Which is the best hydro system for me?


Well-Known Member
Greetings, I'm pretty sure that I'm going to go from soil to hydro for my next grow. What I would like to know is what type I should go for? What I would like is a system that can grow large plants. I like plants in the 3' to 5' range so I'm thinking that might be hard to do with hydro system. Have any of you water guy's used different types of systems, and would recommend a particular type, such as drip, dwc, ebb and flow, dtw, etc? Thank for any or all replies.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I like plants in the 3' to 5' range so I'm thinking that might be hard to do with hydro system.
17.jpg23.jpgThink again ;) (I like this keep them small, about 3.5' by now, certainly not my intention :)).

Have any of you water guy's used different types of systems, and would recommend a particular type, such as drip, dwc, ebb and flow, dtw, etc? Thank for any or all replies.:peace:
I sincerely suggest reading up on the different types, and the many variations used at riu for example, then determine for yourself what you think suits you best. Every type has its advantages and disadvantages and you can get recommendations for any of them.

Happy hydro growing!


Well-Known Member
I think dwc is relatively simple provided you do your homework. What I like is the simplicity of the setup and that there are no chances of springing a leak. Just a bucket and an air pump and you're on your way.


Well-Known Member
Now that's what I am looking for. What is it?
What it is is really irrelevant because you can grow huge plants on any hydro system given there is enough room for roots.

To answer your question nevertheless, it's an DIY aeroflo-clone NFT system with a little bit of low pressure aero-wannabe in it and some unplanned DWC, which I use as a flooded-tube system. Originally inspired by Earl's Space Shuttle, adjusted for my small and low grow closet. Not based in anyway on 'what is best' but on what I figured would suit me best and would be most fun to build and work with. I don't regret my choice, on the contrary, but I cannot recommend it over others either, all I can recommend is doing some reading up on the different types of hydro and see what you think works best for you. Then post your planned setup and get some feedback on it.


Well-Known Member
I agree with both. Dwc is beginner friendly if you do your homework. However I don't suggest doing soil to hydro. Things can get messy and fail easily. Rockwool cubes are a cheap and really easy way to germ seeds. Just get a propagation tray and a humidity dome and you're set! Easy transplant to hydro, virtually no shock ever, and I have 100% success with germing this way.


Well-Known Member
Greetings, I'm pretty sure that I'm going to go from soil to hydro for my next grow. What I would like to know is what type I should go for? What I would like is a system that can grow large plants. I like plants in the 3' to 5' range so I'm thinking that might be hard to do with hydro system. Have any of you water guy's used different types of systems, and would recommend a particular type, such as drip, dwc, ebb and flow, dtw, etc? Thank for any or all replies.:peace:
Depends on several factors:

1) how large of a show u want.

2) usable space and living situation.

3) finincial situation

4) how skilled at electrical, plumming, and carpentry----and the tools and know how.

5) how much help you have

6) some things I haven't thought of yet.



Well-Known Member
Well, I am no veteran, but my last crop was in that exact range. I went with handwatering a peat, vermiculite and perlite ( 1 to 1 ratio) soiless mix (AN nutes) I ended up with plenty to smoke. This time I am going 100% coco coir (canna nutes) and an automated drip feeder system with 3 gallon pots for flowering in. I stayed at 2 gallons last time and I think that is where I got hurt, needed more root mass.

I do not like the way peat can get out of balance after you start using bloom nutes, have to watch the ph pretty close, I had 2 plants take a bit of a cal-mag beating early on. But the growth I had,c ompared to what I am seeing with the coco, made it real easy to change my mind..lol

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
Alaric, I have 4x4 grow area that I put 16 plants now, that could be expanded to 5x4, that I can afford about $ 500, if REALLY needed. I have water, but no drain. I can do all the trades mentioned. No help, and don't want any.


Well-Known Member
Uruzgan Kush and Laotian Thai Mothers in DWC Hydrotron for indoors. Hydrotron is my friend.

I'll grow em in dirt too, for the flavor. Laotian Thai's on the wall. Uruzgan Kush in the planter.

Same under the screens.
That is one nice looking grow. I have to do more research on DWC as your plants look spectacular. I really like the outdoor ones. Peace


Well-Known Member
In your space I would run a constant circulating system------no need for airstones. I like black tuna's cooler and trellis----but i'd be very nervious about plumbing below the drane line with those coolers.

Make sure u have enough access space to reach the canopy----a 1k for a 4x4 space could be very tight for u. If for personal smoke I'd probably run a 600 over a 3'x3' space on a lr3 mover in buckets.

Imo, water culture screams for a place to drain or you're hauling water-----not fun for me.

5g buckets may be your best option here with air stones---just find what works best for u.

Curious as to your reasons to switch to hydro?


Alaric, I have 4x4 grow area that I put 16 plants now, that could be expanded to 5x4, that I can afford about $ 500, if REALLY needed. I have water, but no drain. I can do all the trades mentioned. No help, and don't want any.


Active Member
That is one nice looking grow. I have to do more research on DWC as your plants look spectacular. I really like the outdoor ones. Peace
In my set up I use diffusers connected to a 110 liter per minute pump. Clones get no nutes, Ph'd at 6.1,,,, In Veg, the teens and mothers are never fed over 400 ppm. Flowering I'll pump it up to 650 ppm.

RubberMaid Cloner. DWC. 2" netpots w/RapidRooter plugs (first time I've tried em) Normally I use just the Hydrotron from seed to harvest. I pump massive amounts of air into the coolers and tubs. Water temps in the coolers is always 64f, Cloners runs at 70f.

I've been doing it this way for years and have yet to have a failed crop.

Outdoor is easy compared to the hydro. Plug and play.



Well-Known Member
You heard of waterfarms? By General Hydroponics? You can build your own relatively easily - the hardest part to find is a 3gal bucket (that fits inside the 5gal). And all you need is an air pump to lift water to the drip ring.

Here are some plans!

You can use hydroton as the medium as is usually done in waterfarms, or lava rock, ornamental rock, perlite (if you put a screen on the bottom of the 3gal), any medium really.

Then again if you're doing 16 plants you might want to just buy two of the 8-plant kits, 'cause it's a lot of work otherwise. But you'll save a bunch.


Active Member
^^^Then again if you're doing 16 plants you might want to just buy two of the 8-plant kits, 'cause it's a lot of work otherwise. But you'll save a bunch.

Or to kiss it, just use a 16 unit Tub two diffusers and a single 110 liter per MINUTE Air pump.


It werks fer me.


