alternatives to hydroton for DWC?


Well-Known Member
I too had my issues with Hydroton. I now use a combination of lava rock + ornamental stones as a cap. I found watering from the top down to increase seeds or clones making it. I have 2 threads you might want to look at. Here's a couple pics

The root pic id from my DWC bubbler. Here I am trimming the roots to force more roots to exit the 6" netpot. I started trimming late, which is why you see so much root well below the net bottom. There are 2 plants in this tent, both look great, but I gently trim. The idea is to keep more root above the water line. Each bucket has 2 air stones, pump is 45 lpm, so tons of rich bubbles saturating the air space. It's similar to how high pressure aero works
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Active Member
rockwool in hydro=BAD

I hate rockwool.

Never have had a Hydrotron issue, seed to harvest. This batch I used RapidRooter's in 2" netpots for cloning. Then the 2" netpot gets placed in a
5" netpot and the hydrotron gets poured in. Werks for me.

I hate rockwool:evil:

evil nasty shite.


Active Member
So start your own thread about rockwool? Read the title of this one, it says hydroton.
[h=1]alternatives to hydroton for DWC?[/h]
It's my experience and my stinking opinion that there is no alternative for HYDROTRON.

So theres yer answer.

Kinda thick up in BC, eh?



Well-Known Member
Dont sweat it dude.. the rotten fish likes to appear and make statements like that to rile people up. Check his history. Anybody that tells others to run 6.1-6.5 ph in dwc is not here to help.


Active Member
Yeah I fucked that up too, eh?

It's a bitch deciding which strain to go with when I have so many to choose from. So I pop a few seeds from my seed bank and grow strains that ain't common. When I find a nice girl I clone her and put her into flower. If she does well I make a Mother from the clone. Then I cut more clones. By the time I harvest the original, I'll have 60 to 75 clones for planting or gifting.

Naw, I'm not wasting space, I'm experimenting!
Uruzgan Kush! Ever tried it? Laotian Thai, southern and northern strain? Those I'm growing now. When I decide which strain is best suited to my wants and needs
I'll fill that flower room 4 plants per light scrogged.

And beside all that,

It's nice to have the space to work in,

Just too damn bad I have no clue as to what I'm doing, eh?



Well-Known Member
have you tried just hydration pellets and no rockwool cubes? i do know that a rockwool cube is a 7 always.. so that might be bringing your ph up.. i grow in just the pellets and i have no issue on my ph going haywire,, just a thought..
this thread is about hydroton, not sure who still uses rockwool


Well-Known Member
have you tried just hydration pellets and no rockwool cubes? i do know that a rockwool cube is a 7 always.. so that might be bringing your ph up.. i grow in just the pellets and i have no issue on my ph going haywire,, just a thought..
this is incorrect. rockwool ph varies because of the lime used to make it after rinsing the ph will be stable. never use only hydroton you want to rinse the rockwool to remove the lime and let soak in a solution of 5.5 ph'd water.


Well-Known Member
theres all sorts of things you can use if you don't like hydroton- lava rock, gravel, glass beads, coco chips, rubber mulch... poly used straw successfuly... fwiw i use rockwool, cant stand rr. one of the nice things about rw is you can tell if its too wet just by looking at it.


Well-Known Member
you can if you want idk what the advantage would be other than that their clean tho. the thing i dont like about hydroton is that it's too round. everything shifts too easily and is easy to crush roots thus providing an opening for pyth to get in. lava rock and fairly large gravel are common alternatives. coc chips as well hth