level of service you get at my gaff;))

As of today we are back to building. After I water the babies I guess. Bought more blocks to lay down. I'm getting seriously strong. You better watch out D. No more pushing me around like normal. lol... just kidding. D's no bully. And I can't even imagine what a blast it would be to build some stuff with the mason man in the dam. I'm guessing our pall 1bmm wouldn't want to be working on holiday though. That fucker works soooo much.

I'm waiting for them to call with an appt for surgery. He said about 6 weeks at the current work load. Yay for pirates!

It's bad enough they want to poke and prod us. Then they make us wait for weeks and weeks... just shoot me now paw. It's nice you should be fixed up though. I've never had anything done to my eyes, but from everything I hear from people who have they all say.... "It's so amazing... I can see again. They work wonders" Good luck with it all.

Heres a couple nasty seedlings. They're all under the 600 now.

I seriously thought you were posting pics of my seedlings. Took a minute. Was confused because you are using the red cups. Similar looks we got going on.

I know I am way behind here.
Ill do my best to try to catch up.
I have been on the car audio forums lately and the French Open gets priority over all!!
My sports interests arent conventional I know, but I watch the sports I play, bowling, and pool.
Pool isnt really a sport, but Its on the sports channels.


Bassman... you never cease to amaze. My wife and I thought it overly amusing that around you the French Open gets priority. Just not what one would guess. And man... if you like pool you'd love the British sports channels. They are always having snooker tournaments on. That and Darts. I swear it's one of the oddest differences between Brits and Yanks. They fucking love their parlor games.

I totally take my kids for granted. Feel like I yell at the little fuckers more than not.

Yeah man... you are gonna miss their sweet company. You got some awesome little fuckers... your girl is really something special. And as much as the big one is just like you, trying to be tough... he's a big softie like you and he looks up to his dad something fierce. You remind me of my dad a bit. Real cool guy, great example for me to grow up to be a good man, great husband, and kind of a dick towards me. It would have been really fucking cool if he wasn't such a dick. I bet your kids feel the same way. :)

I recall the hard part was the psychosis that comes from lack of sleep.

He's crying. She's crying. I am about to cry.

Ahhhh....the memories.


Seriously, they are both my blessings manifest.

It gets better almost too fast.


I know it sounds nuts, but I'm so looking forward to sleep deprivation psychosis. Should be an adventure. Like becoming a zombie, but a happy zombie holding your cute new kid.

And yeah JD... all the best things in life seem to go by too fast. And the shitty stuff seems to linger. I'm getting better at appreciating things while they are here, good and bad, because it's all temporary and once things are past they are past. The beauty and sadness of life I guess. I miss my grandma, but sure as hell appreicate the time we did get to spend together. :) I love mentioning my grandma. She was a lovely lady. At least I thought so, hahahaha. Love you gma.

Also, I havnt smoked since talking to you :-) Im fukin done with it bro! Its crazy though, its like I took some kind of anti cig drug in my sleep one night, even the thought of smoking one repulses me. Cray cray, its a new fukin day!

That is so fucking awesome bro. Just great. I don't know what else to say other than I really hope this is for life for you. I can't imagine how much more the farm is going to progress with your extra lung capacity. Super-whodat!

I wiah my wife would wake up with that thought! She quit the whole time she was pregnant with my daughter and then started smoking again like 2 months after she was born I was SOOOOOO PISSSED!

Wow man... talk about frying an egg on ones head. I would have been quite upset too. I told my wife and she started asking all sorts of questions, does she smoke in front of the kid, does she smoke and breast feed, etc, etc. I'm like I don't know... and don't really care. I just wish, like you, she could quit them for good. bummer

You would be surprised at how many posts I delete on purpose, can't be totally destroying my lurker status.... real bad when it's not on purpose though!
mornin' fellas!
is it still morning ;)

You made me laugh so hard with this post. Ha, don't want to mess up that precious status. Good morning to you, or mid day, whatever. :) Happy Sunday!!!

lol it is always the important few paragraph posts that don't get 'auto saved' boils my piss too.

great news on the cigs whodat! i literally passed the 6 month without one just this week. now i can smell a smoker 10 meters away and think jesus did i really smell like that :spew:

I don't mean to do it on purpose but whenever I'm around someone smoking I give out little baby coughs. It's just a reaction, but it sounds exactly like I am trying to send a little message, like "I don't like your smoke and I'm going to give off lame little sounds to give you the message". They usually look at me with disgust and walk a little bit away. I'll take it.

Someone should start a Dads thread to get all the baby talk in one place lol.

I can only imagine some of the crazy dad stuff some of the RIU folks get into.

Hell yea don, i can smell em as soon as people spark em. I don't crave though, been off the cigs since feb 9th of this year and it feels like an accomplishment after trying actively for the past few years.

WOOOT. Hell yeah T. This is your year huh? Getting shit done. It's a big year for a lot of us. Shit... it would be magical if 2013 was the year everyone I knew quit smoking cigs. Did you catch my questions before?

That's the cement right there eh don?! When you get that feeling of repulsion at having been that smell it's hard to picture going back there..... been 5 years for me now and it only gets easier ;)
Congrats T, that is one of the best decisions you have ever made even if it doesn't feel that epic yet. I'm proud of you guys, it's hard to do! I was pack a day camel wides for 20+ years pleck....

I'm proud too! We are an awesome bunch of folks for putting the cancer sticks down. Good job Cowboy.

Damn that sucks about the post jig.

Everyone that's quit smoking...that's great. I need to hop on that bandwagon next. I enjoying smoking but as of the past year I have literally felt the damage it's doing. I'm gonna give it another try after I burn through this pack. Plus it'll give me extra money for my trip next month.

And yeah man... you gotta jump on the bandwagon. If for only the reason of saving all the money. What's a carton now $60? Was $20 when I smoked... shit would have priced me right out of a habit. Keep hanging around here and maybe something will rub off on you.

So after responding to all you guys, I haven't the energy for an update. Lame, yes. But mom in law is here. Not that she's too much trouble, but our house is small and another person here is making it smaller, and my whole fucking routine is off. I passed out in a chair I've never passed out in last night. Woke up feeling like I was in someone elses house. Plus it hot. blah blah... I just don't feel myself.

Stacking bricks today.
Yeah twin, you could have that new ac you need,,, if you hadn't spent that cash on cigs!

Jig, its actually kind of scary how much Im getting done now. I have so much more energy and Im feeling fresh in the morning. I would constantly be taking breaks to smoke and "think".... fuk that now Im just getting it done and moving on to the next one... And with the money Im saving I can put that much more back into the gardens aka what I love to do.

Thanks for the support peeps! Im neva going back!
Yeah twin, you could have that new ac you need,,, if you hadn't spent that cash on cigs!

Thanks for the support peeps! Im neva going back!

Yea yea yea. lol. I know. It needs to come to an end. I could have my A/C by now. Bad habit I wish I never picked up but strangely enough I'm not all that out of breath over physically exerting myself. But I have noticed a slightly diminished capacity for going hard. Stay quit my friends.