Fan leaves


Well-Known Member
^ dont get me wrong if there dead and necrotic and doing no good then yes, take them off. Everything else that is green and healthy leave them on. And your right it seems no can agree on this topic. Even though there is science to back it up. Strange huh. There are to many people advocating pruning of the leaves. There are some that says it helps when done right and at the right times but no one can seem to agree when and how much. I myself have not seen any evidence that this benefits my plants and no one seems to have any. I see way to people that expect there leaves to turn yellow during flowering as well. Why? Do you let any of your other plants leaves turn yellow? vegetables fruit citrus ? NO so why MJ. It this "weed" so special you have to do all these crazy things for it to grow. Too many people say this is a good thing and is whats supposed to happen. NO its not. Most the time is cause these snake oils and cannabis specific nutes have to muck P and K and not enough N to support foliage. I don't get it. Guess it bugs me but what are you gonna do. Try and help those that seem open to listening. Be careful what you read and what you follow on these forums. 75 % is bull shit. Ex : removing fan leaves. Flushing. But there is also a lot of great information on here as well. Hope it helps Good luck
Hey... awesome.. I actually really appreciate fact, and undisputed scientific evidence... you can't argue it... it's science.. it just is... the end... and from that... I'd like to know your thoughts on flushing a plant to improve, and or reduce taste/smell... etc...

I'm TOTALLY and completely green (I know..) at this, and just started a tub grow... I was under the impression that flushing the plant a week before harvest was a way to clean out the roots.

The concurrent water uptake would then assist with getting 'rid' of the extra pent up nutes... thus producing a better smoke?



Active Member
in apple orchards we prune to make best use of the light that the plant receives. we direct the energy into fewer but stronger fruits with larger size and eye appeal. its done with fruit bearing trees and in arboriculture...the care of trees. and its done in landscaping also. I strongly believe in pruning to get the best out of my plants. no matter what i'm growing and i think my opinion is shared by many professionals in the plant business.
Thanks for that interesting. Curious are you pruning single leaves to give fruit more light or just pruning leaves in general and this promotes the enhanced fruit growth? I have never thought about doing this to my citrus trees. I have some trees where the citrus get no light and still produces big juicy grapefruits in this instance. As long as my leaves are healthy. Wondering if this would apply to citrus as though i have never heard this being advocated for citrus trees. Thanks for the comment.


Active Member
my yields vary between plants hugely, i do a fair amount of seed runs with some clones running alongside too
with seeds genetics comes into play much more, the vigor of seeds smashes clones out of the water
once the seeds get into 5 weeks of veg if the genetics permits it, plants can become huge, i have yielded many plants indoor over 1lb
but on the same run have much smaller plants yielding only 2-3 oz
clones can get big too but i tend to flower clones much sooner , although sometimes i do grow them large

some folk say removing leaves can provoke the plant into some kind of overdrive or accelerated growth, this is not something i have tested
it is not something that seems logical to me on the face of it, as these folk strip plants bare when they are tiny, this is completely different to what i do
but maybe there is some logic to it ?, i do recall something called halo, this product claims that it stimulates the plant into a response that it would
normally produce when under attack by infection, bullshit ? lol, anyway
so perhaps it is possible to stress the plant the right way ? to cause faster growth, does the plant have a reserve pool of energy it can use when under attack ?

start of grow for seedlings around 4-5 weeks ago

where i am at now

These are the plants i have at the moment, i wouldnt dream of picking any leaves of those little kush plants
they are only 2ft they make huge leaves that are thick like a rubber plant lol i want to sink my thumbnail into them
they are lovely

