Well-Known Member
Nice. Damn, my day to day electric use (non grow) is more than 93 a month. And really, I live pretty simple in a smaller house.Who said i veg with a 1000 i have a 400 watt mh...also my electricty bill last month running 1000 watt 12/12 and 400 18/6 pluss the fans and my electricity i use on a daily baises my bill was 93$ this month...my electric tops at 7cents a kwatt...cheapest electric around
I think what we were getting at was that gpw doesn't mean much as far as efficiency goes.
Sounds like you are producing some nice crops though, regardless of efficiency. Nice work.
I'de be careful about how hard you pound the nutes. The way plants work... when nutrition needs are met the remaining nutrients are not only unused but can cause you problems. :More is better" is not the case with nutrients and plants.
Sounds like you're doing well for just a few crops of experience. Nice work.
If you are comfortable with your setup and methods, acquiring great genetics is a good project to get in to.
Assuming all needs are met by the grower, genetics are the only limitation. With my heavier yielding plants I can hit .85 gpw with minimal effort (training) and minimal veg under T8s... Enough plants to fill 1800 watts (3.4 lbs) veg'd under 80 watts for 35 days.
I like the skunk like growth. Productive branching, fast growing, nicely spaced branches packed with buds. No need to fuck with training. They just fill out the space right.
Anyway... it's all about the genetics is what I am getting at. You can spend years going through packs and getting yourself a nice little stable of mothers... I spent about 5 years on my current group of mums. The growth traits you want vary by your setup, style, taste, etc.
You'll quickly get an idea of what you want and see that the entire MJ genetic pool is not really all that large.
Blah blah, take it easy.