neo-nazism is alive and well on rollitup

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Well-Known Member
Buck as much as you may pander your wife's tribe will never accept you. You are goyim dude. You are meant to be taken advantage of and never to be taken seriously. Your wife's family tolerates you. I know you work hard to kiss her daddy's ass to try to get them jump you into the gang but it will never happen.

You're lost, you're lonely, you probably have no useable skills but it's ok dude. Have a good cry because it's hard when you don't have an identity. You keep searching little buddy because somewhere out there in the world there is someone who will accept you for who you are......well once you discover who you are.
It's true Uncle Buck.. you should go read the Talmud some day. You're shit not just in our eyes, but in the whole of your wifes family and people as well. You might as well go pull a David Carradine. Be sure to shove an orange in your mouth beforehand so we can have an extra laugh about it later.


Well-Known Member
He can insult plants all he wants... he's still got nothing. My admittedly weak arguments went Richard Ramirez all over his. My rhetoric took his strawmen, raped them to death, cut them up and left them in buckets. I'm still waiting for something with some substance. If all you've got is plant insults, name calling, and banal assertions.... get to walking fuck face.
yeah you totally owned me.

everyone is convinced that you are a white supremacist due to differing hobbies now! :lol:

just keep convincing yourself, because no one else is buying it, skinhead!


Well-Known Member
woah there. i am white. save your spit for those inferior people, homey!

and you are quite mistaken. i actually commented about his rubbish plants last night before deleting the comment, any mod can verify this.

i just got back from a couple chores and saw that yet another white supremacist anti-semite jumped on the bandwagon, so i took the opportunity to comment on his piles of shit he calls plants.

good luck on flowering those little retard plants of yours. angryblackman would laugh at those pieces of shit and offer you some of his supreme harvest out of sympathy for you.
To paraphrase Sunni, don't use Mods as a +1 for your argument.
I'm done with you, you're not worth my time. I hope everyone else will join me in ignoring you again. You've no credibility on this site, so feel free to spread whatever childish bs you want.


Well-Known Member
Buck as much as you may pander to your wife's tribe will never accept you. You are goyim dude. You are meant to be taken advantage of and never to be taken seriously. Your wife's family tolerates you. I know you work hard to kiss her daddy's ass to try to get them to jump you into the gang but it will never happen.

You're lost, you're lonely, you probably have no useable skills but it's ok dude. Have a good cry because it's hard when you don't have an identity. You keep searching little buddy because somewhere out there in the world there is someone who will accept you for who you are......well once you discover who you are.
tell me again about how you were fired for calling people racial slurs!



Well-Known Member
To paraphrase Sunni, don't use Mods as a +1 for your argument.
oh, you poor thing!

you can't handle being wrong, so you want to keep the mods from proving it by verifying my deleted comment is there from last night.

oh well. you can be sad and wrong all you want, facts are facts.

what hobbies do i need to take up to get you to separate from us?


Well-Known Member
Of course. Texans muster out of their careers due to age. cn
Idiocy ,imbecile, moron , apparently none of these are politically correct anymore

In recent decades, the phrases "mental retardation", "mentally retarded", and "retarded" have similarly come to be viewed as derogatory terms and their usage now is considered to be politically incorrect much like the words moron, imbecile, and idiot, formerly used as scientific terms in the early 20th century, also came to be viewed as derogatory.

magical bear is this true or is it retard propaganda
On October 5, 2010, President Barack Obama signed Senate Bill 2781, known as "Rosa's Law", which changed references in many Federal statutes that referred to "mental retardation" to refer instead to
"intellectual disability" so this would seem to be the new PC term .. fascinating


Well-Known Member
Has anyone seen the show Peep Show? I think it is pretty damn hilarious. Here is a clip. I've only found a few other people that like it, but it seems to be one of those that if you do like it... you LOVE it.



