My massive yield...3 gallon pots

Haaaha....bump him. Anyway...haven't weighed it cuz they are still growing...cutting this weekend. Entire fox farms line minus the flushing shit. Full strength. Barney's berry berry.


Well-Known Member
few nice colas on them, how tall are they? , they look pretty slender column shape with only a few branches
so the overall yield will not be huge, still nice plants though



Well-Known Member
u could have got soooo much more topping and training and super cropping.... I do that even with 1000 waters and outdoor grows... for sure under some 600s


Well-Known Member
look like some nice buds! next time work on a little canopy control and you could get even more! topping or LSTing with a shorter veg time and more plants will get you a better yield... looks good though! jealous of your grow room.!
look like some nice buds! next time work on a little canopy control and you could get even more! topping or LSTing with a shorter veg time and more plants will get you a better yield... looks good though! jealous of your grow room.!
Thx sir..I'm only on my 5th grow so I'm just getting the hang of run yet for me by double. Had them in a tent and they weren't becoming the divas they could be. I released them from their cell and they exploded.....