The horror of global warming!

Scientists who responded to the doran/zimmerman survey had this to say;

“..I did complete your survey. However, no matter how important, no matter how apparently obvious the combination of facts and theory, scientific issues cannot be decided by a vote of scientists. A consensus is not, at any given time, a good predictor of where the truth actually resides..” (Zimmerman feedback)

“..Science is not based on votes or consensus. Irrelevant question. Besides, which scientists do you regard as relevant?..” (Zimmerman feedback)

“..Science is based on scepticism and experimental proof. Whereas human GHG emissions certainly have a warming effect, the breakdown between natural and anthropogenic contributions to warming is poorly constrained..” (Zimmerman feedback)

Consensus is not science, you should know this.

Ok a couple of participants felt that "consensus isn't science" not important to the task of counting the studies

Says nothing about the validity of the results
Sun Spots.... The Sun, our star, is spewing out 3.8 % more hot ass gasses, then it did in the 1950's...
If you think we, as in the people of this rock, are the only cause of global climate change, then your ego needs a little unwinding...
It will get hotter, because our sun is passing so much solar gas!
We'll all fry in the end, until then.... life goes on... and there is nothing you [or any of us] can do...
I got no worries... haha why would anyone worry about climate change....
Can you cool the sun?
NASA is tracking a rise .05% per decade, just in Solar activity. We are on the main sequence and that will just get hotter.

A human life time will see the seasons move one fill day sooner in time, 1 day in 56 years. Orbital Precession. There is your climate change. And back thru the life of mankind, every child has always seen a change from what was described by their parents.

NASA is tracking a rise .05% per decade, just in Solar activity. We are on the main sequence and that will just get hotter.

A human life time will see the seasons move one fill day sooner in time, 1 day in 56 years. Orbital Precession. There is your climate change. And back thru the life of mankind, every child has always seen a change from what was described by their parents.

Since the late 1970s, the amount of solar radiation the sun emits, during times of quiet sunspot activity, has increased by nearly .05 percent per decade, according to a NASA funded study.
Although the inferred increase of solar irradiance in 24 years, about 0.1 percent, is not enough to cause notable climate change, the trend would be important if maintained for a century or more. Satellite observations of total solar irradiance have obtained a long enough record (over 24 years) to begin looking for this effect.

It's not the 3.8 he's talking about but it's a bit early for you to be taking conclusions from it
Oh, but, you know that I don't. I was just correcting that way way off 3.8 % rise.

I'm in the Jury is still out, camp...remember from our previous frolics on this subject? :)
i inferred you were from the dirt poor, farm provinces of canada due to your horrid spelling.

that you lived near mountains was something i had not taken note of. although if i had known that, i would have guessed that you lived in some two bit shit hole just outside of calgary.

you've toned down enough that i feel no need to troll you, but i thought i would point out that i do know quite a bit about canadian geography.

Okok, i was pretty sure it was you who said that. i must have been cooked off my rocker. oops. sorry bucky. still tho, why even argue cliamate in specific places. im sure theres alot better use of your time. like the hotties thread!!

and my spellings usually fucked cause editing on this piece of shit phone sucks. no worrys, this bitch is getting strapped tocanada day fireworks.

and as far as toned down.. well, no pests or shit have invaded, everything in my area smoothed over. mr gouche (the local frenchman) shot the couger in the area, so everythings been dull. no trouble areound here to find its way to me. i dont particularly look for trouble (trust me, it always finds me, like freddy the raccoon)... fucking coal shoot, i still cant believe i missed that the first time. Fuckin things nailed shut with like 15 nails now
If the earth warms, is that a total disaster? Won't there be some benefit to a warmer earth.

I saw an article some months ago in a UK newspaper about the people who would die as a result of an overly hot summer. The estimates were several hundred old or infirm people would die because of the elevated temperature. It then pointed out that several thousand die every winter because of the cold and that, on balance, a warmer UK would save lives. Yay for global warming!

Places that currently cannot grow crops because it is too cold will be able to produce crops with a warmer climate. Yay for global warming!

Al Gore went from rich to super rich. Yay for global warming!

Twenty years ago, the "big scare" was the coming ice age. Personally, I am not panicking about the latest predictions.

The thing is, the weather changes. Climate changes. If it rains, don't crap your pants.
OP made this fail thread as some kind of pathetic attempt to discredit climate change.

too bad for him that if we look at the instrumental temperature record outside of one half year in one state, his tactic only backfires on him.
I'm just stating the facts, ma'am.
If the earth warms, is that a total disaster? Won't there be some benefit to a warmer earth.

I saw an article some months ago in a UK newspaper about the people who would die as a result of an overly hot summer. The estimates were several hundred old or infirm people would die because of the elevated temperature. It then pointed out that several thousand die every winter because of the cold and that, on balance, a warmer UK would save lives. Yay for global warming!

Places that currently cannot grow crops because it is too cold will be able to produce crops with a warmer climate. Yay for global warming!

Al Gore went from rich to super rich. Yay for global warming!

Twenty years ago, the "big scare" was the coming ice age. Personally, I am not panicking about the latest predictions.

The thing is, the weather changes. Climate changes. If it rains, don't crap your pants.

Ruby prospecting under the former Greenland Ice sheet. Out cropping of rubies. Detailed geo maps showing the minearlization zones and then the torment of Ma Nature is making men rich. The rubies were under 2 feet of snow when they got there. Found the outcrop by walk by luck.

I saw a show about these guys that finally found what was in the mineral map. Gold seam with the cap of iron ore. the Ancient mark.

They followed that by foot and it lead over to another fjoord and came it out as a rust, pyrite and gold sand beach.

Yeah, it's Climate Change. :)
So, are eggs good for us or not? Cant remember what the top "insert official title here" said last week.
global warming is deemed a conspiracy by wikipedia so stop with your til foil hats ! the earth is fine

there's no need to take baths instead of showers

there's no reason to walk instead of drive (OTHER THAN HEALTH)

there's no reason to buy green labeled products that are twice the ammount

there's no need to support al gore and bill gates and all these other pin heads who just want more for themselves and less for everybody else .

they want you gone .. your using to much of their non-renewable resources so now you have to tighten your belts is basically the scenario there in.
Also the "consensus" is independently funded?
I would tell you the sky is red to keep from being de-funded and unemployed at telling you the sky is red....and all my similarly funded friends would probably concur to stay employed as well, hell we might even conspire to keep our jobs lest the world find out its beyond our control and we are no longer needed.......

source: Margaret Thatcher
if you think you can burn all the oil that you can suck out of the ground and not have a negitive effect on the planet you are out of your fucking mind.
All that oil was in the atmosphere as co2 before it was oil. If you think you can force all that co2 underground and not have a negative* effect on the planet you are out of your fucking mind.
the lat thread ended with me asking you to cite this and you running away, never to be heard from again. i repeat my request. go ahead and list some of them then. i get a kick out of exposing those quacks for the idiots they are. it's probably just a worldwide conspiracy for research stipends :roll: how were we so dumb about this? i mean, you can't come within 15 points of accurate with simple scientific polling data, but you probably know way better than peer reviewed and publishing climatologists.
You didn't cite your "top climatologists" claim, either. Peer reviewed. Peer reviewed. Peer reviewed. Peer reviewed. Peer reviewed. Peer reviewed=Circle jerk.