New Member
Meeting right now in the UKTake the worse of all govts that have never worked at all, boil it in oil and there is your world govt.
Meeting right now in the UKTake the worse of all govts that have never worked at all, boil it in oil and there is your world govt.
Yes, the goal would be putting people just like you "in charge" of the online government. But it should allow anyone over the age of 18 to vote too. There could be local, state, county and global levels to vote on.One world
Wouldnt that put people like me in charge of people like you?
Interesting prospect...
so the entire world would be governed by the residents of 4-chan, 9gag and 12 year old south korean starcraft junkies?Basically the idea is a government run by the people from your own computers!
The online government could be dictated on many levels, for example, local, state, country and global scales could be implemented.
The online government would take the place of the corrupt politicians. YOU would be the government.
It would obviously be majority rules but maybe it would have to be a 2/3rds majority or 66% to rule.
There would be checks and balances too to make sure everything is copesetic.
You could vote on any issue from your laptop, smart phone or tablet. Any where you are connected to the internet you can vote!
It would give the people 99% of the power to make important decisions on real matters.
We, the people, will be the government!
What do you guys think about the online government idea?
I have a bunch of other crazy ideas in the link below!
I have a bunch of other crazy ideas in the above link!
Starcraft was/still is the entire world would be governed by the residents of 4-chan, 9gag and 12 year old south korean starcraft junkies?
cool story bro.
You don't think at some point we wouldn't need itHow retarded can you get? Why and only why do we even have govt? Grow up. Go to the Library.
You act like govt is a space alien concoction, we can do without.....stupid.
We could not do without it so we did it.
Certainly that is a good question.....for childern.You don't think at some point we wouldn't need it
Of which one do you speak? I hope not biofuel ... uses too much arable land. cnspeaking of oil.. imho-- we could have looked for a much better source of energy instead of dead organic matter.. yea it was accessible, cheap, abundant, and created many technological advancements.. but i really think we could have gone another way.. too late now right? like i said, wishful stoner thinking~
nah, not biofuel.. well i was gonna say solar (but the current conversion/usage is really piss poor-- think we could def make better use of solar)Of which one do you speak? I hope not biofuel ... uses too much arable land. cn
Me and you already talked about Hydrogen.Of which one do you speak? I hope not biofuel ... uses too much arable land. cn
Right, solar is ok in some cases but not on very large scale.nah, not biofuel.. well i was gonna say solar (but the current conversion/usage is really piss poor-- think we could def make better use of solar)
not wind either.. or hydro-dams ---unless they figured out how to apply the same principle to oceanic currents / waves)
fuck me, how can i forget hemp? --fords original design was meant for hemp wasn't it??
earths magnetism (scifi fantasy but plausible)
wasn't there something with water.. fission/cold fusion/ something like that --like that one movie with keanu reeves..
im not sure if it was "oblivion" --googled it, the movie was "chain reaction"Me and you already talked about Hydrogen.
I would set up nuclear fusion power plants all over the place and convert as much ocean water into Hydrogen as possible.
Thats better than most all fuels. And it could easily power the whole worlds needs!
Christ love you!
Right, solar is ok in some cases but not on very large scale.
Its a good idea to harvest ocean current too. I've thought about that but "they" dont harness the ocean currents much, to My knowledge.
Hemp is a wonderful idea. Hemp biodiesel is a great fuel and should replace conventional diesel. As we all know, hemp grows like (a) weed. Pun intended.
I dont know about magnetism but who knows right?
Fusion, not fission, works off of water. Fission runs off of heavy elements like uranium or whatever. But fusion runs off of Hydrogen which is derived from water.
Are you talking about the movie "Oblivion"?
Christ loves you!
Why wont "they" just build more nuclear power plants cannabineer?Fusion would be energetic enough ti fuel industry. Biofuel (icl. hemp) ...imo not.
I have huge issues with wind and solar. We have'm now only because of the huge cheap energy subsidy from fossil fuel. Jmo. cn
Sure, as long as its nuclear FUSION because there is no radioactive byproducts!Can we put it in your back yard?![]()
In a word: yes. cnWhy wont "they" just build more nuclear power plants cannabineer?
It must be politics, as usual.
Actually ... no. The accessible fusion reactions (DT and ultimately DD) are neutronic, and the neutrons are damned energetic. Neutron activation makes this process as dirty as fission. The D+3He reaction is aneutronic, but because of the higher proton count of the helium requires temperatures and pressures that our tech cannot yet approach. It's also not a completely clean reaction, since at those temps the DD reaction will occur and produce significant neutrons. So fusion has great potential, but the myth ocf cleanliness is, I'm afraid, just that. cnSure, as long as its nuclear FUSION because there is no radioactive byproducts!
I'll take a bakers dozen please and free energy for life!
Ah, I just happen to have some....there were som....mommie?!?!?!? Where are the fusion piles????Sure, as long as its nuclear FUSION because there is no radioactive byproducts!
I'll take a bakers dozen please and free energy for life!
You'll eat'em and LIKE'm, young man!! cnAh, I just happen to have some....there were som....mommie?!?!?!? Where are the fusion piles????
Shut up kid and give him fissionables, it's all we got.![]()