Do I add nutes in between feeding?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
I have 3 girls that I just put into flower today. All 3 have just recently started drinking LOTS of water. I'm adding about a gallon a day for each plant. I've been feeding them weekly but haven't had to add nearly as much water. My question is....

Should I be adding nutes to the water in between my normal weekly feedings or should I continue to just use plain water? I'm using RO'd water w/sensigrow/bloom.




Active Member
^ what he said. But the main thing is to forget a schedule or a routine. You want to be able to observe your plants and feed them what they need when they need it. ( i know how the hell do you do that) This will come with time. Start small and work your way up if need be. Try to start feeding every other water to start with a low dose. In general its better to feed your plants a small dose more often than a large dose once a week. Got an NPK of the nutes? Hope that Helps

Edit Are you in soil


Well-Known Member
Why thank you! Sorry I neglected that important aspect, using DWC, where I have to maunally add water and nutes. I change it out weekly with nutes and top off throughout the week with plain ro'd water, ph'd. I'm just a little concerned because of the amount of water they are drinking, I'm not sure if I should be adding nutes throughout the week as well. They are about 3 feet tall and went in flower today. Here's some pics.100_0554.jpg100_0553.jpg100_0552.jpg


Active Member
Ahh i see then i shouldnt advise you as im not the hydro expert. There are plenty others. There is a hydro thread that by looking through might find your answer. Or can post it there if get no help


Well-Known Member
Why thank you! Sorry I neglected that important aspect, using DWC, where I have to maunally add water and nutes. I change it out weekly with nutes and top off throughout the week with plain ro'd water, ph'd. I'm just a little concerned because of the amount of water they are drinking, I'm not sure if I should be adding nutes throughout the week as well. They are about 3 feet tall and went in flower today. Here's some pics.View attachment 2695692View attachment 2695691View attachment 2695690
Feed once a week. keep watering them like you are. The more water they up-take the healthier your plants are.

There is a feeding schedule. Here it is.
Good luck your gonna need it... :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: