Michigan Indoor Garden Expo sunday june 2, 12-5pm Suburban Collection expo center

No one saw the new philips light?

Yeh, I stopped and talked to the guy about them, $600.00 for the 900w was a little step I thought, but they are nice and run cooler than any other bulbs out there, I am going to hold off and see how it works in the real world. The company was still brand new but I would buy one in the future...
Does anyone have a link for the Philips light? I'm not having much luck finding anything with google.
Does anyone have a link for the Philips light? I'm not having much luck finding anything with google.

No, I have not been able to find anything either. I know someone that picked up a brochure at the CA expo and said the light
is better then the gavita but, he has not got back to me the details yet.
This got me going. http://www.dnalightingsolutions.com/. 900w cmh. Fuck yeah.

How bout all the whack nutrient companies with the pgr gear. Love those guys. I got there an hour and 15 min in and alot if booths were dry so i dont knkw what was given out, but after seeing the products with clear pgr application and effect descriptions i hope people didnt get this shit as samples. As we were pulling in i saw several people with "humbolt countys own" bags. We walked around that place twice trying to find an hco booth. I wanted to throw shit in the reps face so bad, but i didnt have any luck finding this person. Anybody see the morons reppin 'veg+bloom'? That stuff is clearly just repackaged jacks pro hydro and when called out they flat claimed to have no idea who jr peters or jacks was. This one woman was babbling to me about how they give you 3,4,5 products in a bottle not just 1 like so many companies do. I love how companies stick a pair of tits out there and expect them to know what the fuck theyre talking about. Then when you ask a pointed question about ratios, or anything for that matter, they just buckle. the 'rock' rep told me that the 'rock resinator' is just a 'specific vitamin profile', I had to laugh in his face. Ahh the wonders of the unregulated cannabis industry.....
This got me going. http://www.dnalightingsolutions.com/. 900w cmh. Fuck yeah.

How bout all the whack nutrient companies with the pgr gear. Love those guys. I got there an hour and 15 min in and alot if booths were dry so i dont knkw what was given out, but after seeing the products with clear pgr application and effect descriptions i hope people didnt get this shit as samples. As we were pulling in i saw several people with "humbolt countys own" bags. We walked around that place twice trying to find an hco booth. I wanted to throw shit in the reps face so bad, but i didnt have any luck finding this person. Anybody see the morons reppin 'veg+bloom'? That stuff is clearly just repackaged jacks pro hydro and when called out they flat claimed to have no idea who jr peters or jacks was. This one woman was babbling to me about how they give you 3,4,5 products in a bottle not just 1 like so many companies do. I love how companies stick a pair of tits out there and expect them to know what the fuck theyre talking about. Then when you ask a pointed question about ratios, or anything for that matter, they just buckle. the 'rock' rep told me that the 'rock resinator' is just a 'specific vitamin profile', I had to laugh in his face. Ahh the wonders of the unregulated cannabis industry.....

what did you think about the RAW dry nutes by the mighty wash peeps??
The Platinum Kit is going for $230 on ebay right now, I was thinking in the ballpark of 80% off. Plus i'll toss in a bunch of other freebies if you're serious...
As we were pulling in i saw several people with "humbolt countys own" bags. We walked around that place twice trying to find an hco booth. I wanted to throw shit in the reps face so bad, but i didnt have any luck finding this person
What do you have against HCO?
no, the rhino rub is in a white bottle, correct? that stuff was fakin gross!!!!! actually nasty is the word ill use. the soap looked like a home made type, from a mould, like in the fight club movie. was a root beer color, about 1/2 normal bar size. i got 2 bottles of the RR stuff, supposedly good for washing up after making oil/bho/ect. the rep said good for sanitizing, but IMO, when you use a sanitizer you do NOT need to wipe clean or wash after using. it defeats the purpose of sanitizing when you need to use a towel or wash after using a product. straight 99% iso on my hands/arms is my sanitizer in my grow area.