The horror of global warming!

ooooh, taking tips from desert dud and trying to play dumb, eh?

you don't have to play dumb if you are dumb. did you forget mentioning the instrumental temperature record in the first post?

I mentioned one fact...and it's true. Can you hear me Major Tom?
I mentioned one fact...and it's true. Can you hear me Major Tom?

you mentioned the instrumental temperature record, whether you want to dance around that fact or not.

do you think they measured the temperature in minnesota using ice cores?
yet another worthless post filled with your virgin anger.

not a thing i have said comes from thinkprogress or whatever other source your bitter little mouth is bleating about.

99 One-Liners Rebutting Denier Talking Points — With Links To The Full Climate Science

You keep wanking on about climatologists and inferring consensus on the righties, but, (ironic name because it's aimed at people that can't think) has put together a one-liner playbook, just for you and the people like you...

#4 - “There is no consensus” - 97% of climate experts agree humans are causing global warming

#76 - “500 scientists refute the consensus” - Around 97% of climate experts agree that humans are causing global warming

But keep hitting the talking points - climatologist, peer reviewed and publishing climatologists you've still got 96 to go...
#89 - “Peer review process was corrupted” - An Independent Review concluded that CRU’s actions were normal and didn’t threaten the integrity of peer review
Don't ask me...ask your "scientists".

don't need to, i am certain they used instruments rather than ice cores. but good job on more "playing dumb" (<----i put playing dumb in quotes because, well, let's face it. you really don't need to play dumb when you actually are).

would you care to discuss the temperature record any further, or do you want to limit the scope to one half year in one state?
99 One-Liners Rebutting Denier Talking Points &#8212; With Links To The Full Climate Science

You keep wanking on about climatologists and inferring consensus on the righties, but, (ironic name because it's aimed at people that can't think) has put together a one-liner playbook, just for you and the people like you...

#4 - &#8220;There is no consensus&#8221; - 97% of climate experts agree humans are causing global warming

#76 - &#8220;500 scientists refute the consensus&#8221; - Around 97% of climate experts agree that humans are causing global warming

But keep hitting the talking points - climatologist, peer reviewed and publishing climatologists you've still got 96 to go...
#89 - &#8220;Peer review process was corrupted&#8221; - An Independent Review concluded that CRU&#8217;s actions were normal and didn&#8217;t threaten the integrity of peer review

well, you've convinced me that you're capable of spamming a copy and paste pointlessly. that's at about your level of "contribution".

who should be the authority on this issue if not actively publishing, peer reviewed climatologists? should we just ask a bunch of righties who think the earth is 6k years old and think that vaginas have magical rape detection powers?
don't need to, i am certain they used instruments rather than ice cores. but good job on more "playing dumb" (<----i put playing dumb in quotes because, well, let's face it. you really don't need to play dumb when you actually are).

would you care to discuss the temperature record any further, or do you want to limit the scope to one half year in one state?

I stated 1 fact. That fact was gathered by the same 'scientists' who collect records. Prove my fact wrong, or take off, hoser.
I stated 1 fact. That fact was gathered by the same 'scientists' who collect records. Prove my fact wrong, or take off, hoser.

i am not disputing your fact, i'm pointing out your dishonest selectivity.

dance away, kelly gal.
I cannot believe anyone seriously has to argue that what we are doing to the environment is dangerous for our future. Ask those of Easter Island about using all of your resources. We are eating through the world's resources like locusts. The industrial revolution would certainly have an effect on the planet. Seems like a no brainer. China has green rivers where NOTHING can survive. NY has horribly polluted rivers, as does much of America. Nuclear testing, toxic waste, coal mines, etc. Jesus, are you people serious?

You folks grow weed. Tell me, do you take meticulous care to not introduce hazardous chemicals, the right amount of CO2, etc? Or do you burn coal next to your grow, and drop toxic chemicals into your soil? Think large scale.
well, you've convinced me that you're capable of spamming a copy and paste pointlessly. that's at about your level of "contribution".

who should be the authority on this issue if not actively publishing, peer reviewed climatologists? should we just ask a bunch of righties who think the earth is 6k years old and think that vaginas have magical rape detection powers?

Merely pointing out how your talking points come directly from a libtard website, that is a known PR front for the Democrats. Keep politicising an issue that politics should stay out of. And you question other's intellect....

Now that we can see just what a retard you are by inferring that someone who doesn't buy your bullshit politically skewed viewpoints are creationists that want to control the world's vaginas. I will remind you that the majority of Planned Parenthood clinics are in minority neighbourhoods. You democraps want control of a vagina too, you just go about it via proxy.

