So you would rather see the politicians rule the world instead of the people? It would be cool though if there was a test online government for a state or a small country or some body of people to test it on! I wonder how it would work out for them over time? ~PEACE~
See if you think there is a difference, is why this won't work. I said WE the People will rule this world if WE have our Way.
Politicians are not a master race, nor are they some Beta race.
So, they are not different from People. Not in this Country, iac. Its straw dog argument. You cannot even understand you are making no sense.
We have to have governance. We have to make good and open choices about that and within the Rule of Law. Don't you see we are still fighting about what Law will rule this world? Can we rule ourselves or will religion rule us?
1) Secular elected lawmakers, held to some account. It is a secret accounting among themselves. The elected use makers of Capital Standing but not money, it is how much you can trade away for your vote and still bring home the bacon. Self Rule. It is quite possible if circumstances change to throw out most of the Congress every 2 years. We already have online govt website open and transparent process here and it sucks. It is the vehicle for lies only. It that what you want?
2) Islamist or Hindu or Christian non-secluar rule.
Two choices and only 2 choices. And to me there never was more than 2 choices, because for all human history, crazy woo-woo Shamans have ruled. Finally 2 choices but still we fight.
Now we fight Sharia Gestapo about is self rule to be allowed in this world.
Would you like that?