the large bush to the right is kush too, but much bigger plants, i have removed a few leaves from it, but not to benefit it, it was blocking the little ones next to it lol
it is growing quite open i have not really removed any leaves, but have removed lower growth it is 5ft tall 4ft wide and 3.5ft deep
it has lots of vigor, i will remove growth from it as it grows, the stringy growth that forms in the middle and lower growth that is not thick and strong
and will be shaded i will remove
Ha that Halo is something else. Seems like another product just being pushed out to the public advertised at the best but who knows ? If i could get a sample for free why not try it ha. Would give it a shot on my vegi garden as well. But like you said Bull shit ha. Snake oils Im sure many have bought it. Just Trying to get your money. I to have noticed and now prefer seeds over clones. After going through runs of each i decided on sticking with seeds all thought the seed genetics vary more than clones but is not to big of a deal. All tough when a good clone comes around ill see what it can do. 1 LB on indoor is impressive. I will get there one day. Havnt hit that mark yet to be honest. Nice looking plants. I to would not touch those beauties. Nice and green what types of foods your using? Im stuck on jacks and dyno right with that kush. Love those fan leaves on the kush's to.


Well-Known Member
Do not remove fan leaves unless they show signs of disease or have turned yellow on their own. This is a process known as senescence wherein the plant reclaims the nutrients needed for flower/fruit production from the leaves. Something missing from these responses is the biology of a leaf. Not only does the leaf provide surface area for the absorption of light but the underside of the leaf is where gas exchange (respiration) takes place that provides the building blocks for plants growth. By removing the large fan leaves you retard the plants ability to capture and produce energy until replacement leaves are grown.,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNGcvosZjFMrG8-sEkxERRpgzWdLfA&ust=1371093181068200

It is a common misconception that plants put on a burst of growth after removing the fan leaves. The plants is merely trying to replace the "generators" that have been removed. Imagine how pissed you would be if every couple of weeks someone from the County came to your home and tore of all of the larger solar panels you had just spent your time and energy installing to make your home more efficient


Active Member
Hey... awesome.. I actually really appreciate fact, and undisputed scientific evidence... you can't argue it... it's science.. it just is... the end... and from that... I'd like to know your thoughts on flushing a plant to improve, and or reduce taste/smell... etc...

I'm TOTALLY and completely green (I know..) at this, and just started a tub grow... I was under the impression that flushing the plant a week before harvest was a way to clean out the roots.

The concurrent water uptake would then assist with getting 'rid' of the extra pent up nutes... thus producing a better smoke?

hey ! I can say your on the right track. Like you said its science. Dont mean to be jacking this thread if thats what im doing? Just suppling the Op with more info i guess but anyway about your question i heard a saying around here and i like it. In short words Flush your toilets not your cannabis plants. I personally will not flush my plants. Reason being is because science again. What happened when you flush is your flushing out all those nutrients right? Well then what does your plant have to feed on those last 2 weeks or week. The plant uses nutrients all the way till harvest. Which means it will needs nutes all the way. Not as much as you have been feeding most likely so can tone it down. But dont flush them all away. N is thought to have a great impact on taste as well so your plant needs it. I bet you not 1 person would be able to tell a properly cured bud that has not been flushed vs a bud that has been flushed. I think this just came from someone feeling guilty about all those nasty "chemicals" they were feeding and this made them feel better. Its not science just believes. Keep those leaves nice and green till harvest And if using organics there is no point anyway as organics or not water soluble and will simply not just flush out of your plants. If you do a search you will see all the debates about this as well. It will go on and on...Good luck Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Been using vitalink max for the last few years now, i was using canna before, overall i prefer the vitalink it is cheaper too lol

The flushing thing , i do not flush my plants, i do not care about the science of it to be honest
can i taste the difference between flushed and non flushed NO
so i do not flush lol , its a waste of time and effot imo
others may feel differently and may say they can taste a difference, i am quite happy for those folk to flush their own plants , i would never tell them not to
i have little interest in their opinion as that is all it is and it is very subjective (taste)



