Prison experiences


Well-Known Member
There have to be some RIU members with prison experience.....I'd love to hear your stories. If you've had any prison experience please post. Let's hear your best & worst prison stories....I've spent a few years behind the walls at Folsom Prison.......[video=youtube;UVwG07dMij8][/video]


Well-Known Member
Never forget some of the things I experienced while incarcerated. Waited in county jail for 2 months before being transferred to Atlanta. This was when all the Cuban refugees were being held their. When you arrive in front of this prison on a DAM van ride that lasted 6 and a half hours while in hand cuffs and leg irons . You know you are going to have a bad day. Still had 4 years and 289 days to go.


Well-Known Member
Is there such a thing as a good prison story...other than getting out?.

But I suppose I'll start anyways:

Back in 1986 I received 15 months for bullshit in Indiana, where you still get day for day good time. I maxed out the 15 months, and received a disciplinary transfer after assaulting a Sgt. with a wet roll of toilet paper...yes toilet paper. I soaked an entire roll and threw it at him. I then wound-up serving the final 60 days in the same facility as Mike Tyson...yep the retired boxer. The entire episode was actually pretty comical. Here I was this 18 y/o skinny white kid nobody would fuck with b/c I had already lost all my gain time.

That was almost 30 years ago, and other than visiting a few prisons as a volunteer...I haven't been back.


Well-Known Member
I had Rick James (rock star) on my work crew in the license plate factory at Folsom. Remember how he had long braids in his hair?....Well he shaved it off & looked like a marine, trying to blend in......One of the worst things to be in prison is "Rich", everybody "taxes" you for everything.......You walk out of your cell for the day, you have to step out onto some 'shot callers' owe him tax......and so it goes down the line. ........He hired a HUGE inmate to be his body guard/celly.....that way he only paid 1 guy......He was scared shitless the whole 3 years........He actually got a Correctional Lt fired....that's another story...."I hear that whistle blowin".......


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
One of the hardest things about working inside a prison like Folsom, it going home each day. Go back and watch that video again....those inmates aren't lying, this place is hell on earth. After you've spend a day or 2 outside in "the world", going back thru that gate can be a very difficult experience. It's something like diving from a hot tub into a cold swimming can get used to either one, but jumping back and forth will shock you.......I've seen many a staff member having conversation with themselves outside the entrance gate in the morning, trying to talk themselves thru the gate........You don't start earning your points at Folsom until after your 2nd day!