I will remind you as absurd as one republicans claim is, democrat senators too, have a pretty shitty record. Sen. Hudak would rather women just lie back and take it...
Ohhhhhh you kids just like to throw libtard and repiglican shit around like monkeys; instead of thinking for yourselves. Put everything you've heard aside (why listen to someone else for your opinion?). Where would you rather live?
Why even try arguing with ub. hes a expert on everything.

just ask him where the rockies in canada run thru. acording to him sascatchewan or manitoba.

lol im still on the fence about that guy. he does have quite a skill at trolling and keeping idiots under wraps. but sometimes i think he over extends his expertise.

now i dont know whos right and wrong about the cliamate in kellys state, but id take the word of the local over someone with the poorest understanding of geography ive ever seen.

i cringe at the thought of posting this cause i know bucky will be up my ass for it. fuck it, what can you do. not like i really give a shit anyway. i dont have a issue with the guy anymore, but i think he might be over reaching (and possibly over trolling). I get why he trolls some of these threads, this one really has nothing to do with gay rights, or anythng else involving .ive never seen such over zealous defence of anything.

lol thinking back to when bucky said that shit, fuck thats funny, my four year old can tell ya all the provinces, wheres got water, mountains all that.
Merely pointing out how your talking points come directly from a libtard website

show me where on that website it mocks republicans for claiming that climate change is a decades in the making hoax only recently discovered by the least intelligent half of americans listening to rush limbaugh.

show me or shut your angry virgin mouth.

Keep politicising an issue that politics should stay out of. And you question other's intellect....

i'm not politicizing the issue, just pointing out how it has been politicized by the anti-science party.

if you were twice as smart as you are, you'd still be too dumb to recognize this.

Now that we can see just what a retard you are by inferring that someone who doesn't buy your bullshit politically skewed viewpoints are creationists that want to control the world's vaginas.

you cover yourself in so much crap that it takes several hoses to wash it off.

pointing out that the instrumental temperature record shows that we have just had the hottest two decades on record as well as the last few years being the very hottest on record is not "political skew", it is science.

and the same people who deny this mundane fact are the same people who believe sky daddy pulled the earth out of his ass and that women's vaginas can tell the difference between rape sex and consensual sex.

that's just boring old fact. sorry if it irritates your virgin vagina, cupcake.

I will remind you that the majority of Planned Parenthood clinics are in minority neighbourhoods. You democraps want control of a vagina too, you just go about it via proxy.

democrats don't control the location of planned parenthood, and the services they provide are 97% anything but abortion.

woops, i said 97%. you might as well go ahead and spam your copy and paste nonsense one more time, princess.

I will remind you as absurd as one republicans claim is, democrat senators too, have a pretty shitty record. Sen. Hudak would rather women just lie back and take it...

i will remind you that you are now attempting to politicize the issue after you just spoke out against doing that very thing.

keep your eye on the ball, thumbelina.

and for god sake, go get yourself laid so you can shed some of that bitter anger you're hoarding.
Why even try arguing with ub. hes a expert on everything.

just ask him where the rockies in canada run thru. acording to him sascatchewan or manitoba.

lol im still on the fence about that guy. he does have quite a skill at trolling and keeping idiots under wraps. but sometimes i think he over extends his expertise.

now i dont know whos right and wrong about the cliamate in kellys state, but id take the word of the local over someone with the poorest understanding of geography ive ever seen.

i cringe at the thought of posting this cause i know bucky will be up my ass for it. fuck it, what can you do. not like i really give a shit anyway. i dont have a issue with the guy anymore, but i think he might be over reaching (and possibly over trolling). I get why he trolls some of these threads, this one really has nothing to do with gay rights, or anythng else involving .ive never seen such over zealous defence of anything.

lol thinking back to when bucky said that shit, fuck thats funny, my four year old can tell ya all the provinces, wheres got water, mountains all that.
Don't you think it's wrong to limit talk about "climate" to a single state? It kinda ignores the bigger picture don't cha think?
Why even try arguing with ub. hes a expert on everything.

just ask him where the rockies in canada run thru. acording to him sascatchewan or manitoba.

lol im still on the fence about that guy. he does have quite a skill at trolling and keeping idiots under wraps. but sometimes i think he over extends his expertise.

now i dont know whos right and wrong about the cliamate in kellys state, but id take the word of the local over someone with the poorest understanding of geography ive ever seen.

i cringe at the thought of posting this cause i know bucky will be up my ass for it. fuck it, what can you do. not like i really give a shit anyway. i dont have a issue with the guy anymore, but i think he might be over reaching (and possibly over trolling). I get why he trolls some of these threads, this one really has nothing to do with gay rights, or anythng else involving .ive never seen such over zealous defence of anything.

lol thinking back to when bucky said that shit, fuck thats funny, my four year old can tell ya all the provinces, wheres got water, mountains all that.

i inferred you were from the dirt poor, farm provinces of canada due to your horrid spelling.

that you lived near mountains was something i had not taken note of. although if i had known that, i would have guessed that you lived in some two bit shit hole just outside of calgary.

you've toned down enough that i feel no need to troll you, but i thought i would point out that i do know quite a bit about canadian geography.