New Member
But if you remove growth, wont it just grow back? So the plant is putting more "energy" into growing back those fan leaves you just pruned.
You are absolutely correct. You are forcing(training) her to move the energy farther up the plant.
When in fact those fan these could have been producing the whole time. I guess by stress i meant more along the lines of holding your plant back from its full potential?
Moving the growth upwards on the plant will not slow or stress anything, happens in nature everyday.
Do you remove growth on any other plant material? Would you remove material if you were outside?
Yes...removing sucker shoots on tomatoes for example produces larger fruit. Outside plant have mother nature to worry about and she can be a real bitch...think about it!
What real benefit does it have.
Over the course of 5 years I have been able to almost double my yield. I use one strain for testing (5 years same mom) and truly believe that proper pruning and removal in an indoor environment will only benefit you and your grow.


Active Member
Thanks for your input. I was following you till the part about removing the suckers on tomatoes. This is another one of those damn topics no one can agree on. I grow tomatoes as well as other vegetables and citrus. I would never take those suckers off my plants but thats just me. And thousands of other growers. Just like i don't remove anything from my citrus. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference in my citrus produce. This meaning those citrus that dont get any light what so ever and and completely covered ( with leaves )compared to those in open light. Guess im getting off track. The whole tomato pruning suckers threw me for a curveball as where i live we have tomato fields everywhere and never heard of this being advocated. Thanks for the input. Ill keep em on. What ever keeps you happy. All that matters


Active Member
Been using vitalink max for the last few years now, i was using canna before, overall i prefer the vitalink it is cheaper too lol

The flushing thing , i do not flush my plants, i do not care about the science of it to be honest
can i taste the difference between flushed and non flushed NO
so i do not flush lol , its a waste of time and effot imo
others may feel differently and may say they can taste a difference, i am quite happy for those folk to flush their own plants , i would never tell them not to
i have little interest in their opinion as that is all it is and it is very subjective (taste)

Interesting Ive been hearing more of those nutes lately.Must be pretty good. See your over in london so are those a hit over there like that site says? I loved how i didnt see cannabis any where on there either ha. At least i dont think so. Anyway thanks for the info!


Hey man just curious because I'm a fellow CFL dude, how in the name of fuzzy nipples did you mount all those bulbs? I'm going to have to step up my light game in a little bit and looking for ideas. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
hey ! I can say your on the right track. Like you said its science. Dont mean to be jacking this thread if thats what im doing? Just suppling the Op with more info i guess but anyway about your question i heard a saying around here and i like it. In short words Flush your toilets not your cannabis plants. I personally will not flush my plants. Reason being is because science again. What happened when you flush is your flushing out all those nutrients right? Well then what does your plant have to feed on those last 2 weeks or week. The plant uses nutrients all the way till harvest. Which means it will needs nutes all the way. Not as much as you have been feeding most likely so can tone it down. But dont flush them all away. N is thought to have a great impact on taste as well so your plant needs it. I bet you not 1 person would be able to tell a properly cured bud that has not been flushed vs a bud that has been flushed. I think this just came from someone feeling guilty about all those nasty "chemicals" they were feeding and this made them feel better. Its not science just believes. Keep those leaves nice and green till harvest And if using organics there is no point anyway as organics or not water soluble and will simply not just flush out of your plants. If you do a search you will see all the debates about this as well. It will go on and on...Good luck Hope that helps.
Interesting view point... thanks buddy.. I appreciate that..


Well-Known Member
I am happy with the results it produces, and its cheaper than canna, i have been using it for about 5 years or so
it's popular in the uk, but not as popular as canna

also i find plants can be grown from seed to maturity on the vitalink flowering food alone, same with canna although with canna i did sometimes see a slight yellowing still quite rare before budding kicked in
i have not seen any yellowing with vitalink, only a little natural yellowing of fan leaves towards the end of the flower period on some plants
this saves a nice bit of money

do you think the phosphite helps much ? rather than phosphate
i also find vita link does not need any PH adjustments or measurements , all micros are supplied in chelated form apart from cobalt molybdenum and nickel
