Lurking for a while, me and my soon to be setup

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
Right so, where to start, i'm new here been planning a grow for a few months now and just recently got the cab i'll be converting and thought it's about time for me to stop lurking and make a post.So pretty much i'll be doing a 2-4 plant stealth cab grow with cfls the cab I have is 75H,50W,45D that's in cm as i'm a Brit and i'll be going for 250w 50/50 blue/red for the start and if i need more ill add later. I have my seeds and will probably start with 2 blue cheese and see how that goes. I'm as of now a complete noob but I pick things up quickly and have done a lot of research so i'm not worried about fucking things up (to an extent) but this needs to be of the utmost concealment and stealth as I live with family and am surrounded by nosy people, this means only working at night or when the house is empty.

My main worries are smell so i'll be using a passive intake and carbon filtered exhaust maybe a ONA block and some ozone spray for after the cab has been opened. Any help is greatly appreciated and any questions feel free to ask I will post pics of the box but right now there's not much to look at(just a box) and i'm planning to scrog/lst or both.



Active Member
Good luck dude. Get some pics up asap even with the box as is... You'll find the help on here is incredible, it could get you to considering new ways of using the space you already have. Anyway, I'm subbed, and will keep tabs on this thread.


Active Member
Awesome. Loads of room to play with there. In my experience it'll be well worth putting your lighting and wiring plans out to RUI before you go diy on that cab. You'll no doubt get some great ideas about how to get everything up n runnin.

One small request tho, can you rotate the pics before uploading. My weed addled brain can't handle sideways shots. :P

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
Yeah ill rotate them next time. the shelf in the cab can be put to three diff heights so that'll be useful, plus the shelf sits on pins which go into pre drilled holes which I can use for other attachments if i need to. all in all I think I hit the jackpot with the cab itself it's exactly what i need and fits in my room nicely also it has a lock with a indicator which switches red to green that i changed so its red when its open and green when its locked so when I'm stoned and i'm working on my plants i don't space out and forget to lock it.


Well-Known Member
When do you plan on starting your grow? I'm also growing blue cheese (probaly going to germinate this week)

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
I'm hoping to get the box done in less than three weeks depends on how much free time i have, as for the grow maybe as soon as the box is done might have to leave it awhile hopefully not. but i may change the blue cheese out for a auto as i would like some of the bud for my birthday as a little present to myself but if the timing is right i'll stick with the blue cheese as it's just so freaking brilliant. good luck with the germin as well.

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
any ideas for odor control with a 120mm pc fan? ive got some supplies on the way, lights, reflective sheeting, aluminium tape, ez rollers,some coco, smart pots and tools to cut holes n'shit


Well-Known Member
For your fan you can do what I did, get two duct flanges cut em up and screw em to your fan

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
you reckon i could squeeze a filter in there? i might just buy one, at least i'll know it works. I've only got a 120mm fan which does 54cfm and a good scrubber is very important to the stealthiness of this cabinet and i'm not sure how long carbon sheets would last, then again I won't really need much odor control for the first month(ish) of the plants life. Cheers for the idea though if I go with buying one that'll help attach it

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
cheers gonzo :D im so clueless as to how this is going to go undiscovered but it will, because this has to work. As for more progress ive gotten quiet far in the past hours, even rehydrated some coco cause i got bored. Oh and germinating two seeds now-blue cheese-love that stuff20130613_182845.jpg20130613_190750.jpg20130613_193253.jpg20130613_212335.jpg



cheers gonzo :D im so clueless as to how this is going to go undiscovered but it will, because this has to work. As for more progress ive gotten quiet far in the past hours, even rehydrated some coco cause i got bored. Oh and germinating two seeds now-blue cheese-love that stuffView attachment 2698027View attachment 2698028

I would use a spray adhesive to put that on and avoid the foil tape. You'll get really a really smooth surface and will look a lot cleaner. Maybe try it on the shelves? I used super 77 on the side panels in my pc for the adhesive.

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
I would use a spray adhesive to put that on and avoid the foil tape. You'll get really a really smooth surface and will look a lot cleaner. Maybe try it on the shelves? I used super 77 on the side panels in my pc for the adhesive.
that would of been a much better idea, alas I'm far to lazy to re do it now, I started off with it neat and shit but it was so tedious that I just got it done as fast as I could. At some point i'll redo it all neat lookin but for now it'll do