Ursus marijanus
Idiocy ,imbecile, moron , apparently none of these are politically correct anymore

In recent decades, the phrases "mental retardation", "mentally retarded", and "retarded" have similarly come to be viewed as derogatory terms and their usage now is considered to be politically incorrect much like the words moron, imbecile, and idiot, formerly used as scientific terms in the early 20th century, also came to be viewed as derogatory.

magical bear is this true or is it retard propaganda
On October 5, 2010, President Barack Obama signed Senate Bill 2781, known as "Rosa's Law", which changed references in many Federal statutes that referred to "mental retardation" to refer instead to
"intellectual disability" so this would seem to be the new PC term .. fascinating
If you want to apply PC newspeak with a trowel, allow me to recommend "differently abled". cn



New Member
Ger Toshav is the term used to describe non-Jewish converts. They are considered "resident aliens" or "righteous gentiles". At no time do they consider them one of the chosen people of David. This flies in the face of the "total acceptance bar none" buck continually preaches.


Well-Known Member
Idiocy ,imbecile, moron , apparently none of these are politically correct anymore

In recent decades, the phrases "mental retardation", "mentally retarded", and "retarded" have similarly come to be viewed as derogatory terms and their usage now is considered to be politically incorrect much like the words moron, imbecile, and idiot, formerly used as scientific terms in the early 20th century, also came to be viewed as derogatory.

magical bear is this true or is it retard propaganda
On October 5, 2010, President Barack Obama signed Senate Bill 2781, known as "Rosa's Law", which changed references in many Federal statutes that referred to "mental retardation" to refer instead to
"intellectual disability" so this would seem to be the new PC term .. fascinating
Did you know that "idiot" used to refer to people with epilepsy? Fun fact.


Active Member
Idiocy ,imbecile, moron , apparently none of these are politically correct anymore

In recent decades, the phrases "mental retardation", "mentally retarded", and "retarded" have similarly come to be viewed as derogatory terms and their usage now is considered to be politically incorrect much like the words moron, imbecile, and idiot, formerly used as scientific terms in the early 20th century, also came to be viewed as derogatory.

magical bear is this true or is it retard propaganda
On October 5, 2010, President Barack Obama signed Senate Bill 2781, known as "Rosa's Law", which changed references in many Federal statutes that referred to "mental retardation" to refer instead to
"intellectual disability" so this would seem to be the new PC term .. fascinating
I prefer "Low Watt Girggler"


Well-Known Member
Ger Toshav is the term used to describe non-Jewish converts. They are considered "resident aliens" or "righteous gentiles". At no time do they consider them one of the chosen people of David. This flies in the face of the "total acceptance bar none" buck continually preaches.
we get it, my wife is jewish, and you're an anti-semite.

no need to beat a dead jew, slappy.


Well-Known Member
Ger Toshav is the term used to describe non-Jewish converts. They are considered "resident aliens" or "righteous gentiles". At no time do they consider them one of the chosen people of David. This flies in the face of the "total acceptance bar none" buck continually preaches.
Also something about boiling goyim in semen or something... I will try to track that quote down and cite it. Just give me a couple of hours to find the book, I've recently moved so they are all boxed up.


New Member
Idiocy ,imbecile, moron , apparently none of these are politically correct anymore

In recent decades, the phrases "mental retardation", "mentally retarded", and "retarded" have similarly come to be viewed as derogatory terms and their usage now is considered to be politically incorrect much like the words moron, imbecile, and idiot, formerly used as scientific terms in the early 20th century, also came to be viewed as derogatory.

magical bear is this true or is it retard propaganda
On October 5, 2010, President Barack Obama signed Senate Bill 2781, known as "Rosa's Law", which changed references in many Federal statutes that referred to "mental retardation" to refer instead to
"intellectual disability" so this would seem to be the new PC term .. fascinating
It's part of a worldwide push to change the term. I think many countries are adopting the stance based on the WHO recommendations...


Well-Known Member
It's part of a worldwide push to change the term. I think many countries are adopting the stance based on the WHO recommendations...
Yeah, pc just keep changing into terms that are more and more vague. It's gotten to the point where people are afraid to say anything even if it isn't negative. I guess medical practitioners and parents are the only ones allowed to use specific terms?
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