Plants like people


Well-Known Member
This thread for the new growers
Before you grow you must believe that the plants like people
they feel hungry , thirsty , sick and they need nice atmosphere to enjoy life
people and plants like nice weather not over 78 or less than 65
people and plants like nice food
babies drink milk clones 250 ppm
teens love burgers 2 weeks plants 550 ppm
people like to shower plants hate spider mite so spray them
people take vitamins so add to your water cal mag once a while super thrive as directed
people change clothes so take away the succor leafs once a week and all the yellow and bad leafs


Well-Known Member
And people fuck up weeds right and can either cook or stay out of the kitchen.


Active Member
*Plants like smart people. :) Im sorry but a plant is much happier outside, getting water when it rains and getting the nutrients naturally from the soil then inside with some new grower giving them to many chemical nutes and over-watering.


Active Member
Plants can be fat kunts or skinny kunts...
Plants can sometime eat like a motherfucker or not be too hungry but keep in mind...MotherFuckers DO GOTTA EAT!!


Well-Known Member
This thread is beyond stupid. Plants are not like people. Sure we may share a couple characteristics, but..
plants are males and females so people
plants breath so people
plants get sick so people
plants produce so people
plants eat so people
plants do not insult like you and that's the only difference


Active Member
You weird boy! Plants are nothing like people.. They dont talk, walk, drive, build, get high, work, party.. They get grown n they deal with it! They dont hav choices like humans.. We dont use photosynthesis to stay alive!! GL in life if you think your like a plant :D


Active Member
I get where you are coming from op. At the end of the day we all came from the same thing and live on the same planet so naturally we will share a lot of characteristics.


Well-Known Member
I want to know why he's removing leaves every week.
each plant has fan , succor and sugar leafs
So to help the buds and the plant grow bigger
i only remove the succor leaves to save the plant sugar to the buds and the sugar leafs


Well-Known Member
You weird boy! Plants are nothing like people.. They dont talk, walk, drive, build, get high, work, party.. They get grown n they deal with it! They dont hav choices like humans.. We dont use photosynthesis to stay alive!! GL in life if you think your like a plant :D
if you understood the thread like that i do not think you are an idiot i assure you you are an idiot and should not discuss marijuana plants


Well-Known Member
man if you do not understand this thread go to the bathroom and flush yourself
How many times are you going to quote me boy? Your thread doesn't make any sense! "Plants like people" are you serious?? Why don't you just let this dumb ass thread die instead of quoting me twice.