Who was/is a better president, Bush or Obama?


New Member
Bush: 9/11, Iraq, Patriot Act, economy, election scandal, Obama: killed Bin Ladin, hardly liberal, likes weed, qualified. Bush made this country an embarrassment when I would travel. I think Doer would be better than both.
When it's burgertime do you thank Ronald? POTUS was originally in favour of an airstrike, he finally came around to a ground assault after his advisors informed him an airstrike will make it hard, if not impossible to recover and identify his body. IMO the other reason he went with the ground assault was to lay blame if things turned to shit. He could essentially lay it at the door of the agency. Obama is no fan of the military or CIA, but happily used them to advance his re-election ambition... The Weinstein Company, Bigelow and Boal essentially made that a reality.

The red team guys aren't the only ones to thank, the agent and foreign assets risking their arses, the analysts compiling and collating the all-source reports, the support and logistics people, the drone operators and helo pilots (especially the crew from the downed bird, awesome flying on their part - no injury or fatalities), the ISA/SAD guys that monitored the ground situation, the seal and pj QRF/IRF, their interpreter and cairo the military working dog...



Well-Known Member
When it's burgertime do you thank Ronald? POTUS was originally in favour of an airstrike, he finally came around to a ground assault after his advisors informed him an airstrike will make it hard, if not impossible to recover and identify his body. IMO the other reason he went with the ground assault was to lay blame if things turned to shit. He could essentially lay it at the door of the agency. Obama is no fan of the military or CIA, but happily used them to advance his re-election ambition... The Weinstein Company, Bigelow and Boal essentially made that a reality.

The red team guys aren't the only ones to thank, the agent and foreign assets risking their arses, the analysts compiling and collating the all-source reports, the support and logistics people, the drone operators and helo pilots (especially the crew from the downed bird, awesome flying on their part - no injury or fatalities), the ISA/SAD guys that monitored the ground situation, the seal and pj QRF/IRF, their interpreter and cairo the military working dog...
do you seriously believe that story? I liked the part where we buried him at sea out of respect for Muslims


New Member
do you seriously believe that story? I liked the part where we buried him at sea out of respect for Muslims
HE WAS KILLED. No capture mission. The white house story is mainly a farce, complete fairy-tale in regards to the details, the only part of their story they got right was that he's dead.

No burial at sea, he was flown back from Afghanistan to Washington, on one the original C130 from the failed eagle claw mission. His body went onto Quantico, from there who knows...

IMO they knew where he was for years, he'd just run his course in the usefulness department...


Well-Known Member
The white house story is mainly a farce, complete fairy-tale in regards to the details, the only part of their story they got right was that he's dead.
What can we believe from the white house or our governments?

Christ loves you!


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Obama or Bush ? Hmmm, shit sandwich or turd salad? Hmmm.

A friend once said the worst President ever, is the one presently in power, since that person combines all the stolen power of the past dipshits.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
In my opinion BarryO is a lying peice of shit.....So I will go with bush as a far better president....BarryO and the people around him are all liers and pieces of shit....I cant think of a group of people that have lied as much as this piece of shit that is in the white house...and I have been around for a while...


Well-Known Member
Well, I thought Obama was not asshole enough for the job, the Deniers thought the Bush men were wimps.

Now, with Clinton, we all saw....There is a true blood, American asshole and a perfect President. I think the same for Nixon.

No wimps for President.....Mitt.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion BarryO is a lying peice of shit.....So I will go with bush as a far better president....BarryO and the people around him are all liers and pieces of shit....I cant think of a group of people that have lied as much as this piece of shit that is in the white house...and I have been around for a while...
did obama ever tell a lie that cost 5000 american lives, 100k iraqi lives, trillions of dollars, and tens of thousands of injured americans?

perspective there, nancy. deep breath, calm down.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
did obama ever tell a lie that cost 5000 american lives, 100k iraqi lives, trillions of dollars, and tens of thousands of injured americans?

perspective there, nancy. deep breath, calm down.
Hey Buck...

I don't like americans being killed anywhere....But mostly I don't like a lying car salesmen , penny stock scamming type person in the white house....this guy is a mouth piece for collage kids.....He needs to start talking to the grown up people, but he has lied to much now...You would have to be pretty stupid to believe a word that comes out of his mouth at this point...IMO

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
did obama ever tell a lie that cost 5000 american lives, 100k iraqi lives, trillions of dollars, and tens of thousands of injured americans?

perspective there, nancy. deep breath, calm down.

Yes it was called the stimulus package - and this president has spent more than all other presidents combined.


Well-Known Member
bush or bama, none of the above. we need a guy in there who if he is going to right a check to the Treasury he might as well not trust them to do anything good with it, considering the debt we are in because of them. he needs to be a guy who's takes that money from his pay cut and spend it on government programs he believe in. enough people give him money when he campaings, so why not use every dollar for the american people. they say they want to builld america then do it with the money paid during your "vote for me" times.


Well-Known Member
i honestly thought it might have been some kind of aborted egg turned to shit. with chickens, it all come out of the same hole.

i figured out last year white dog shit is from too much calcium.

i've never managed to take a white or snowcapped shit personally.

and bush sucked way worse. he has the blood of nearly 5000 americans on his hands from the iraq war. we did not need to go there, and never should have. we also tend to forget the damage done to those who survived those wars: missing limbs, PTSD, and everything else. just a horrible waste of life.

nothing obama has fucked up can compare that.

enough said.
From a physiologic perspective, white shit in humans is absence of billirubin (gives your poo brown/yellow color), which can be indicative of liver issues.


Well-Known Member
and bush sucked way worse. he has the blood of nearly 5000 americans on his hands from the iraq war. we did not need to go there, and never should have. we also tend to forget the damage done to those who survived those wars: missing limbs, PTSD, and everything else. just a horrible waste of life.

nothing obama has fucked up can compare that.

enough said.
No, not nearly enough is ever said. I have to say, you are acting like you just work up at oh, I don't know....25 years, and found out the stories are true. War does exist and the only word is HELL.

Good going. Now go read Pressfield about the Pelepenisian Wars 400 bc. (or so, who is counting?) In fact read all of Pressfield. All of it, including Bagger Vance. Us golfers cannot be content with just that movie.

WAR. Son, there have been generation untold until these last few, that young men jumped at the chance for war. No one had to say it twice. Not good. Now we are getting somewhere finally. War = bad.

But, the DEMS want to say, this is our Just War, but that was the Bush fuck up.

What about the Kennedy fuck ups 50, 000 dead and 100ks maimed? It took Nixon to get us out, but you hate him.

Truman got us in to Korea, a DEM, General E, brought us out, a PUB. That is the pattern. War is DEMS in PUBs out.

What is weird about this is PUBS went in to Iraq in a very ham fisted way. That is totally unlike the DEMS who like to run it up with insurgency and flood the country with weapons for some reason. Carter DEM, for Afgan. And now Obama in Libya and Syria.

So all partisans, right now, go to the mirror and slap your face really, really hard.

Say, I am an American, Fuck Yeah!

So, it is shrill and partisan as we have already established.