Losing one of the girls! Help! Any advice?


Well-Known Member
I left town for 5 days and left the girls under 12/12. When I checked on them Tuesday morning, I discovered my oscillating fan had gotten stuck and one plant took the brunt of the wind. It was bent over and laying on its side but appeared to be alive, if not a little thirsty. I watered them all and added a little soil to the bent one and tried to prop it up. Yesterday and this morning it looked awful and now I think it's dying. It looks very wilted and lifeless. I transplanted to new soil this morning but I didn't wash the roots out, so it's mostly the same soil (I know, I know but I didn't have time this a.m.). I still have 4 left but I still don't know their sex, so I don't want to lose any until then.

They have been flowering now for 5 days and I still can't definitively determine sex. Is that normal?


Active Member
i think your plants pretty much dead, if your plants are flowering, i would seperate them all if you cant determine sex, if you have a male and female together, you are going to have shitty weed, with seeds and shit in it, but, thats up to you.

may there always be a nug in your bowl


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I am resigned to the fact that I lost another one. :-(

I am watching the plants closely. Males won't have pollen for several days after the flowers show, so I think I'm ok there. My question is if it's unusual after 7 days in 12/12 not to be able to definitively tell if it's a male or female. I don't see any clear cut signs yet.


Well-Known Member
Iss, it's my first attempt and it's some bag seeds from a indica heavy batch we smoked. I can clearly identify 4 (3 now) of the 5 plants as indica heavy strains and the 5th is clealy sativa heavy with the finger-like leaves, taller and thinner stalk, and not as fragrant. The 4 (now 3) have a very strong skunky aroma.


Well-Known Member
Im sure you'll be able to tell the sex soon, just give it time and keep a close eye on them... Sounds a lot like what im growing too. I love the smell :D


Well-Known Member
Man, I don't know if this happens to you but I will be out somewhere and I'll see a piece of furniture or a light fixture and I'll think "man, that would be perfect to grow weed with". LOL.


Well-Known Member
Always!!! I need more light... Getting light under the canopy on these plants is hard to do.


Well-Known Member
They have been flowering now for 5 days and I still can't definitively determine sex. Is that normal?
Man, our plants are around in the same flowering period. Yesterday began the 4th day of flowering, and that was the first day that I could determine sex for 1 of the plants. Of course it was a fucking male!! So out he went. If you can't determine them, then maybe they are all female!! The males usually show their sex first, followed by the females a little later. I hope this is true for you!! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Pauli, that makes me feel a little better. I've come a long way and I'm anxious to narrow my attention just on those that are female. 5 plants is too many for my space but I won't intentionally get rid of any until I know the sex. We have tomorrow off for Good Friday, so I am going to spend some quality time with my girls tomorrow. LOL. Hopefully I will have good news to report.